I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

December was nearing and it was almost time for Liu Jin's birthday.     

"Zhihao-gege, how do you want to celebrate Jin's birthday?" Daiyu asked.     

"Getting drunk!"     

"But that's what you always do." Daiyu frowned.     

Zhihao paused.     

"Then, do you wanna go camping? We can go out on a road trip to the countryside. Then we can camp and have a cookout. Winter is nearing and the skies are clearing up before the first snow. We can have a good view of the stars at night."     

"That sounds really good!!!" Daiyu's eyes sparkled.     

"Right?! Then we can ask Bob to cook for us again!"     

"Yum!!!" Daiyu's eyes sparkled even brighter.     

"And we can go on another test of courage!"     


"Why not?!"     


Daiyu talked to Liu Jin about her plan with Zhihao and he agreed. They invited the others as well and they all decided to go together.     

The plan was to spend three days in the countryside, changing locations every day. Still, since the women were more particular about hygiene, they chose places near towns so that they could rent a room to shower every day.     


The gang left the Liu Estate early in the morning in preparation for the long road trip ahead. The couples drove their own cars each while Bob and Zhichen shared one together. They brought a larger one since they were in charge of the food and they brought with them a grill. They only brought meat for the first day, deciding to buy fresh ones for the following days after they reach their destination.     

"Did you bring booze?" Zhihao asked.     

Right now, they were all having a conference call together as they drove in a convoy.     

"Of course." Bob grinned.     

"We have wine too." Yi Jie added.     


"I brought cheese!" Daiyu happily chimed in.     


For lunch, they all stopped at a gas station by the highway. They ate at a local restaurant before visiting the convenience store to replenish their chips and drinks.     

Just then, Daiyu saw Bob buying a shaver.     

"Why do you need that when you don't have hair?"     

Zhihao burst out laughing and Bob sighed.     

"Xiao Yu, my head may be barren but I grow beards too."     

"Woah! Really?!" Daiyu asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.     

"He does! He's pretty hairy down t–URGH!"     

Bob elbowed Zhihao's rib as hard as he could.     

"Anyway, have you tried this flavor of chips?" He asked, changing the topic quickly.     


After four more hours, they finally reached their first destination. It was a cliff overlooking the nearby city.     

"Wow! I can already imagine how pretty it would be here at night." Daiyu commented and Ying Yue nodded.     

Soon, the men finished setting up the tents and Bob went ahead and started cooking. Ying Yue went to help him while Daiyu and Liu Jin took a nap.     

An hour later, dinner was ready and everyone huddled around the campfire as they ate. Everyone went silent, thoroughly enjoying Bob's cooking. Bob knew that everyone was tired and hungry so he prepared a heavy meal.     

After eating, they all moved their chairs towards the cliffside. They sat in silence, enjoying the view. The city lights glistened from afar and the stars twinkled above them. A cool breeze would blow from time to time, carrying the scent of the forest.     

Yi Jie and Ye Shun soon joined them after passing each one a hot cup of chocolate milk.     

"I think the salty crackers we bought earlier would go great with this." Daiyu broke the silence and everyone laughed.     

"We just ate and you're already thinking about food?"     

"Why not? I'm still a growing baby!"     

Everyone laughed again.     

Soon, Bob stood up and left. A few moments later, he came back with a guitar. He started strumming and music slowly filled the air. Daiyu started singing and everyone hummed along.     


The next day, everyone dropped by the city to freshen up. Daiyu watched as Liu Jin took out his shaver and stood in front of the mirror.     

"Can I help?" She asked, eyes sparkling with curiosity.     

He chuckled and nodded.     

Daiyu immediately got up and approached him. She helped him apply some shaving cream before she nervously held the razor in her hands. She let out a huff and started shaving his chin. He chuckled.     

"D-Don't move!" She said, brows furrowed.     

Liu Jin laughed even more as he watched her serious face.     

"Stop laughing!" She frowned, her hands shaking a bit from her nervousness.     

He bit his lip, suppressing his smile.     

"Babe, it tickles. Do it harder."     

"But if I go in harder, I'll hurt you."     

"I'm not a virgin."     


He laughed.     

He then held her hand and guided her. Soon, it was done.     

"Finished!" Daiyu eyed his face proudly.     

"Wow! So handsome!" She said before giving him a quick kiss.     

He chuckled and kissed her back.     

"Since I helped you shave, will you help me with my makeup?" She asked.     

