I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

It was Nao Nao.     


"Nao Nao!!!" Daiyu called.     

Nao Nao immediately ran towards her and began showering her with kisses. She giggled.     

"Good boy." She said as she kissed his forehead.     

Zhihao let out a huge sigh of relief.     

"Nao Nao, can you go and find Jin-gege for me?"     


"Huh? He can do that?" Zhihao raised a brow.     

"I don't know. But Nao Nao is smart. I bet he could."     

"No waaaaay." He doubted.     

However, Nao Nao immediately ran into the woods and vanished.     

Zhihao paused.     

"Can he really do it?!"     

"If he does, let's give him a whole bag of treats." Daiyu replied and Zhihao nodded.     


Nao Nao ran and ran, looking for Liu Jin's scent. When he heard sounds nearby, he immediately ran towards it.     


"Nao Nao!" Liu Jin chuckled as Nao Nao tackled him to the ground.     

"Good boy!" He said as he ruffled his head.     

"Woof woof!"     

"You know where Xiao Yu is?"     


"Okay buddy. Lead me to her."     

Nao Nao turned to face Bob as he wagged his tail.     

"Good boy." Bob petted him.     

Nao Nao turned around, satisfied. He then began leading them towards Daiyu.     


As Daiyu and Zhihao waited for Nao Nao to come back, they sat in silence, quietly listening to the sounds of the forest. While the moon hid behind the clouds, enveloping them in darkness, the cool breeze calmed them down.     

"Let me see your foot." Zhihao said as he gently held her leg.     

Daiyu nodded and extended her foot so that he could see it better.     

"Ah. I think you dislocated it."     


"Yeah see –     


"Hold on let me put it back in –     

"It hurts!"     

"I haven't even put it back in yet!"     

"It hurts! Let go!"     

"Calm down! Relax… Breath in… breath out…"     

"It hurts, hurry."     

Meanwhile, Bob and Liu Jin heard their voices from afar. A vein started throbbing on Liu Jin's head.     

"Ouch! Please, hurry. Put it in."     

"Okay. Relax…"     

Liu Jin clenched his fists and hurried his steps.     

"Okay, one… two… three!"     


"It's in!!!"     

"WHAT'S IN?!" Liu Jin interrupted them, surprising Zhihao.     

In his shock, Zhihao slipped and fell on top of Daiyu, his face buried in her abundant chest. Realizing the awkward situation he was in, he immediately got up.     

"Wait! I can explain!!!"     

"Jin! Zhihao-gege held my boobs!"     

"HE WHAT?!"     


"IT'S TRUE?!"     

"YES, I MEAN NO!!! I MEAN –     

Bob sighed and watched as Zhihao dug himself a very deep grave.     


On the way back, Liu Jin carried Daiyu on his back while Bob carried Zhihao who was jabbed in the nut by Liu Jin.     

"My classroom full of children…" He groaned, the pain in his groin still throbbing.     

"Hmp!" Liu Jin huffed and looked away, not regretting his actions one bit.     

"Jin… my foot still hurts…" Daiyu bit her lip.     

"It's okay babe. I'll massage it for you later." He said as he tried to coax her.     

"How bout my nut?! My nut still hurts! Will you massage it too?!"     

"Yeah sure! Come here! I'll massage them thoroughly!!!"     

Bob sighed as he listened to the two immature idiots bicker back and forth.     

Soon, they arrived back at the hotel. Bob narrated the entire incident to Ying Yue and Zhichen who couldn't help but laugh.     

"It's not funny!!!" Zhihao complained and Ying Yue laughed even harder.     

The next day, the hotel staff enthusiastically asked them who won the test of courage.     

"Zhihao did." Bob, Ying Yue, and Zhichen replied in unison.     

"Huh? Why me?" Zhihao asked.     

'Cause you were brave enough to touch Daiyu's boobs…' They thought in secret.     


After their family trip ended, the twins celebrated their birthday. They were turning nine this year and they insisted that they wanted to go to the amusement park.     

After the whole failed kidnapping incident when the trio were younger, the three families had been avoiding the place. But since the twins had no idea of that event, they couldn't understand why they couldn't go.     

"It's fine mom. Let's all go together." Liu Jin helped them persuade Nana.     


"It's alright. Let's have everyone else join us to help watch over them too."     

Nana sighed.     


"Yaaaay!!!" The twins jumped for joy.     

As such, the families reunited for a summer trip to the amusement park.     


At the park, Mingli held Daiyu's hand while Meili held Liu Jin's.     

"Jin-gege, I want that!" Meili pointed towards a large unicorn stuffed toy.     

