I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 119 - NSFW

Chapter 119 - NSFW

[NOTE: Anything that happens in a NSFW chapter will NOT affect the plot at all. Read for pure pleasure or skip without missing anything.]     

[Tags: Cosplay/Recording/Toy/Sumata]     


[DISCLAIMER: Don't read this chapter if you are looking for examples on how to lead your sexual life as apparently, I need to make sure my readers dont think that this is the 'norm.']     

Daiyu stayed over for the night and made breakfast for Liu Jin the next morning. They kissed for a long time before Daiyu finally let him go.     

She sighed.     

Last night was a whirlwind of emotions.     

As she sat on their living room sofa, watching the city below, she suddenly thought of an idea.     

She wanted to help him relax!     

As such, she immediately went to grab her phone. She searched up 'ways to help your boyfriend relax' but most of the items that came up were very… sensual. She blushed.     

She bit her lip and decided to call up Yi Jie. The phone rang for a while before it was finally answered.     

"Hello?" Yi Jie's voice came from the other end.     

"Pretty jiejie! I need your help!"     

"Mmm? What's up?"     

Daiyu then told her all about what happened last night and asked her for advice about how to cheer Liu Jin up.     

"Did you use the lingerie I gave you?"     

Daiyu blushed.     

"I-I did…"     

"And did he like it?"     

"H-he said he liked it better when I'm naked."     

"What an honest man!" Yi Jie burst out laughing.     

"Alright then. Do this next." She grinned naughtily.     


Daiyu wore a large grey baggy hoodie from Liu Jin's closet, paired with black leggings, and some white sneakers. She had dark tinted shades on and had the hood up, covering most of her head. She shiftily walked the streets, trying to avoid eye contact with everybody as she kept her hands inside her front pocket.     

Once in a while, she would glance at her phone, checking the map. After walking for about half an hour, she let out a sigh of relief as she finally made it to her destination.     

She gulped. Now was the hard part.     

She stood outside of an adult toy shop, debating whether to go in or not. The staff inside the store stared at her, wondering when she'll finally enter. After about another half hour outside, a young man in his late twenties walked out of the store and approached her.     

"Hey there. Do you need help?"     

"I-I do!" Daiyu honestly answered upon seeing the logo of the store on the man's shirt.     

The man was taken aback. So it was a girl.     

"Then let's go in." He smiled.     

Daiyu hesitated but finally decided to enter the store.     

Once inside, she was awestruck. There were so many weird but interesting things!     

The man chuckled as he watched her scan through the shelves with innocent curiosity.     

"Is there anything in particular that you're looking for?"     

Daiyu turned to face him and nodded. She then fished out her phone and showed him a photo.     


The man gasped. She was so hardcore!!!     

"A-Are you sure?"     

Daiyu nodded innocently.     

"I… Pardon me… But is this your first time?"     

Daiyu tilted her head to one side. She didn't understand.     

"Okay. So. Let me help you get something more suitable for beginners."     

Daiyu pouted. Why? What's wrong with the one she chose? But still, she obediently followed the man since he was the expert in the field.     

The man led her to an aisle of shelves lined with different costumes.     

"For beginners, its best to start with something simple such as cosplay. Which one do you prefer?"     

Daiyu paused. That was a good suggestion. She didn't mind dressing up for Liu Jin. That sounded really simple!     

"Can you help me choose? I'm not really very familiar with what men like." She answered honestly.     

"Okay. Then let's choose one of the more popular choices."     

Daiyu nodded.     

The man then led her to a rack of clothing that had the sign 'Hot Buys!'     

"Here. How bout a nurse and doctor play?"     

"Oh! That sounds nice!" Daiyu smiled.     

The man nodded and pulled out the costume.     

Daiyu stared at the piece of clothing, her mouth agape in horror.     


The man sighed. Luckily, he didn't agree to her hardcore idea earlier.     

"Then how bout this?"     

"Is that even legal?!"     

"Then how bout this one?"     

"Why did they bother making a bra if its not going to cover anything anyway?! And is that a hole in the –     


After spending a long time choosing, Daiyu settled for a sexy bunny costume – an all-time classic.     

She sighed. Finally. It was done.     

Tired, she took off the hood of her sweater along with her sunglasses to wipe the sweat away from her forehead.     

The staff gasped. What a beautiful woman!!!     

"H-Here ma'am. We added a few free samples too since it's your first time visiting us."     

"Oh! Thank you." She smiled sweetly.     

She then took the bag and left.     

The staff stared at her retreating back.     

"Her boyfriend's really lucky…"     

"What free stuff did you put in?"     

"You know, the usual…"     

"… Don't tell me you –     

"I did."     


Daiyu made her way back home, content with her purchase. She stepped right into the shower and took a quick bath before starting to prepare herself for her surprise.     

First, she put on the edible flavored lotion that Yi Jie had told her to buy.     

Next, she wore the white fishnet stockings that came with the costume. As much as she felt uncomfortable without her underwear on, she couldn't really wear them since they wouldn't fit with the costume.     

After that, she wore the black leather sleeveless body suit and tried her best to tie the pink ribbons on the back.     

Finally, she put on the bunny head band.     

She stared at herself in the mirror and blushed. It was cute. But the suit was a bit tight on her and couldn't completely take in her breasts. She took the collar and cuffs from the bag and put it on, completing the set.     

She then began putting on makeup. As Yi Jie had suggested, she made sure to go for a glass doll look so she went generously with the highlighter and finished with some strawberry gloss on her lips.     

