I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 143

Chapter 143

"Hello, mommy?" Daiyu called out to Nana on the other end of the line.     

"Mingli is with me right now. Yes. He's safe, don't worry. Can he spend the rest of the day with me? I'll have Jin-gege bring him home later on. Yes. Thank you, mommy. Love you."     

With that, the call ended.     

Mingli stared at Daiyu with hopeful eyes and she smiled.     

"Mom gave the okay. You can spend the rest of the day here."     

Mingli let out a huge sigh of relief.     

"Alright. Why don't you go and get changed first? In fact, go ahead and take a bath." Daiyu said as she noticed that his back was drenched in sweat.     

"Why are you sweating so much? Did you walk under the sun?"     

"I walked here."     

"From the academy?!"     

"Yes. I didn't have my wallet with me…"     

Daiyu felt her heart clench.     

'Poor baby!!!'     

"Okay go ahead and take a bath first. I'll leave a change of clothes for you outside."     

Mingli nodded as Daiyu led him upstairs. As he went inside the bathroom, Daiyu prepared a set of Liu Jin's clothes and placed it on a chair outside the door.     

"I'll be downstairs."     


With that, Daiyu went down to the kitchen and started preparing a meal. She hasn't had lunch yet and she figured that Mingli might be hungry after walking for so long.     


After Mingli finished his bath, he opened the door and found his brother's clothes on the chair. He wore it and proceeded downstairs.     

"Daiyu-jiejie." He called.     

Daiyu giggled upon seeing him. Liu Jin's clothes were a bit big on him. She approached him and began folding the sleeves and helping him tuck the shirt inside his pants.     

"Wow! So handsome!"     

Mingli grinned.     

"Alright. Go ahead and play with your brother's console in the living room. I'll call you once the food is ready."     

Mingli smiled and nodded. He then proceeded to the living room.     


After an hour, Daiyu called for Mingli.     

"Food's ready!"     


Mingli stood up and proceeded towards the table. He stood in awe for it was overflowing with delicious food.     

"It's been a while since I last cooked for you, so I made more than usual." She smiled.     

Mingli paused before covering his eyes with his arm.     

"What's wrong?" Daiyu immediately approached him.     

He hugged her tightly, burying his head onto her chest.     

"It looks so good. I wish Meili was here to taste it with me." He said in between sobs.     

'Aaaaaaw!!!' Daiyu felt her own eyes tearing up. She rubbed his back gently, trying her best to comfort him.     

"Can you tell me what happened?"     


The two of them moved to the living room where Mingli remained in Daiyu's arms. He then began recounting the events that led up to the fight.     

It wasn't a big fight. In fact, it was quite petty. But it was the accumulation of stress and tension between the twins that made things worse. Apparently, they had been fighting for some time now. The anger and annoyance had piled up and today's fight was the final straw between them.     

"It just feels like I don't know her anymore." Mingli said as he poured his heart out.     

Daiyu gently rubbed his back.     

"It's okay. That's part of growing up. People change and nothing will stay the same. Even Jin and I changed a lot."     

Mingli paused, taking in her words.     

"You too. You've changed quite a lot too." She smiled.     

"Meili must think the same – that she no longer knows you well. But see, that's where both of you need to put in effort. Since both of you are changing every day, both of you must also continuously learn about the other."      

"Like your Zhihao-gege and Zhichen-gege. They remained apart for so long. They even fought and messed up quite a bit. But they both took the effort to relearn their relationship. Now look at them. They're still growing, still changing, but also, still friends."     

"You know, as twins, you're both lucky to have each other. Most people are born alone. But you and Meili were born together. From the start of your life, you had her to keep you company. You had a friend from the very beginning." She smiled.     

Mingli nodded, doing his best to wipe his tears away. Daiyu hugged him again and gently rubbed his back.     

"So go and make up okay?"     

He nodded.     


After his classes, Liu Jin went to pick Meili up from the academy.     


He nodded and opened the door to the passenger's side. After she got in, he buckled the seatbelt over her before closing the door and proceeding to the driver's seat. He started the car and they drove off.     

The two of them remained quiet for a long time before Meili broke the silence.     

"You're not gonna ask why we fought?"     