He raised a brow.     

"Are you brave enough to wear the makeup I put on you?"     

Daiyu giggled and shook her head.     

"I changed my mind."     

"No, let me help you." He teased.     

"I changed my mind!" She said as she ran away giggling.     


Their next destination was the riverside. Since they wanted to maximize the experience, they all decided to fish for their own dinner.     

While everyone busily tried to get a good catch, Daiyu and Yi Jie prepared their lunch.     

"Xiao Yue!!! Look!!! I caught us something!!!" Zhihao said as he proudly showed Ying Yue his first catch.     

Everyone stared at the weird creature in his hands.     

"…Is that even edible?" Bob asked.     

"…Is that even a fish?" Zhichen asked.     

"Stop making fun of my hard work!!!"     

Ying Yue couldn't stop laughing and everyone persuaded Zhihao to let the poor creature go. After that, he was banned from fishing and they asked him to prepare the marinade with Daiyu and Yi Jie instead.     

"It's okay, Zhihao-gege! I think the creature you caught was really cool!!!" Daiyu said, her eyes sparkling.     


Daiyu nodded vigorously.     

"Like an alien!"     



That night, they all prepared dinner together before huddling around the campfire again.     

"Bob-gege makes super delicious food!" Daiyu said as she took a bite of her meal.     

"Stop calling me that!" Bob protested.     

"What's wrong, young master Bob?"     

"Stop that!"     

They all laughed.     


After dinner, the men brought out the beer while the women had wine.     

"Xiao Yu, don't stay too close to the water!" Zhihao called as he watched Daiyu approaching the river.     

Liu Jin walked over to her side.     

"The water is so pretty." Daiyu commented.     

"You're prettier."     

Daiyu giggled.     

"When we get married, will we still have trips like this?" She asked.     

"Of course. Everyone will probably be a lot busier by then… but I'm sure they'll be able to make time once a year to meet up like this."     

Daiyu paused.     


"Why don't you ask them?"     

Daiyu paused before turning towards the group.     

"Hey!" She called and everyone turned to face her.     

"Wanna meet up like this once a year for… forever?"     

They laughed, looking at each other before nodding.     


"Let's do it!"     

Daiyu smiled.     

"But when we grow older, we'll probably have less chances to go to places like this." Liu Jin said.     

"Why?" Daiyu asked, tilting her head to one side.     

"Cause we'll have kids by then. They'll be fussy and hard to take care of."     

Daiyu's eyes sparkled.     

"I can't wait to see everyone's kids!"     

He chuckled.     

"Imagine all the baby Zhihao-geges running around!"     

Liu Jin immediately frowned.     

"Why would you imagine something so dreadful?"     

Daiyu giggled.     


The next day, they visited the town to freshen up before heading towards their last destination – the seaside.     

"It's so pretty here! We should have just stayed here in the first place!!!" Daiyu said as she eyed the horizon.     

Yi Jie stood beside her and nodded. Soon, she felt two strong arms hugging her from behind. She turned her head and saw Ye Shun.     

"A house in a place like this?" He asked and Yi Jie smiled.     

"Mmm. A white one with a red roof."     

"What's that?" Daiyu asked, not quite hearing what she said.     

"How bout you, Daiyu? What's your dream house?" Yi Jie asked.     

Daiyu paused to think.     

"The Wang Mansion!"     

They laughed.     

"Why the Wang Mansion?"     

"… Cause its big enough for everyone to live in! And it has all my favorite memories." She smiled, remembering her warm childhood.     

"I hope my own children can grow up there just like I did. If I have a daughter, I hope she finds a man just like my Jin-gege too!"     

Yi Jie and Ye Shun laughed.     

"And if it's a boy?" Ye Shun asked.     

"Then he should find a woman as beautiful as his mother!"     

They all laughed.     


That night, Bob prepared another hearty meal for them. They all stuffed themselves full before Zhihao went ahead and prepared the fireworks they brought with them. Zhichen and Ye Shun went to take out the beer while Daiyu went to prepare the cake.     

Soon, they all stood by the shore and watched as the fireworks went off.     

"Happy birthday, Jin!!!" They greeted him and they all had a toast.     

"Make a wish!" They urged him.     

Liu Jin paused for a few seconds before blowing out the candles.     

"Happy birthday!"     

"What did you wish for?" Daiyu asked.     

"Nothing really. My wish has already been granted." He smiled.     

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