I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

Daiyu was exhausted. Liu Jin left her to drink halfway so she had to entertain the guests herself. Still, upon seeing him happily drinking with his high school classmates, she couldn't help but smile. He had been working too hard these days and seeing him finally relax put her heart at ease.     

"Madam Wang."     

Daiyu turned her head upon hearing the voice. It was an unfamiliar man in a suit.     

"A present from the Cuis." He said as he handed her a large gift.     

"Oh. Thank you very much." She smiled and accepted it with both hands.     

"The madam extends her congratulations. She hopes to meet you soon."     

"Thank you." She smiled sweetly.     

After that, the man left. Daiyu placed the gift on the table and continued greeting other guests.     


The party ended at midnight and everyone left except for the usual people who chose to stay over at the hotel instead. Liu Jin and Daiyu took their time opening the gifts while the others drank beside them.     

Some gifts were embarrassing. Daiyu received a set of limited-edition lingerie from a couple of young ladies and some even sent her even naughtier items. Of course, everyone had fun teasing her about it but Liu Jin was rather pleased and even urged her to wear them.     

At some point, Daiyu opened a box and was surprised about the contents. There were several photographs of a young man beside another woman.     

"What's this?" She asked as she looked through the different picture frames.     

Everyone peered at the photos and Yi Jie's eyes immediately widened. Instinctively, she held Ye Shun's arm tightly, causing him to face her. Upon seeing her panicked look, he knew something was wrong.     

"Jin!" He called.     

Liu Jin turned to face them. Yi Jie shot him a look and he immediately dragged Daiyu away.     


"Get back!"     

Everyone immediately got up and backed away.     

"What's happening?!" Bob asked in a panic.     

Liu Jin looked towards Ying Yue and she nodded. She approached Daiyu and began leading her away.     

"Jin?" Daiyu looked back, worried.     

"I'll be fine babe. I'll be with you soon."     

Daiyu hesitated but Ying Yue continued to pull her away.     

"What's going on?" Zhihao asked.     

Liu Jin turned to face Yi Jie and she spoke.     

"Those are pictures of mom and Wang Fengge."     

Zhihao immediately tensed up. Instinctively, he kicked the picture frames far away.     

"W-What's wrong?" Bob asked.     

"I don't know man but who knows if those pictures are bugged!"     

Upon hearing his words, everyone backed away even further.     

After a moment of silence, Liu Jin took out his phone and decided to call Tang Yun. In the meantime, Zhihao explained the situation to Zhichen.     

"So this woman… why did she send those photos?" Zhichen asked.     

"… Provocation?" Ye Shun suggested.     

"She's sick in the head. Daiyu has nothing to do with her. Why would she drag her into this?" Yi Jie shivered in anger and clenched her fists.     

Soon, Tang Yun arrived at the scene.     

"Dad." Liu Jin came to greet him and he nodded.     

Upon seeing the pictures, his eyes immediately darkened. He ordered his men to inspect the photos while he talked with Yi Jie and Liu Jin.     

"Should we tell grandpa?" Yi Jie asked.     

Tang Yun paused and shook his head. He didn't want the old man to worry about useless things. Still, Liu Jin held his arm.     

"Let's tell him. If we keep this from him, we might only make things worse. If he finds out from other people, he might storm that woman on his own. But if we tell him, we can work out a plan together."     

Tang Yun hesitated but agreed. What he said does make sense and knowing Wang Jing's temperament, he'd really storm the Cuis as soon as he could.     

As such, they all went to Wang Jing's room.     


Right now, it was already one in the morning but the old man was still up, drinking with Honghui. They stayed up late to celebrate since they had been waiting for this day for so long.     

"Grandpa." Liu Jin greeted them.     

"Oh! Ah Jin! Come and drink!" Wang Jing smiled and raised his glass.     

Tang Yun walked towards them and with a solemn look, he began narrating what had just transpired.     

Upon hearing his words, Wang Jing shook with anger as he threw his glass of whiskey in a fit of rage.     

"That scheming woman! Is she not –     

"Grandpa! Your heart! Please, calm down." Yi Jie immediately hugged him to calm him down.     

