I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

It was painful.

Wang Daiyu clenched her fists tightly as her body tried to fight the poison running through her veins. Blood was trickling out of her ears, nose, and mouth as she laid on the cold floor.

"Xia Xiulan you witch!" She cried out in a hoarse voice. Her eyes were dark and filled with anger as she looked at the woman in front of her.

"I've warned you several times to back off. If you had just obediently listened to me, you wouldn't be dying right now." The woman replied.

"Who would listen to you?! You think I'd just stand by and watch you steal everything away from me?!" Daiyu replied in between coughs of blood.

"Steal? Yours?!" Xiulan threw her bag onto the floor.

"You're nothing but a parasite! Draining away what's rightfully mine! You shouldn't have been born! What's yours?! Everything you had was mine!" Xiulan roared as she pulled Daiyu up from the floor using her hair before throwing her back to the ground.

"I am the true Wang heiress! Your mother stole my father! You should have died with her in that car crash! But that wench decided to drag my father to the afterlife!" She yelled as she continuously kicked Daiyu's stomach.

After calming down, she continued.

"Well, no matter. You should be thanking me! I'm reuniting you with them." She smirked. "Along with your unborn child."

"W-what?!" Daiyu's eyes widened with fear.

"That's right. You're pregnant. After being raped by four men for an entire night, do you really think they wouldn't have knocked you up? They came inside you over and over! They even recorded it for the entire world to see!"

"But the hospital -

"I told them to keep it a secret. Aren't I nice? If you knew you were pregnant, you'd surely get an abortion." She grinned. "That poor child. I wanted you to keep it. Raising a child that looks just like your rapist, isn't that wonderful?"

"You bitch!"

"Bitch?! I had been nice enough to let you keep your life! But you dare tell grandfather not to include me in his will?!" Xiulan gave her another kick which caused Daiyu to cough up more blood.

"Did you know? That old man was actually willing to let me have the Wang Conglomerate shares in exchange for leaving you alone! That old fool." She laughed. "He always tried to keep me away from you. But you're such an easy bitch to manipulate, you come crawling to me willingly!"

Daiyu felt her heart clench. It was true. She fell for Xiulan's schemes over and over again. But when the entire world had left her side, her grandfather never once doubted her. He loved and doted on Daiyu no matter how hard her reputation fell.

That was why she told her grandfather not to give in to Xia Xiulan.

'This bitch does not deserve a single cent from him!'

She glared at Xiulan before slowly smirking.

"What are you going to do now that you've murdered me? Do you really think grandfather will give you his inheritance?"

"He has no choice. He has no heir left. I've already talked to the board. They'll be pressuring him to name me as the new CEO soon." Xiulan smirked.

Daiyu felt her vision fading. The poison had worked its way to her heart.

'Ah, it's time for me to go. Grandfather... I'm so sorry.'

"That's where you miscalculated." She said with a faint voice.

Xiulan looked at her in confusion.

"There IS another heir." She smirked and watched as Xiulan's face contorted from shock, to panic, to anger.

"What do you mean?! Bitch!"

Daiyu heard her screams as Xiulan tried to shake her into speaking but death had already sealed her lips.

'Serves you right.'


When her consciousness returned to her, Daiyu found herself in a strange place. She was walking on top of crystal-clear water that reflected the endless blue sky. The sea beneath her stretched on for as far as her eyes could see. Aside from the breeze that would blow occasionally, the place was quiet and peaceful.

Looking around, she saw what seemed to be a train station.

She approached it but found that it was empty.

"Xiao Yu…?" A voice came from behind her.

Turning her head, she saw an unfamiliar man. He had a taper fade – his hair longer on top which faded on the sides and back with a shave. He had deep black eyes and a small mole under his left eye. He wore a white oxford button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing off his honey-tone skin color. His black tight jeans made his long legs look even longer and he matched it with a pair of white sneakers.

"… I'm sorry. Do I know you?" She asked.

"It's me." He smiled brightly. "Liu Jin."

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