"Alright." Liu Jin nodded and proceeded towards the booth.     

It was a shooting game and of course, he aced it. He soon returned with the prize.     

Meili smiled happily as she hugged the toy while Mingli watched.     

"Daiyu-jiejie, do you want that too?" He asked.     

"Mmm… will you get it for me?"     

He nodded and she giggled.     


Mingli's face brightened up with excitement and he immediately proceeded towards the booth to try. However, he wasn't as skilled as Liu Jin and he could only win a small yellow chick as a prize. He frowned.     

He walked over to Daiyu with his head lowered and handed over the prize with shame.     

"Thank you, Mingli!" Daiyu took the toy and gently kissed his cheek.     

"Sorry, Daiyu-jiejie…"     

Daiyu smiled and gently stroked his hair.     

"Why are you sorry?"     

"I couldn't get you the big one…"     

"I don't mind. What's important is that you've worked hard for it."     

"But Jin-gege was able to get a big one for Meili!" He said, his brows furrowed.     

"That's because your Jin-gege is a shooting junkie." Zhihao interrupted.     

"He spent years honing his skill with training just to show off to your Daiyu-jiejie." He added and Daiyu laughed.     

Mingli pouted. Will he become just as good if he trained too?     

For the rest of the trip, Mingli continued watching Liu Jin and tried copying everything he did. However, he couldn't best his brother at all.     

He had always looked up to Liu Jin and even proudly bragged that he had a very cool big brother. But today, a part of him hated that he was too cool. He couldn't even show off to his Daiyu-jiejie! He frowned.     

Just then, Liu Jin turned around to face them.     

"Are you alright?" He asked Daiyu.     

"Mmm." She nodded.     

Liu Jin then bent down, signaling Daiyu to climb onto his back. She smiled and got on, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.     

"You can try to lie but I know your legs would hurt by now." He said and she giggled.     

"You know me too well!"     

"Of course. I've been watching you for so long."     

She smiled and kissed his cheek.     

Mingli watched. His eyes filling with sadness.     

"What's wrong?" Meili asked as she held his little hand.     

Mingli lowered his head.     

He was too busy trying to get his Daiyu-jiejie's attention that he wasn't paying attention to her at all. He didn't even know that she was already hurting. He bit his lip and sniffed. Maybe that's why his Jin-gege was better.     

"Jin-gege is so cool." He said.     

Meili watched him and nodded.     

"But Jin-gege wasn't always cool!"     

"R-really?" Mingli asked as he turned to face her.     

Meili nodded.     

"Mom told me that when Jin-gege was smaller, he used to cry whenever he couldn't protect Daiyu-jiejie."     

Mingli paused, taking in her words.     

"So you too." Meili smiled.     

"You have time to grow up and become cool!"     

Mingli bit his lip and nodded. He then wiped his eyes dry as Meili patted his head.     

"I'll grow up to become cool!" He said as he sniffed and Meili nodded.     


After walking around some more, they all decided to ride the huge Ferris wheel together. Meili and Liu Jin got onto one car, Mingli and Daiyu in another, and finally Ying Yue and Zhihao in another one.     

Mingli watched as Daiyu looked out the window, the setting sun painting her over in a warm light.     

She was beautiful.     

"Daiyu-jiejie!" He called.     

"Mmm?" She turned to face him as she tucked away a stray hair behind her ear.     

He took out a small plastic ring from his pocket and walked over to her side. He then gently slipped it onto her finger.     

"Wow! It's so pretty!" She said, her eyes sparkling with happiness.     

Mingli smiled.     

"Daiyu-jiejie, do you love Jin-gege?"     

Daiyu paused and nodded.     

"I do." She smiled.     

It was a smile so beautiful that it had burned itself onto his little heart.     

"Not like the love you have for me?" He asked, grasping onto the last strands of hope.     

Daiyu paused and nodded.     

Mingli watched her face, the sound of his little heart breaking echoing in his mind.     

He lowered his head and bit his lip. He nodded.     


He then lifted his head and smiled through his tears.     

"I will find a new girl to love. But I will still love and treasure you, Daiyu-jiejie! You are – you are my first love!"     

Daiyu immediately hugged him and he broke down in her arms. He cried and cried, hoping to let all his sadness flow out. As he stayed in her arms, Daiyu sang him a song to comfort him.     

'Today let me hold you in my arms     

For tomorrow I'll set you free.     

To be with the man you love     

Who just can't be me.     

Today my heart will hurt     

But tomorrow it'll be better.     

I'll learn to love and smile again     

And be with my one true forever.'     

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