I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

"Babe…" Liu Jin entered their bedroom and found Daiyu on the bed, curled up in a fetal position.     

"What's wrong?" He asked, worried.     

"Period cramps." She sniffed cutely and he chuckled.     

He then approached her and peppered her face with light kisses.     


He chuckled and indulged her.     

"More!" She giggled.     

After enjoying Liu Jin's attention to her heart's content, she stood up to go to the bathroom. Minutes later, she called out to him.     


"Mmm?" He asked while checking his phone.     

She then came out of the bathroom and approached him.     

"Can you go and buy some sanitary napkins for me? I've run out."     

Liu Jin stared at her, as if she had just given him the hardest mission of his life. He paused, unsure of what to do. After collecting his composure, he nodded, eyes filled with determination.     


"Thanks." She smiled.     


Liu Jin stood in front the aisle of sanitary napkins, staring at the row of different brands.     

What battle did he get himself into?!     

He immediately took out his phone and dialed a number.     


"What's up?" Zhihao's voice came from the other end.     

"Do you know anything about napkins?"     


"Sanitary pads."     

"Uh… what about them?"     

"How do I know which one to buy?"     




"Never mind. I changed my mind."     

"WHAT?! WAI–     

He ended the call. Calling Zhihao was a mistake. That idiot probably knew less than he did.     

He stared at the intimidating aisle and took his phone out again. The internet should help. He then started a search. He tried his best to study the different types of napkins and their uses but he was still unsure. Which one should he get for Daiyu?     

He thought about giving Nana a call but he was sure that she would talk to Victoria about it. He then thought about calling Daiyu up but he hesitated. He wanted to surprise her by doing a good job on his own.     

He then lifted his head and scanned the aisle. He noticed that several female customers were staring at him. Did he look like a creep?!     

He panicked and decided that asking for help was the best choice for now.     

He looked to his right and saw a young woman in her early twenties.     

'No. She might think I'm harassing her.'     

He then looked to his left and saw an older woman, probably in her late thirties.     

'She seems nice.'     

He then steeled himself and approached her.     

"E-Excuse me."     

The woman looked up and stared at him.     

"Can… can you teach me…" His voice trailed off, embarrassment painting his face.     

The woman laughed.     

"Young man, are you buying napkins for your girlfriend?"     

He nodded vigorously.     

She smiled, quite touched that this man before her would brave his own embarrassment for his girlfriend's comfort. She saw him a while ago, checking his phone with all seriousness. He was well dressed too and he even had branded items on. He probably could have asked someone else to buy the items for him but he chose to do it himself.     

"Why didn't you ask someone else to do it for you? You could have saved yourself the embarrassment." She asked.     

"But I'll need to learn about this sooner or later anyway. I'll be taking care of her for the rest of my life. I need to learn at least this much." He confessed.     

The woman smiled, her heart brimming with warmth.     

'If only my husband was half this sweet.'     

"Alright young man. Let me teach you a few things."     

Liu Jin nodded and took out his phone, ready to take down notes.     


Meanwhile, Zhihao walked over to Ying Yue's section.     

"Xiao Yue!!!"     

"What's up?" She asked upon seeing him.     

Zhihao then excitedly pulled her out of the room.     

"Where are we going?" She asked.     

"To buy sanitary pads!!!"     

"… Huh?"     

"Jin's buying some for Xiao Yu. I want to learn about them too. Teach me which ones you like and which ones I should get for you."     

She giggled.     

"Next time you have your cycle, I'll buy them for you!!!"     

She laughed.     

"But I've got enough left at home."     

Zhihao looked at her, eyes teary like a dejected puppy.     

"But I guess it wouldn't hurt to have more."     

"Yes!!! Let's go!!!"      


Daiyu laid in bed, waiting. She glanced at the clock and frowned. It had been three hours since he left but Liu Jin hasn't come back yet.     

'He couldn't have gotten into trouble… could he? It was just some pads…'     

As if on cue, she heard the door unlocking. She immediately got up and headed downstairs.     

"Jin!" She smiled upon seeing him.     

