I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 108 - SUPER NSFW

Chapter 108 - SUPER NSFW

[NOTE: Anything that happens in a NSFW chapter will NOT affect the plot at all. Read for pure pleasure or skip without missing anything.]     

[Tags: Lingerie/Sumata/Mirror]     


[DISCLAIMER: Don't read this chapter if you are looking for examples on how to lead your sexual life as apparently, I need to make sure my readers dont think that this is the 'norm.']     

Daiyu hesitated but slowly approached Liu Jin. He sat her on his lap and stared at her from up close.     

"Beautiful." He whispered.     

She bit her lip in embarrassment. He smiled and gently kissed her lips.     

"So beautiful…"     

He then gently tucked away a stray hair behind her ear as he continued looking at her with warm eyes.     

Daiyu smiled. She closed her eyes and leaned in for a kiss.     

He responded by kissing her again, gently deepening it. He prodded her lips apart and slowly inserted his tongue. As he kept her mouth busy, his hands trailed all over her body.     

He played with the lace of her underwear, snapping the garters against her skin. She moaned and he deepened the kiss even further until she was panting.     


He smiled.     

He reached for the switch by the bedside table and closed the lights, leaving only the yellow lamp on. There in the dark, only Daiyu's glistening white skin could be seen under the warm light.     

With the darkness enveloping her, Daiyu felt braver. She reciprocated the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck.     

Liu Jin slowly parted her legs and pulled her closer so that their chests were against each other.     

Then, he began unravelling her.     

His rough and calloused hands trailed up and down her body, starting from her thighs, all the way up to her breasts. He cupped them over her lacy bra, gently massaging moans out of her lips.     

With one finger, he slid her bra up, watching as her breasts slowly bounced.     

Daiyu felt him hardening underneath her and she blushed.     

She watched as he stared at her with eyes glazed over by lust. He then cupped her breast with one hand while he sucked on the other.     

"Ahn!" She closed her eyes and moaned.     

Liu Jin played with her nipple, twirling it over and over with his tongue. He sucked on it as hard as he could while his other hand twisted and pinched the other.     

Daiyu ran her fingers through his hair as he continued to suck on her, her hips slowly moving on her own. Without knowing it, she had began rubbing herself against him.     

Liu Jin moaned and bit her nipple hard.     


He sucked the cheek of her breast as hard as he could, leaving a glaring red mark. He then licked over it before lifting her waist up. Slowly hooking his fingers onto the lace of her underwear, he slid it down, revealing her wetness.     

He then gently stroked her, his rough hands sending shivers down her spine.     

"J-Jin." She grabbed his shoulders in a panic.     

"It's okay… It's okay babe…" He whispered, his husky voice filling her ears.     

He shifted and removed his boxers before sliding her underwear off her legs. He then gently laid her down on the bed.     

Slowly, he parted her legs until she was wide open for him to see. She closed her eyes in embarrassment but Liu Jin didn't even blink. He stared at her before bending down to kiss her slit.     

"Ah!" Her eyes widened in surprise.     

Feeling her tense up, he stopped. He knew she wasn't ready.     

He got back up to his knees and closed her legs before inserting himself in between her thighs.     

Slowly, he began thrusting in between her in a slow rhythm.     

"Mmm…" She moaned.     

Soon, she began matching his rhythm. When he heard her moans steadying, he began quickening the pace. He rubbed himself against her again and again and watched as her breasts bounced with the rhythm.     

"Ah! Ah!"     

He extended his arm and pinched her nipple.     

"Ahn!" She moaned.     

He continued thrusting over and over until his body began to tense up.     

"Xiao Yu…!" He groaned.     

He quickened his pace, rubbing hard against her, before letting out his load.     

He panted and watched as she laid underneath him, beautifully disheveled. He smiled and bent down to kiss her.     

He then took a roll of tissue nearby and began wiping her clean. After that, he laid beside her and enveloped her in his arms.     

"Felt good?"     

Daiyu blushed and nodded before looking down.     

"What's wrong?"     


Liu Jin paused and furrowed his brows.     

"Tell me."     

Daiyu blushed even harder and covered her face with her hand.     

"Xiao Yu…" He pried her fingers apart, forcing her to look at him.     

"F-felt good when… when you sucked… on my…"     

Liu Jin's eyes widened and he groaned. He immediately got back up and sat her down on his lap again.     


He bent down and began sucking her nipple, his hand massaging her other breast.     

"Ahn!" She closed her eyes.     

He continued sucking and groping her breasts until her nipples were red and sore.     

