I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 118

Chapter 118

"Xiao Yu!" Ying Yue called as she chased after Daiyu and Zhihao.     

Daiyu stopped walking and turned around to look at her.     


Ying Yue smiled and walked up to them.     

"I-I'm sorry I called your brother an idiot…" Daiyu scratched the back of her head and Ying Yue laughed.     

"Thank you for standing up for Zhihao…" She said as she held her hand.     

Daiyu smiled.     

"No problem. I knew you would have done the same thing. But Zhihao-gege has been pretty upset. I think you should hurry up and give him some love."     

Ying Yue blushed before nodding.     

"Alright. I won't disturb you guys anymore." Daiyu smiled and began walking away.     

"Xiao Yu! Where are you going?" Zhihao asked.     


With that, Daiyu took a cab, leaving Zhihao and Ying Yue alone.     


He turned his face towards her.     

"I'm sorry for my brother…"     

He smiled and gently hugged her as she rested her head against his chest.     

"Are you upset?" She asked.     

"… Do you want the ideal boyfriend answer or the Zhihao answer?"     

She giggled.     

"What's the ideal boyfriend answer?"     

"I'm upset. But I'll continue working hard to gain his blessings for us." He said as he closed his eyes solemnly.     

"And the Zhihao answer?"     

"I don't really care about him at all."     

She burst out laughing.     

"I only want his damn blessing because I don't want to upset you. But other than that, I couldn't care less about what he thinks."     

She smiled.     

"Me too." She tiptoed and kissed him. "I only care about what you think."     

He smiled before hugging her tightly.     

"Now its sexy time!"     

"Zhi!!!" She gritted her teeth in embarrassment.     


Meanwhile, Liu Jin had just finished his bath. It had been a long day for him and he was tired. He proceeded to the bed to dry his hair when he found a big lump under the sheets. He lifted it up and was greeted by a smiling Daiyu.     


He chuckled and bent down to kiss her.     

"Why are you here?"     

"You don't want me here?" She pouted cutely.     

"I do… I'm pleasantly surprised." He said as he got under the covers with her.     

"Your hair's still wet!"     

She got up and asked him to sit on the floor. She then began drying his hair for him.     

"Tired?" She asked.     


They sat in silence, quietly enjoying each other's presence.     

When she was done, Liu Jin had dozed off to sleep. She giggled.     

"Jin… get up on the bed." She gently woke him with a kiss.     

He opened his eyes and carried her to bed before snuggling her to sleep.     

When morning came, Daiyu made him breakfast before he left for class. She kissed him goodbye, not knowing that this would be the last time she'd see of him for a while.     


For the next week, Daiyu and Liu Jin didn't meet at all. He was busy with his classes and when he did have free time, he used it to rest instead. They still sent messages to each other but as the days passed by, they were getting shorter and shorter.     

Daiyu felt terrible. She was nervous. Was their affection for each other fading?     

She heard about it before, couples losing steam after being apart for a while. She bit her lip.     

Ultimately, she decided to give him more time. Maybe he was just busy. Maybe things would return back to normal after a while.     


Things did not return back to normal.     

On the second week, things remained the same. A short good morning message in the morning and a one sentence goodnight before bed, that was all she ever heard from him.     

At this point, she started getting impatient.     

She started sending him more messages throughout the day but the number of his replies remained the same. He would answer all her messages with a single sentence, upsetting her.     

"Why?!" She frowned.     

She huffed and turned her phone off.     

Fine! If he didn't want to talk to her, she didn't want to either!     


She spent the rest of the day with her phone turned off, completely forgetting about it. Zhenzhen and Chunhua, noticing that she was upset, decided to take her out after class. They went to a café, ate cake and ice cream, and then they went singing at a karaoke bar at night.     

By the time she arrived home, Liu Jin was there, waiting for her.     

"Jin!!!" Her eyes lit up with excitement upon seeing him.     

He turned to face her, a scowl on his face. She paused and stopped walking.     

"What's wrong?" She asked.     

"What's wrong? Where have you been?!" He asked as he grabbed her wrist.     


He immediately let go.     

"Where were you?!"     

"I was with friends." Daiyu answered, her eyes filled with confusion. Why was he angry?     

"Why was your phone turned off?!"     

"Huh?" Just then, she remembered her earlier tantrum. Embarrassed, she didn't want to talk about it.     

"A-Anyway, let's talk inside." She said as she tried to change the topic.     

"Answer me!"     

Daiyu paused, her brows furrowing.     

"Why are you angry?!"     

