I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Daiyu was called to the room where Butler Tang and Liu Jin were waiting. The news about the investigation quickly spread through the mansion and before long, many maids were lingering outside the room, hoping to see what punishment would befall the thieving child.

"Daiyu, come here."

Daiyu took Liu Jin's hand and he led her towards the shelf where the jewelry box was placed. He then spoke.

"It couldn't have been Daiyu. She's too small to reach it."

With just that sentence, the entire room turned silent.

He was right! The shelf was too tall for the little child to reach. Daiyu was five but even then, she was still smaller in height than other children her age because of years of malnutrition.

"B-but what if she stood on a chair?"

"She'll still be too small. Watch."

Liu Jin took the vanity chair nearby and helped Daiyu stand on top of the chair. Her eyes were now on the same level as the shelf.

"Daiyu, do you see that porcelain box? Can you try giving it to me?"


Daiyu tiptoed and stretched her arms as far as she could and she finally managed to touch the box. But after grappling with the box for a while, she let out a heavy sigh and stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"Jin-gege, the box is too heavy." Daiyu retracted her tired arms and pouted.

Liu Jin grinned. The box was made of heavy porcelain and was generously filled with jewelry. Even if her little hands could touch its edges, she couldn't possibly move the box from its location.

"Then why were the jewelries under her bed?!"

"Anyone could hide them there." Liu Jin retorted.

"But only a child could take it!"

"What do you mean?" Liu Jin raised a brow.

"We did a swab of the box and the fingerprints found were too small to match that of an adult." Butler Tang replied.

"That's right!"

"And she's the only child here!"

"That's not true. Wasn't there another child here before? One who was much taller than Daiyu." Liu Jin replied.

The maids went silent as their eyes widened. He was right!

"Impossible!" Qian Ru denied.


"The jewelries were lost –

"At no given exact date. But they were lost around the time Daiyu arrived at the mansion, which also happens to be the time that other child left."

"But why would she hide it in the young mistress's room?"

"Wasn't the young mistress's room a guest room before? Maybe that other child hid it there because she didn't want to keep it in her own room. If she did and they were found, wouldn't that easily link the theft to her?" The maids argued and reasoned with each other.

"The young mistress isn't like that!" Qian Ru defended.

"And how sure are you that Daiyu is like that?" Liu Jin looked at her sternly. He knew that when she had said young mistress, she wasn't referring to Daiyu.

"… She's a petty thief who grew up on the streets! Why wouldn't she be like that?!" Anger distorted Qian Ru's face.

"She's an innocent child who had to face the hardships of the streets alone. She had been begging and singing for commuters on the streets. She wasn't stealing. If anything, she was working." Liu Jin answered back.

"Then are you saying that young mistress Xiulan stole the jewelry?!"

"Xiulan?" Daiyu turned to Liu Jin and Butler Tang's eyes widened.

He quickly faced Qian Ru and gave her a sharp look.

"Enough. Now we know that the young mistress is innocent. Everyone, return to your duties immediately. No one is to mention about today's incident again. Qian Ru, I'll be waiting for you at the master's office." Butler Tang dismissed the crowd immediately.

"Young master Jin."

Butler Tang could guess how the boy knew of Xia Xiulan's existence. After all, his grandfather, Liu Honghui, was Wang Jing's best friend and confidant. The old man must have told him about Xiulan.

"I will take care of Daiyu. I will be careful not to say things I shouldn't. Don't worry Uncle Tang. Go and take care of that maid." Liu Jin assured him.

Butler Tang smiled.

"Thank you." Luckily, the child was very smart.

He bowed his head and left the room as well.

"Jin-gege? Xiulan?" Daiyu reminded him of her question.

Liu Jin smiled.

"She's the evil witch who's out to poison our little princess Daiyu."

Daiyu gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. However, she could not hide the excitement in her eyes.

He chuckled.

"Why are you excited?"

"Because the evil witch is so cool!"

"It's not cool to get poisoned, Daiyu."

"Well it's not cool to have a mirror who won't praise you either! Maybe – maybe that's why the evil witch was so grumpy!"

Liu Jin laughed.

"You're right." If Wang Jing didn't only focus on Daiyu, maybe Xiulan could have turned out differently.

Still, it was not a good enough reason to hurt Daiyu.

Besides, what was going on? He didn't remember Daiyu telling him about an incident like this in her past life.

'Maybe she was too young to remember?' Liu Jin thought.

Just then, a maid knocked and opened the door.

"Young master Liu, you have a guest."

"A guest?" Liu Jin raised a brow.

"Yes. He says his name is Zheng Zhihao."

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