I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

A black car made its way inside the compound of the Zheng Residences. It stopped by the front before a woman came out of the driver's side.     

"Good afternoon, Madam Zheng."     

Ying Yue nodded and handed her car keys to the driver before walking over to the trunk. She took out her groceries and a maid came to help her.     

"Are the triplets home?"     

"Yes, madam."     

Ying Yue nodded and proceeded to make her way inside, her D'Orsay heels shining against the marble floor and yellow lights.     


She smiled and bent down. The triplets ran into her arms, giggling happily.     


"Kissy! Kiss!!!"     

Ying Yue kissed them softly, their milky voices warming her heart.     

"Mom, snack!"     


She smiled, looking at their three angelic faces. They were so adorable.     

After her wedding with Zhihao, she continued staying at home to help him finish his bank software. Just when they were about to complete it, she found out that she was pregnant. Of course, the entire family rejoiced. Except for Zhihao. He was more nervous than happy.     

Ying Yue thought that it was just at the start, that he would get used to it soon. But she was wrong.     

The very next day, Zhihao had the entire home baby-proofed. He placed non-slip mats everywhere to make sure that Ying Yue would not fall. He placed grip stickers on the walls and softened the corners of sharp furniture. It was so hideous that Victoria complained about how he ruined the aesthetics of the Zheng mansion.     

Ying Yue could only apologize but Zhihao was stubborn and would not budge. He was so careful about her that he wouldn't even hug her tightly like he used to. He kissed her softly and would listen to her stomach every night.     

"Grow up well. Daddy is excited to meet you." He said with trembling hands as he stroked Ying Yue's tummy.     

When they received news that Ying Yue was carrying triplets, Zhihao became even more nervous. At that time, they had already released their bank software and it was a huge success. Zhihao would run from one conference to another and he was always busy. But still, he made sure to come home on time every day. Whenever he was home, he sent all the maids away and took care of Ying Yue himself.     

"Hun… just let the maids do that." She said as she watched him wipe the bathroom down. He didn't want her slipping so he made sure that everything was dry.     

"It's alright. I can do this myself."     

She could only smile.     

When her stomach began growing bigger and bigger, Zhihao's stress levels also grew higher. He didn't like watching her in pain and he would openly cry whenever he saw her suffering from stomach cramps.     

"No more… No more future babies…" He said in between sobs as he massaged her.     

Ying Yue would laugh and tease him but he didn't care. He cried whenever she was in pain and no amount of comforting would stop his tears until he saw for himself that Ying Yue was now okay.     

When she was due for labor, Zhihao was extremely nervous. He sat there reciting mantras to calm himself down with Liu Jin beside him, embarrassed but unwilling to leave him behind.     

"Who's the father?" The doctor asked as he came out of the delivery room.     

"Me. Zheng Zhihao."     

"What's the mother's name?"     

"Jiang Ying Yue."     

"Congratulations, Mr. Zheng. Your wife delivered three healthy baby boys."     

When Zhihao first saw the triplets, Ying Yue was actually nervous. She was afraid that Zhihao would not like them since he often scolded them when they were still inside her stomach.     

"Stop giving your mom so much pain!!!"     

But when he saw them, his eyes sparkled and he could not help but cry.     

"They're so cute… so ugly cute…" He sobbed and Ying Yue laughed.     

After that day, Zhihao took them home. At that time, he had already began working for the Criminal Investigation Bureau with Liu Jin. He would go to work in the mornings and take care of the triplets at night.      

When they cried, Zhihao would feed them or change their diapers. He did it so often that he was even more skilled at it than Ying Yue was. In turn, the triplets preferred their dad over their mom.     

When the triplets began growing up, things began changing. They often made fun of Zhihao, teased him and gave him so much trouble. But despite all that, Zhihao loved and spoiled them to bits.     

"You don't find them annoying?" Ying Yue asked.     

"Nope. They're your children. I will always love them." He smiled.     

After the triplets turned two, Ying Yue wanted to try having another child. She wanted a daughter but Zhihao refused. He always remembered the pain she went through and he didn't want her suffering again.     

"But Jin and Xiao Yu would be marrying soon. When they have a child, don't you want them to be the same age as ours?"     

Zhihao's ears twitched.     