"Not interested."     


He chuckled.     

"It's normal to fight. As long as there's no bloodshed, it's fine."     

Meili sighed. What did she expect from her brother?     

"Zhihao and I always fight."     

Meili turned to face him, quite surprised at his confession.     

"But our anger never carries over to the next day. If you're gonna fight, let it all out. So that when its done, you'd have nothing left to be angry about. Don't drag it on. Don't keep scores. And no matter how stupid he gets, don't give up on him."     

Meili giggled.     

"That's what brothers are for." He turned to her and smiled.     


After they reached the condominium building, Liu Jin parked the car and they both made their way upstairs. Upon arriving at the door, they both heard happy voices inside. Liu Jin opened the door and they were immediately greeted by the scent of delicious food.     

"Are they home?"     

Mingli ran towards the door.     

"Yeah! They're here! Hurry and wash your hands. The food's ready." He said before running back to the kitchen.     

Liu Jin and Meili looked at each other before grinning. They removed their shoes and washed their hands before sitting down at the table.     

Soon, Daiyu and Mingli came out of the kitchen with several dishes.     

"Wow! Did Daiyu-jiejie make all these?" Meili asked.     

"Mingli helped me!"     

Meili paused and smiled as she eyed a few burnt pieces.     

"I bet you're responsible for the burnt ones!" She said as she turned to face Mingli.     

"Whatever! You're only allowed to eat those then!"     


"Cause I made those for you!"     

"You want me to eat bad food?!"     


Daiyu laughed as she listened to them bicker. Soon, they all started eating and the twins forgot about their fight.     


After dinner, Liu Jin helped Daiyu with the dishes while the twins stayed in the living room.     

"OUCH! That hurts!!!" Mingli complained as he gritted his teeth.     

"Bear with it! It's your fault for walking all the way from the academy to here."     

"Hmp." Mingli huffed.     

Right now, Meili was massaging his sore legs.     

"Can't you be more gentle?!"     

Irritated, Meili pressed even harder.     


Meili grinned naughtily.     

"If you keep complaining, I'll press even harder than that!" She threatened.     

Mingli immediately clammed up.     

After a few moments of silence, Meili spoke up.     

"Next time you cut class, invite me."     

Mingli grinned.     

"Where do you wanna go? I'll take you there."     

Meili smiled.     

"You can't even drive yet!"     

"I can bring my bicycle."     

"What if its far?"     

"I don't mind. You'll massage my legs after anyway."     

She giggled.     



"I'm sorry."     

She smiled and nodded.     


That night, after saying goodbye to Daiyu, Liu Jin sent the twins home. But before that, they drove through the city, ate ice cream, before finally returning back to the Liu Estate.     

"Bye!" Meili waved her hand.     

But to her surprise, Liu Jin got down from the car too.     

"You're sleeping over?" Mingli asked.     

"I can't? Last time I checked, this was my house too." Liu Jin grinned.     

As such, all three of them entered the house to find an angry Nana waiting for them. The three of them gulped, already sensing a long sermon.     


Nana made the three of them kneel in front of the statues of their ancestors. They stayed there for three hours, enduring the cold night breeze.     

"Why do I get punished too?" Liu Jin complained.     

"You're the older brother, they're your responsibilities!"     

Liu Jin sighed. That didn't even make sense but he wasn't about to argue with an angry Nana. As such, he obediently went through the punishment too.     

After three hours, Shuren came to fetch them. He chuckled upon seeing Liu Jin with the twins.     

"You should have just left them behind and drove home."     

Liu Jin sighed. His father was right. Still, he didn't want to leave the twins tonight.     


After the three of them finished their baths, they all slept in Liu Jin's room, just like the old times.     

When morning came, they were surprised to find that the sun had already risen high. Nana had turned their alarms off, wanting them to sleep in. She had called Daiyu up and found that Liu Jin didn't have classes today.     

When the three of them left the bedroom, they found their parents in the kitchen, making breakfast for them.     

"Sit down now. We're almost done."     

Liu Jin smiled.     

"Cheesy croquettes!" Mingli cheered upon seeing his favorite dish.     

They all sat down as a family and had a hearty meal.     

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