"Why shouldn't I be?! I waited for you for hours! When I tried calling you, your phone was off and you came home four hours after your classes ended!"     

"So what?! I don't get to go out with my friends at all?! And so what if my phone was turned off?! You wouldn't answer my messages anyway!!!"     

"What are you talking about?! Since when did I ever ignore your messages?!"     

"Whatever! Figure that out yourself!"     

With that, Daiyu stormed into the mansion and went straight to her room.     

Liu Jin pinched the space between his brows before getting back inside his car and driving off.     


Daiyu cried that night.     

They've fought several times before but this was the first time they've both raised their voices at each other.     

She didn't know he was capable of shouting at her. And she didn't know she was capable of it either.     

Upset, she took her phone and finally decided to turn it on. A barrage of messages came in and all of them were from Liu Jin.     

The first message explained that his night classes were cancelled for the day and that he wanted to have dinner with her. He said that he'd pick her up after her classes.     

The messages after that were all questions about where she was and what time she would be coming home.     

She cried.     

He wanted to be with her.     

She stood up and went straight to Tang Yun's room.     

"Daddy…" She called.     

Tang Yun opened the door and was greeted by a crying Daiyu. He immediately hugged her and she sobbed onto his chest.     

She told him all about her fight with Liu Jin and he patiently listened to her. He made her a warm glass of milk and gently rubbed her back until she stopped crying.     

When she had calmed down, he began to talk.     

"Xiao Yu, it's alright to fight from time to time. That's part of growing up and getting stronger. It's the choices you make after the fight that really matter. Those will determine how long your relationship will last."     

"… What do you mean?"     

"What do you want to do right now?" He asked.     

"… to see him."     

He smiled.     

"That's good. Go to him. Make up. Fight all you want but at the end of the day, don't let go of his hand. Fight it out and then fix it. Don't return to normal. Change and adjust for each other." He gently kissed her forehead.     

"The demons inside your heart will come out whenever you're angry. You'll realize just how ugly you can be. Both of you… need to fight them. Together. And change for the better."     

Daiyu paused before nodding.     

"Now go and get changed. I'll bring you to him. Don't let him go to bed angry."     



During the car ride their place, Daiyu rehearsed her lines again and again inside her head. She thought of all the words she wanted to say and how to answer all his possible questions. But the moment she saw him, the moment she saw the face of the man she loved the most, all her coherent thoughts flew out of her head.     

She cried and ran into his arms, sobbing her heart out.     

Liu Jin hugged her tightly, burying his face onto her hair.     

Tang Yun smiled as he watched them before quietly leaving.     

The two of them stayed in each other's arms for a long time. Daiyu continued crying as Liu Jin whispered into her ears.     

"It's okay… shhhh… don't cry…"     

Daiyu wiped her eyes hastily before cupping his cheeks. He too was crying.     

"I love you. I love you very much." She said as she looked straight into his eyes.     

He smiled before wiping his eyes too.     

"I love you too."     

She leaned in and gently kissed him. He buried his face onto the nook of her neck and they stayed in each other's arms for a little while longer before they finally started speaking.     

"I'm sorry for being bitchy." Daiyu pouted and he laughed.     

"I'm sorry for shouting."     

Daiyu nodded.     

"I don't like it when you reply with short sentences. That's the only time I ever hear from you and you're being stingy about it."     

"Okay. I'll make more time to reply to you."     

She nodded.     

"We haven't seen each other in two weeks. I missed you so much and I didn't like that you didn't come to see me even once."     

"I'm sorry babe. I haven't adjusted to my classes yet and I've been struggling with my time."     

She paused before nodding.     

"Okay. I'll come visit you instead then."     

He smiled and hugged her tighter.     

"Don't turn your phone off. Be angry with me but don't turn your phone off. I need to know where you are."     

She nodded.     

"Okay. I'm sorry."     

He nodded and gently kissed her.     

She took his hand and intertwined their fingers together.     

"In the future… when we fight… can you promise me something?" She asked as she looked up to him.     

"Mmm?" He asked.     

"Hold my hand.     

He paused.     

"No matter how angry you are, no matter how unreasonable I'm being, hold my hand."     

"… Okay." He nodded.     

"I'll hold yours too… I'll keep holding on until things get better…" She said as she looked into his eyes.     

He paused, his eyes growing teary again.     

"Okay. I promise. I'll hold on and never let go." He replied.     

She smiled and gently kissed his tears away.     

"We'll make up as many times as it takes. So don't give up on me."     

"I won't. Not even if you ask me too."     

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