"Then they can be best friends like you and Jin."     

Zhihao's eyes widened.     

"Want! Want want want want!"     

Ying Yue laughed and pinched his ears.     


"Mom! Mom! Mommmmm!" The triplets woke Ying Yue from her reverie.     


"Where's dad?"     

"Will he come home soon?"     

"Z-Ziwei wants daddy!"     

Ying Yue giggled.     

"You miss dad already?"     

The triplets nodded.     

"Dad's still at work. He won't be home till seven."     

The triplets pouted and Ying Yue could not help but smile.     

"You love your dad so much but you always give him trouble." She scolded.     

The triplets giggled.     

"But dad is funny!"     


"Dad won't get angry!"     

She laughed.     

"Well then, why don't we surprise him? Want to go fetch dad?"     

The three little demons jumped up and down, nodding.     


Zhihao sighed and loosened his tie. Beside him, Liu Jin checked his watch. They had just finished their work.     

As they stepped out of their office building, the sound of children giggling filled their ears.     


"Uncle Jin!"     


The three little demons came to tackle them.     

Zhihao immediately caught two in his arms while Liu Jin caught the other.     

"Why are you three little monkeys here?" Zhihao asked and Ying Yue chuckled.     

"Bob should be done at the center by now." She said as she glanced at her watch.     

"Want to go see him?"     

Zhihao's face bloomed into a huge smile and he nodded.     

"You go ahead. I'll go and pick Xiao Yu up." Liu Jin said as he handed Zihan over to Ying Yue.     

"Buy a cake on the way." Zhihao instructed.     



As the Zhengs made their way towards the center, they bought balloons and ice cream with them.     

"What are we celebrating?" Zihan asked.     


"Uncle Bob's birthday?"     

"No." Zhihao grinned.     

"You'll be getting a new cousin later on."     



"That's right. Be good to your new cousin, alright?"     

The three little demons giggled, already planning to sabotage the party.     

"If you make your new cousin cry, you won't get to eat any cake and ice cream." Ying Yue warned.     

The triplets immediately sat up straight and obediently nodded.     

"We'll be good."     

"Zixuan too."     

"Z-Ziwei too!"     


Meanwhile, Bob sat nervously inside the adoption center. He had already been here several times but today, he was finally taking the kid home. He checked his watch again and again as he waited. Soon, the door opened and a little boy peeked inside.     

"Kai!" Bob called, his eyes teary.     

The shy little boy smiled. He inspected the room first and when he saw that they were alone, he immediately ran into Bob's arms. Bob hugged him tightly, his big hands circling the boy's tiny body.     

"Uncle." He called.     

Bob sniffed and gently stroked the boy's hair. He shook his head.     

"Today… Today I won't be your uncle anymore."     

The boy stiffened. He slowly looked up to him, his eyes teary.     

"W-why?" He asked, aggrieved.     

"Today… I'll become your dad." Bob said as he nervously broke the news.     

The boy paused, his eyes widening.     


Bob nodded excitedly, his face breaking out into a smile.     

The boy looked back, his tears finally falling.     

"Don't cry!" Bob nervously wiped his tears away but the boy sobbed.     

"W-what's wrong? Are you unhappy?" Bob asked in a panic.     

The boy shook his head.     



"Dad…!" He sobbed.     

Bob froze, his eyes widening.     


Bob broke down. He immediately picked the boy up and hugged him tightly.     

"That's right… I'll be your dad!" He sobbed.     

The little boy cried and cried. He buried his head onto the nook of Bob's neck, his little arms holding onto him tightly.     



"You… you'll be my dad?"     

"I will."     

"You'll love me?"     

"I will."     

"Even if… even if Kai doesn't have a leg?"     

Bob nodded solemnly, his hand gently supporting the boy's prosthetic leg.     

"I'll take you home. Ben Ben is waiting for us. You remember him right? You've played with him before."     

Kai nodded.     

"Ben Ben will become your big brother from now on."     

The boy paused.     

"And you have three naughty cousins waiting for you too."     


Bob nodded.     

"They'll be your friends."     

The boy paused.     

"So… so will you come home with me… Kai?" Bob asked nervously.     

The boy tightened his grip and nodded.     

"Kai will go home with daddy." He smiled.     

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