I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

On the day of the party, a huge golden standee of Daiyu's name stood at the entrance of the hall. Guests began pouring in as early as four thirty in the afternoon and they enjoyed their time taking pictures and chatting with friends. The children's attention were quickly captured by the snack booths and the adults enjoyed the cocktail bar that served free flowing drinks.

At five thirty sharp, the music in the hall changed. It was the signal that the party was about to begin.

"Ready?" Wang Jing asked Daiyu and she nodded her head happily.

The guests turned their heads and the large golden doors opened. There, Daiyu stood with her small hand holding onto Wang Jing's.

The guests were taken aback. The child was young but everyone could tell that she was beautiful.

She had a small round face with plump pink lips. Her deep big eyes were framed by long full lashes and she had long silky black hair that flowed up to her waist.

After being well taken cared of at the mansion, Daiyu had gained weight and her slight tan had also lightened.

She wore a royal blue court dress with gold accents, a tiara on her head and lace gloves on her hands. She looked like a porcelain doll.

"My god. She's beautiful." A woman gasped.

Daiyu walked down the red carpet with Wang Jing to the center of the room where the grandfather and granddaughter pair proceeded with the first dance of the night.

Daiyu had small stubby legs so her dancing was a bit clumsy. Nevertheless, the sight warmed the hearts of everyone as she giggled and looked up to her grandfather cheerfully. She turned and twirled and happily held onto her grandfather's big hands. Wang Jing carefully led her, all the while smiling down on her with warm eyes.

"Well, I can see why Wang Jing spoils her."

The women nodded. What an adorable child!

After the dance ended, Wang Jing led her to the pink velvet throne in the middle of the stage before beginning his speech. After that, the party officially began.

The adults approached Wang Jing while the children ran to Daiyu, bringing her gifts. Liu Jin and Zhihao stayed beside her the entire time, assisting her. Liu Jin was dressed as Captain Hook from Peter Pan and Zhihao was dressed as Genie from Aladdin.

"Why the hell are you the Genie?"

"Because I grant wishes… in bed." Zhihao raised his brows up and down and Liu Jin rolled his eyes.

Soon, a boy dressed as Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid approached them. He had an Ivy League haircut – his hair on top long and swept to one side while the sides and back were kept short. He looked clean and kept, the textbook definition of a good boy and he had a sweet innocent smile.

"Hi Daiyu! I'm Ye Shun. Happy birthday!" He smiled as he handed her a gift.

Liu Jin knew this boy well. In his past life, before there was a Zhihao, there was first a Ye Shun. He grew up with this boy. He knew that he was a kind man. That was why while he held bitterness against him in his heart, he never hated him. He knew that this idiot was probably too in love with Xia Xiulan to realize that he was being used. He was just that – an innocent fool who should have known better. He sighed.

'He probably regretted Daiyu's death more than anyone.' Knowing his goody two shoes friend, guilt must have weighed heavily on his heart.

Meanwhile, Daiyu's little hand trembled and she instinctively sought Liu Jin's protection. She gripped on his shirt tightly and buried her face on his back.

Liu Jin's eyes widened for a split second before he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Daiyu seems to be a little shy." Zhihao quickly explained as he accepted the gift on her behalf.

"Oh. That's alright." Ye Shun smiled brightly.

"Excuse us." Liu Jin quickly led Daiyu away to a spot with lesser people and Zhihao followed closely.

"Xiao Yu, are you alright? What's wrong?" Liu Jin asked.

"Scary." Daiyu looked up to him, her brows furrowed.

"Scary? Why?" Zhihao asked with a brow raised.

Daiyu shook her head. She didn't know why but that boy was scary. She took Liu Jin's hand and placed it on her chest. He instantly felt that her heartbeat was going too fast.

"You just felt that he was scary?"

Daiyu nodded.

Liu Jin and Zhihao looked at each other.

"Well. That confirms it. Her mind doesn't remember but her soul does." Zhihao concluded.

Liu Jin frowned. What could this mean? He sighed. All he wanted was for Daiyu to grow up peacefully.

"Jin-gege?" Daiyu tilted her head to one side. She didn't like it when her Jin-gege frowns.

Liu Jin bent down and kissed her forehead.

"It's okay. Your Jin-gege is here. Daiyu has nothing to worry about." He smiled.

Daiyu hugged him tight. She felt safest in his arms.

"Jin-gege is the best security guard!"

Liu Jin frowned. She still hasn't forgotten that?

"Security guard? What kind of play have you been teaching her?" Zhihao chimned in.

Liu Jin gritted his teeth.

"Small asian girl with security guard. Doesn't that sound like a porn titl– OUCH!"

Liu Jin jabbed Zhihao's rib with his elbow. This bastard always runs his mouth off! It doesn't help either that Daiyu always ends up remembering everything he says!

"Porn? Whats porn?"

"Hahaha. You know. It's –

Zhihao turned his head and saw Liu Jin giving him a death glare.

"Popcorn. It's a shortcut for popcorn. Do you want some? I saw that they were serving some." He explained.

Daiyu nodded vigorously.

"Daiyu wants porn!"

Zhihao quickly covered her mouth.

"Shhhhh! You're not supposed to say that out loud!"

"Why not?" Daiyu frowned.

"Porn is delicious!" She declared in a loud voice.

Liu Jin buried his face on his palm. How were they going to fix this now?

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