She smiled. Perfect!     

Now, she had to prepare for Liu Jin's arrival.     


Liu Jin sighed as he got off from his car. It was another long day.     

Punching in her birthday onto the lock, the door opened. He turned the lights on and what greeted him next had him turning the lights off again.     

He paused.     

'I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming.'     

He opened the lights and she was still there.     

He turned it off again.     

'Fuck! I must be so backed up to be imagining things.'     

He turned it on again and Daiyu frowned.     

"Hurry up and react already!"     

Liu Jin's eyes widened.     

It was real?!     

"Urrrrghhh!" He groaned as he felt his member hardening.     

She stood there, in a sexy bunny suit, her breasts full and almost overflowing from the tight leather that wrapped around her.     

"Babe…" He closed the door and made his way to her.     

He wrapped his arms around her waist and stared into her eyes. She blushed.     

'Fuck she's so cute… and she smells so good.' He thought as he leaned in and sniffed her.     

"What's this about?" He asked in a low and husky voice.     

"S-Surprise for you…"     

He smirked.     

"A baby bunny, all sweet and ready for mister wolf to gobble down." He whispered into her ear and she shivered.     

He licked her earlobe and was surprised.     

"You taste… sweet."     

She blushed and nodded.     

"Urgh!" He groaned, his member hardening even more.     

He then slipped his hand onto her top and squeezed her breast.     


He scooped it out, kissed her nipple, before sucking it hard.     


He smirked.     

"Babe, pose for me."     


Liu Jin took out his camera and began taking photos of Daiyu as she shyly posed.     


"It's okay babe." He kissed her and helped her onto her next pose.     

"Spread your legs wider…"     

Daiyu blushed but obediently complied.     

"Good girl…"     

He then lifted her legs up and lowered her suit. Her eyes widened as her breast hung exposed.     

"Good girl…" He bent down and kissed her nipples, making sure they were stiff.     

He then continued taking pictures of her.     

"Where'd you get the suit?" He casually asked as he undid the pink ribbons on the back.     

"I-I bought it."     

He raised a brow and looked around the room. He found the bag with the adult toy shop's logo on it and smirked.     

"You went inside the store?" He asked and she nodded shyly.     

He chuckled. He then took the bag and noticed that it wasn't empty. He opened it and found a few things wrapped inside. He took one out and read the label.     

"12 inch dildo. Hard and ready."     

Daiyu's eyes widened.     

"You… like these things?"     

"N-No! Those were free!"     



He smirked and slowly made his way back to her.     

"Such a naughty girl…" He said as he pinched her chin.     

"Bad girls need to be punished…"     

Daiyu stared back at him, her eyes a little bit teary.     

He pushed her back onto the bed before getting in between her legs. He then tore through her stockings, exposing her wetness.     


He rubbed it with his calloused hands, making her moan. He then fished out a bottle of lube from the bag before coating the dildo with it. He then started tracing its head against her slit.     

"Let's play with your favorite toy… shall we?"     


Just then, Liu Jin took out a piece of paper and a pen.     




"YES. I CONSENT."     








Daiyu was on her knees on top of the coffee table. She had nothing on except her torn stockings and her bunny head band. Between her legs, the dildo was securely suctioned onto the table.     

"Come on now…" Liu Jin beckoned her as he held the camera in his hands.     

Daiyu bit her lip and slowly started lowering her hips. The moment the dildo touched her wet slit, she hesitated.     

Liu Jin smirked and held her waist with one hand, slowly pushing her down.     


Just like that, she began to swallow the toy inside her.     


"That's my girl…" He praised her as he continued filming.     

"Shake your hips now…"     

Daiyu bit her lip and obediently complied.     

"Good girl…" He placed the camera onto its stand and approached her.     

He then began massaging her breasts from behind, pinching and twisting her nipples.     


He lowered his hands, playing with the garter of her stockings. He then began licking her neck.     

"So sweet…"     

She blushed.     

He turned the vibrator on and the dildo began violently shaking inside her.     

"Ah!" She closed her eyes tightly.     

"On your eighteenth birthday, you won't have to endure satisfying yourself with your toys anymore…" He kissed her earlobe.     

"You'll have the real thing inside you…" He whispered as he rubbed her abdomen with his hand. He then pushed her down onto the toy.     


He began lowering her up and down, watching in delight as her face contorted with pleasure.     

As she filled herself with the toy, he began flicking her clit and pinching her nipples.     

"Ah! Ah! Jin!!!"     

"Good girl…" He licked her ears and watched as she came undone in front of the camera.     

He turned the setting up and her eyes widened.     


He then continued lowering her up and down, this time, faster.     

"Ah! Ah! Ahn!"     

She bit her lip, her climax approaching. Just as she was about to come, he pushed her down hard onto the toy.     


Panting, she collapsed into his arms.     

He kissed her deeply before pulling her up. He then rubbed himself between her legs before cumming right onto her slit. He rubbed it against her, making her feel it's warm and thick texture.     

"Can't wait to fill you up…" He whispered as he thrusted three fingers inside her.     


The next day, Liu Jin went to the academy very refreshed. Looks like Daiyu was successful! But now, she laid in bed, completely worn out, her toy still inside her.     

[AGAIN: Nothing in this chapter will affect the plot. Recording included. If it goes against your morals, please skip NSFW chapters in the future. Thank you.]     



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