I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Lanfen spent the next few days planning with Yu Yanlin over the phone. She was informed that security around Liu Jin had been tightened. Someone must have tipped the other party off! She gritted her teeth. Right now, she wasn't sure who was blocking her plans. Was it Liu Honghui? Or was it Liu Shuren?

Her men had also informed her that they had lost track of Nana. Because of that, she was beginning to doubt Shuren. He wasn't answering her calls and he wasn't letting her out of the house either.

'He couldn't have gotten back with Nana, could he?' She bit her nails.

No, that's not possible. He was really angry when he found out that she had slept with Yanlin. If he had gotten back with Nana, he wouldn't care about the men she slept with.

It must be Liu Honghui. That old man hated her from the very beginning!

Meanwhile, Shuren had also been planning from his side. He knew that Lanfen's family had ties to the underground but he wasn't aware that it was this extensive. He had recently been investigating them and even he was surprised at what they found.

With the way the Kangs have used the Liu Enterprise to cover their illegal business, it was hard for the Lius to go unscathed. But he had a plan. He was going to get the military involved. If they made it look like an undercover mission to expose the Kang's underground dealings, they could make up an excuse that they used the Liu Enterprise as bait to lure them out. That way, he could clear their name and at the same time, gain help from the government's side.

With that in mind, he had already began contacting the right people. It was only a matter of time now. The clock towards Lanfen's downfall was ticking.


Liu Jin sat in the mansion's common study, doing his homework. He heard small footsteps approaching him before he felt a ball of warmth nuzzle up to him. Daiyu had crawled onto his lap and rested her head on his chest without saying a word. He chuckled. Recently, Liu Jin's lap had become Daiyu's favorite place.

Daiyu saw that her Jin-gege was busy. She didn't want to disturb him but she still wanted to be with him. So she decided to just sit down and quietly observe him instead.

Liu Jin gently stroked her hair with one hand as his other hand continued writing.

Wang Jing, who had just arrived home, was passing by the hallways when he saw both children in the study. He chuckled at the sight before him. With Liu Jin doting on his granddaughter this much, he had nothing to worry about while he was away.

Butler Tang, who was with him, smiled upon seeing the children.

"Are you considering old master Liu's proposal?"

Wang Jing paused.

"I don't mind. The Liu's are not a bad match. But it'll all depend on Daiyu. If she still likes her Jin-gege this much when she grows up, I won't have any objections to it."

Butler Tang nodded. Liu Honghui had proposed an engagement between both children. Wang Jing had rejected the idea for now because Daiyu was still very young. But he knew that at the back of the old man's mind, he had already accepted the proposal.

Turning his head to face the children, he could not help but agree.

'If young master Jin becomes the young mistress's fiancé, the old man could retire in peace.'

The boy was young but even he could tell how capable he was.

"Hey, can you not show off your affection so blatantly?" Zhihao once again interrupted their touching moment.

Liu Jin gritted his teeth. Why was this bastard even here?!

"Go home already!"

"No!! It's boring at home!"

Butler Tang watched as the boys bickered. He chuckled.

'Well, young master Zhihao is not a bad match either.'


Just like that, their days passed by peacefully. With Lanfen on house arrest and with security around Liu Jin tightened, there was not much going on.

Sometimes, Zhihao would drop by and visit Daiyu. Liu Jin would try his best to shoo him away but he always ended up sleeping over anyway. Before long, Liu Jin's initial one month stay at the mansion was up. However, with Shuren and Nana still abroad, he continued staying with the Wangs for now.

Right now, the mansion was busy preparing for Daiyu's sixth birthday. Liu Jin was preparing too. After all, this was the event that introduced Daiyu to Ye Shun. While he knew that the current Daiyu liked him, he could still not be at ease.

For the past month, he had noticed that while Daiyu may have left her memories behind, her personality had greatly changed from what she was like when she was a child. From what he and Zhihao had concluded, it must be because while she had no memories of her past life, her soul had remained the same.

If that was true, then could it be possible that seeing Ye Shun would rekindle her feelings for him too?

He knew that it was a long shot but he dared not risk it. He lost her once, he wasn't planning on losing her again.

"Xiao Yu, do you like your Jin-gege?"

Daiyu nodded vigorously.

"Daiyu likes Jin-gege a lot!"

"A lot is not enough. Xiao Yu has to like me the most. Xiao Yu has to like me only." He pouted.

Daiyu shook her head.

"Daiyu loves grandpaw the most!"

Liu Jin smiled.

"Well, that's fine. I can be second to him." He looked at her before hugging her tightly.

"But you're not allowed to like anyone else!"

Daiyu shook her head again.

"Daiyu likes Zhihao-gege too!"

"WHAT?! No!" Liu Jin frowned.

"What part of that man do you like? I'm ten times, no, one hundred times better!"

"Daiyu likes that Zhihao-gege makes Jin-gege happy!" She beamed.


That bastard makes him far from happy! In fact, that bastard was the reason why he was unhappy most of the time!

Liu Jin sighed.

"Xiao Yu, you can't like other men or your husband will get jealous."

Daiyu tilted her head to one side. She didn't understand what he meant.

"Nevermind. Your Jin-gege will just have to work harder." He gently stroked her hair.

Daiyu smiled. She liked his hands. They were always warm and gentle. She tiptoed and kissed his cheek softly.

"But Jin-gege makes Daiyu the happiest! Jin-gege is the best!"

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