Something Beautiful and Wicked



Wu Genji went back to her apartment, shaken by what Yuan Ning said to her: telling half-truths and lies. She was afraid of him, and not in the sheer terror type of way. She was afraid of his impact, of his ability to catch onto the subtlest things because he was beginning to know and understand her better, and she couldn't afford that.     

There were parts of her she had to keep hidden, protected, so that she may have a chance with her nephew, the only family that counts.      

Wu Genji took a bottle from her cabinet and took a swig of the drink in her mouth. With the ways things were going, she was also beginning to think that her nephew may be a lot safer and happier without her--far away if he no longer had any involvement or ties with the Wu family. She'd then have to break the promise she made to her sister, but it looked as if it was the best outcome, even if it'd shatter her heart to do it.      


Hunan Province:      

Shi Ailin and Luo Wanting ended up staying at Nianzu's residence for a few more days to refresh, relax, and to recover what they've lost. The car was towed, but Luo Wanting went to pick it up with Nianzu, paying the fees. He also had to replace the keys they've lost.      

Shi Ailin received a phone call while they were away when she received some troubling news. She went to find Luo Wanting, who returned and worked on the yard again in exchange for Nianzu letting them stay. He then noticed from the corner of his eye that Shi Ailin was walking toward him.      

"Wanting," Shi Ailin said breathlessly as if she ran.      

"What is it?" he asked.      

"We should go. We should leave."     


"Yenni. She told us they're looking for us!"     


"I'm not sure," she said. "All she could tell us was the Dark Forces are aware that the Scorpion Prince was gone, and they're going to sweep us out one by one."     

"And what of my father?"     

"He's aware," she told him. "Luo Tian will protect him, but it's you with the power, isn't it? Your father has been out of commission this entire time, and you have been covering for him, haven't you? You're the king disguised as a prince."      

Luo Wanting's jaw tightened. "I—yes, but Ai—"     

"Don't worry," she replied. "I understand why you didn't want to tell me. It's not something you want to flaunt exactly."     

"No," he said, and he didn't want to scare her away. "I didn't want the role in the first place, but my father isn't himself. I think he has given up in a way. Over it. If others had known that, my family would have been vulnerable and killed."      

"I understand," She assured him. "We still have to go. If they track us here, it would be bad for Nianzu and her family. Something horrible could happen to them—to us all."      

Luo Wanting nodded. They hastily went inside the house, and Nianzu was in the kitchen as they walked past. "What's wrong?" she asked, catching their worried expressions.      

Shi Ailin bit her lower lip. She was beginning to learn more about Nianzu, and the woman had told stories of her parents from years ago, and none of them were as dreary as she imagined. Though she knew they missed her terribly, her parents were still happy and adamant in protecting her and Shi Yen.      

"We have to go," was all Shi Ailin said.      

Nianzu's lips parted. She gave a slow nod and said, "I understand." And she did.      

She called her grandson over and said to him, "Can you go over to the neighbours and tell them we're going to have unexpected visitors? Stay with their children until I come back to get you."     

The boy nodded and left in haste as if he knew exactly what to do.      

"This is not the first time this happened in my home," Nianzu told them. "My husband had ties with the Dark Forces and the Black Society. He was always on the in-between. Though he had a powerful influence, he also had many enemies on both sides."      

"In-between?" Shi Ailin questioned. "How's that possible?" She then recalled what Luo Wanting had mentioned once: all the societies are connected, but there are some points—people—that are intertwined with both.      

"Don't worry," Nianzu assured her. "I will handle it. You two must go," her voice grew anxious.      

"Where should we go?" Shi Ailin asked her.      

Nianzu grabbed both of her hands, her fingers wrapped tight around them. "Head to Jujing Village, past Nanchang in Jiangxi. Look for someone called 'The Rat', and they will help. That's where they were headed."      

"Why we're they headed there?"      

"There's no time to explain," Nianzu said, urging them to go.      

"Can we get a name?"      

"I don't know it," she said. "It's an alias."      

Shi Ailin looked at her anxiously, as she stepped toward the car, Luo Wanting trailing by their side. When she reached the car, she whirled around to face Nianzu. "Are you going to be okay?"      

Nianzu nodded. "Yes, my dear. This isn't the first time I've dealt with stuff like this," she said breathlessly. Shi Ailin felt a bit emotional. She didn't expect her to get attached to this selfless woman.      

"I will come back."      

Nianzu only smiled. "Tell your parents, I say hello."      

Shi Ailin didn't even know if they were alive. "You can tell them that yourself when we come back to visit one day."      

Tears welled into Nianzu's eyes. "You really have your mother's heart," Nianzu said. "It's a good thing, Ailin."      

Shi Ailin embraced the older woman in her arms. She hugged tight and said, "Thank you."      

Luo Wanting also hugged Nianzu, muttering his thanks, and they both hopped into the car.      

"I will hold them back as long as I can," Nianzu told them. "Go and find them! Yan and Chyou are the most powerful people I've ever known."      

'Powerful?' Shi Ailin thought. When she thought of power, she immediately thought of Shi Yen and Yuan Shun, together. But Shi Yen learned and inherited that power from a predecessor, someone who had been more powerful than her. Shi Ailin then felt a glimmer of hope then that they might find them.      

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