"Woah. What did you buy?" She asked as she saw him carrying a lot of bags.     

"Stuff you'd need." He replied.     

"Huh?" Daiyu approached him and peeked inside the bags.     

There were a lot of things inside – different types of sanitary pads, heat packs, medicine. She giggled.     

"Who taught you all these?" She asked.     

Liu Jin paused and blushed.     

She laughed.     

"What is it? What happened?" She asked as she cupped his cheeks.     

"I… I asked a woman."     

"A random woman?"     

He nodded and she laughed.     

"You're so cute!" She giggled and he blushed even more.     

"Why didn't you just call me?" She asked.     

"I wanted to do well on my own… for you."     

"Aaawwww!" She bit her lip, quite touched at his words.     

"You did well!" She said as she peppered his face with light kisses.     

"Hehe." He giggled happily.     

"But why did you buy food too?" She asked as she eyed the bag of groceries.     

"She said that you might eat more than usual."     

"But that's three bags of food."     

"Because you usually eat two bags of food."     

"Jin!!!" She playfully punched his chest and he chuckled.     

"Go back upstairs. I'll cook for us." He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist.     

Daiyu smiled and gently kissed him.     

"My boyfriend is the best!"     


That night, Liu Jin made more food than usual. He prepared dishes with dark leafy greens and tomatoes, food that had anti-inflammatory properties. The woman told him that such dishes should help with Daiyu's cramps.     

He knew that Daiyu often experienced pain during her cycle but he didn't know that her cramps could become really painful. Upon hearing about it earlier, he decided that it was best to start looking up ways to help her as early as now.     

After preparing dinner, they ate a hearty meal before they moved towards the living room. He then prepared a heat pack for her to use and brewed her some chamomile tea.     

"Feel good?" He asked and she nodded with a smile.     

It felt really good to be pampered like this.     



"She said that you'd be moodier when you're on your period. But I don't see much changes." He said.     

Daiyu paused.     

"I do. I get easily annoyed and angry."     

"Really?" He turned to face her. That was news to him.     

"Mmm. But I just hide it." She confessed.     

"Why?" He asked, his brows furrowed.     

"Because I don't wanna fight with you." She smiled. "I just nap away and stay quiet."     

Liu Jin paused.     

"You… you can get mad at me."     

Daiyu laughed and hugged him.     

"I don't wanna." She said as she kissed him.     

"Just like how you made an effort for me today, I also want to make an effort for you."     

Liu Jin paused and hugged her tightly.     

"Thank you."     

She smiled and nodded.     

"But what makes you angry at me?" He asked, curious.     

"A lot of things."     

"Really? Like what?"     

"Like when you check your phone when I'm talking to you. Or when you wear that ugly shirt you wore yesterday. Or that –     

Liu Jin listened as she listed down several mundane things that made her angry and he clammed up immediately.     

"Thank you for not getting mad at me." He said, immensely grateful.     

She giggled.     

"But you said I could."     

"I changed my mind."     

She laughed.     


That night, as both of them laid in bed, the doorbell suddenly rang.     

"Who could it be?" Daiyu asked, raising a brow.     

Liu Jin stood up and went down to open the door. Daiyu followed him, curious about their late-night guest.     

Upon opening the door, Zhihao burst in, bags in hand.     


Daiyu paused before laughing.     

"You asked him for help?" She giggled and Liu Jin sighed.     

He knew it was a mistake to call Zhihao.     

"XIAO YU! LOOK AT THIS! XIAO YUE TAUGHT ME ALL ABOUT THIS!!!" He said as he proudly showed her the products he bought today.     

Daiyu giggled and listened intently.     

"Sorry. I didn't think he'd bother you after that call." Liu Jin apologized.     

Ying Yue laughed and shook her head.     

"I don't mind. He bothered his family about it more than he bothered me."     

"Huh? What happened?"     

"He brought Zhichen, Bob, and his dad along to the store."     

Liu Jin sighed, already imagining the mess.     

"Mom uses this one!!!" Zhihao said proudly and Daiyu laughed.     

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