Wang Jing closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Hesitantly, he swallowed all his anger and sat back down.     

"What are you planning to do?" Honghui asked.     

A moment of silence passed before Wang Jing spoke.     

"Let's wait. See what that woman is up to. Double Xiao Yu's security for now while we investigate that woman."     

"You won't retaliate?!" Honghui bellowed. He was mad too. The Wangs were now as good as family and having an outsider ruin such a precious day was enough to arouse his thirst for vengeance.     

"… The Cuis have grown in wealth these days. With the two of us, we can still suppress them but that's not the problem."     

"Then what is?!"     

"… I don't want to bring trouble for Xiao Yu. That woman has a grudge against me, not her. If we retaliate against her and she hurts my granddaughter…" His eyes darkened.     

"I don't want to lose any more family…"     

Honghui paused before sighing.     

"Ah Jin. Call your father. Tell him to assign more men for Xiao Yu. Keep a good eye on her."     

Liu Jin nodded.     

"Yi Jie." Wang Jing turned to face her. "Go back to America for now."     

"No!" Yi Jie held his arm.     

"Grandpa. I will not run from that woman anymore. We have to do something. We cannot let her tie us down with fear like this."     

Honghui nodded and urged the old man too.     

"That woman must be up to something big. If she dares to stir up trouble with you now even after you have left her alone for so long, it could mean that she has something up her sleeves."     

Wang Jing clenched his fists.     

"Grandfather." Liu Jin called.     

"Take this chance to tell Xiao Yu everything."     

Everyone turned to face him, wide eyed.     

"No!" Wang Jing immediately refused.     

"Grandfather… If you don't tell her now, she'll find ways to find out herself." Liu Jin explained.     

Tang Yun lowered his head. He too didn't want Daiyu to know of the dark past. He wanted her to live in the light. But…     

"Father, let's tell her." He urged.     

Wang Jing looked at him, confused.     

"I have a feeling that Qiaoling will continue to bother us in the future. If Xiao Yu knows of the truth, she can protect herself better. This woman… she's out to ruin our family. So we will fight back, as one family."     

While Wang Jing hesitated, Honghui turned to face Liu Jin.     

"Ah Jin. Call up the young ones." He ordered.     

Liu Jin nodded and left the room. Soon, he brought everyone inside. They sat down on the couch, the bed, and the carpet, ready to listen to the old man.     

Wang Jing looked at them. Over the years, he had seen these children grow before his very own eyes. Honestly, it felt like he had gained a bunch of grandchildren. He sighed. With a heavy heart, he then told them of the past.     

"I don't know what that woman is up to. I don't want to drag the Zhengs into this either."     

"Don't worry old man. She dragged us into it the moment she tried to kidnap me and Xiao Yu." Zhihao answered.     

"We were kidnaped?!" Daiyu panicked and everyone laughed.     

Liu Jin then told her about the amusement park incident and she listened carefully.     

"What does she look like?" She asked.     

Tang Yun took out his phone and after fiddling with it for a while, he showed her a picture. Daiyu's eyes widened and she immediately stood up.     

"She's the woman who ruined my pink car with juice!!!" She angrily realized and everyone laughed again.     

"But pretty jiejie." She turned to look at Yi Jie in worry.     

Yi Jie smiled. Right now, she was sitting on Ye Shun's lap and he was hugging her from behind.     

"I'll be fine. I have Shun to protect me too."     

Ye Shun nodded vigorously.     

Wang Jing smiled. His heart slowly felt at ease. Looking around the room, he realized that he was no longer alone. In the blink of an eye, his family grew to become so big. And he would do everything he could to protect them.     

"You kids be careful. If you see her, avoid her like the plague. That woman is cunning. For now, we'll see what she's up to and act accordingly." Wang Jing instructed and everyone nodded.     

"Don't worry about us, old man. She's more likely to go after you more than anyone else." Bob warned.     

Tang Yun nodded in agreement.     

"We'll increase your security too. Work from home for now." He told the old man.     

"I don't want to!" Wang Jing immediately refused.     

"Don't be disobedient, grandpa!" Daiyu scolded and everyone laughed.     

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