"J-Jin, no – no more!" She begged.     

He pinched them hard, gaining a surprised moan from her before bending down and sucking hard on her breast, covering them with hickeys.     

"Mine." He whispered through gritted teeth.     

She blushed.     

He cupped her cheek and kissed her deeply.     

"All mine…"     

She stared back at him, eyes glazed with lust. He smirked. He then trailed his hand down, gently rubbing her slit.     

"J-Jin…" She gripped the sheets tightly.     

He gave her slit a light slap, earning a surprised moan from her before pinching her clit and flicking it over and over again.     

"Ah! Ahnn!"     

He covered her mouth with his lips and kissed her deeply, his hand continuously stimulating her until she came.     

Panting, she melted into the bed.     

But before she could fully recover, Liu Jin lifted her up. He brought her to the bathroom where the lights were on and the room was completely bright.     

"J-Jin?" She asked, confused.     

He then turned her around, making her face the full-length mirror. She blushed upon seeing herself. Her breasts were covered in hickeys and her face was flushed.     

He then lifted her leg up.     

"J-Jin?!" She panicked but he soothed her with his voice.     


Just then, Liu Jin took out a piece of paper and a pen.     




"YES. I CONSENT."     








"It's okay babe…" He kissed her earlobe.     

With his other hand, he began tracing her slit. She watched as he pried her apart before sliding his middle finger in.     

"Nnn!" She tightened her grip around him.     

Soon, his finger was in up to his knuckle. He pulled in out slowly before pushing it back in.     

"J-Jin…" She moaned.     

She then watched as he pushed it deeper and deeper until his finger was fully inside her.     

"Relax…" He whispered.     

He nibbled on her earlobe and pulled out his finger before pushing two inside.     


She watched as he continued to finger her.     

"In… out… in… out…"     

She closed her eyes and listened to his husky voice.     

"In…" He smirked upon feeling her shaking her hips to match his rhythm.     


He then thrusted three fingers inside.     

"Ahn!" She opened her eyes wide in surprise.     

He quickly thrusted them into her, stimulating her forcefully while his thumb continuously rubbed her clit.     

"Ah! Ah! J-Jin!"     

He let go of her leg and with his other hand, he massaged her breasts and pinched her nipples as he covered her mouth with his lips. He forcefully pried her lips apart with his tongue, reaching deep inside her.     

"Mmm!" She moaned.     

Her toes curled up as he continuously assaulted her sensitive spots. He continued until he felt her tense up. He then slapped her slit hard.     

"Ahn!" Her eyes widened from both the pain and pleasure.     

He continuously slapped her lightly, making her already sensitive area tingle even more.     

"Ah! Ah! Aaaahnnn…!"     

She panted and collapsed in his arms, gasping for breath.     

He kissed her deeply before smiling.     

"Felt good?"     

"… amazing." She blushed and he chuckled.     

"Xiao Yu…"     


He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck.     

"I'm much more perverted than you think…" He said as he bit her lower lip.     

"If you keep me hungry so often… this wolf might swallow you whole…"     

She blushed before coyly running her fingers through his hair.     

"Then I should feed you often…?"     

He smirked and kissed her deeply.     

"I like to play around with my food…"     

She blushed.     

"As… as long as we do it slowly…"     

He chuckled at her willingness.     

"We will."     

He kissed her again.     

"We'll do it slowly until you get used to it…"     

He then leaned in to whisper into her ear.     

"And then I'll do you roughly." He said as he bit her earlobe.     


They took a shower together after that and Daiyu had a hard time suppressing her moans. Liu Jin insisted on cleaning her up and she had to endure the feel of his big and rough hands lathering soap onto her sensitive skin.     

"Ahn!" She bit her lip as he cleaned her sensitive parts.     

The bath felt so long and she completely melted in his arms. When her consciousness returned to her, she was already on his bed, still naked.     

"J-Jin? My – my clothes…"     

"Get used to it." He whispered.     

"You'll be naked around me more often from now on."     

She shivered and blushed.     

That night, Daiyu had to endure the feel of his skin against hers. He would grope her breasts from time to time, leaving her shivering in pleasure.     

When morning came, it all felt like a dream… until she saw the black lacy lingerie on the floor. She blushed.     

"Good morning."     

She looked back and saw Liu Jin smirking before his eyes shifted downwards.     

"Nice view."     

Daiyu looked down and remembered that she was completely naked. She immediately covered her breast.     


[AGAIN: Nothing in this chapter will affect the plot. If it goes against your morals, please skip NSFW chapters in the future. Thank you.]     



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