I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Wang Jing and Liu Honghui continued their talk until the sun went down. They were only interrupted when Honghui's phone rang. He looked at the caller I.D. and it read 'Liu Shuren.' He frowned. His son only ever called him when there were problems.

"Answer it." Wang Jing waved his hand, signaling that it was fine for him to take the call right now.

Honghui nodded and answered the call.

"What now?"

Shuren chuckled at his father's irritated voice.

"Father, can you ask Uncle Wang to let Jin stay with him for a little while longer?"

Honghui raised a brow.


"Lanfen is most probably trying to get rid of him right now."

The old man's eyes widened before a flash of rage crossed his eyes.

Butler Shao had already informed him of Shuren and Nana's matters through a phone call while he was away. Now that he knew that Lanfen had caused his family's problems, he hated her even more. He was simply being patient because Shuren wanted to get rid of all of Lanfen's men in one go – both those she had planted inside the Liu Estate and those inside their company. If he made a move before they identified all her men, he could risk leaving a traitor within their ranks.

"Hurry up and get rid of that woman!"

"Relax. We'll do it slowly but surely." Shuren took a drag from his cigarette as he turned his head to look at Nana who was sleeping peacefully in his bed.

"Take care of Jin for me. Nana and I will be staying here for a bit longer than planned."

"What?! Why?! Hurry up and come home!"

"You don't want a new grandchild?"

"… Take your time there. I'll handle things here."

Shuren chuckled and ended the call. He stubbed out his cigarette and returned to bed. He wrapped an arm around Nana's waist from behind and gently kissed her shoulder.

Nana didn't know but legally, she was still married to him. He had never submitted their divorce agreement with the marriage registration offices because from the start, he had no intention of letting her go. His marriage with Lanfen was likewise legally nonexistent.

Now, it was only a matter of time before his plans came to fruition.


Honghui turned his head to face Wang Jing.

He had initially planned to bring Liu Jin home with him today. Now that he was back, there was no reason to trouble the Wangs any further. But Shuren's request made sense. The child's safety could not be compromised.

"Old man, do you mind if Ah Jin stays with you for a little while longer? I'll have my men guard him as well. That Kang woman is up to no good." He gritted his teeth.

"Leave your grandson to me and focus on taking care of your family matters. There's no rush. The boy can stay as long as he wants." Wang Jing had personally seen how much Liu Jin cared for Daiyu. The child was also livelier around him.

Just then, a knock came and Butler Tang entered the room.

"Master Wang, old master Liu." He bowed and ushered two children inside.

"Grandpaw!" Daiyu's eyes filled with excitement upon seeing her grandfather.

Wang Jing picked her up and kissed her chubby cheek.

"Xiao Yu, this is Ah Jin's grandfather, Liu Honghui. Go and greet him."

"Hello, Grandpaw Liu." She obediently complied.

"Grandfather." Liu Jin greeted.

"Ah Jin." Honghui patted his grandson's head. He doted on Liu Jin. The boy looked exactly like his son but had a better personality. He was much cuter too.

He then turned his head towards the little girl.

"Is this her? My word… she looks just like Xiao Mei. Have you informed the Luo's?"

"Mmm. They'll be coming over to see her on her sixth birthday."

Honghui nodded and turned to face Liu Jin.

"Ah Jin, you'll be staying with the Wangs for a little bit longer, alright?"

Liu Jin nodded. He didn't know the reason behind his prolonged stay but he was not complaining. More time with Daiyu was always appreciated! All four of them then proceeded to the dining hall to have dinner. After chatting a bit more with Wang Jing, Honghui returned to the Liu Estate.


"Father!" Lanfen greeted him with an angry face.

Honghui frowned.

"Father, Shuren's men won't let me leave the house!"

"Why are you complaining to me? Am I your husband?" Honghui snorted and started walking away.

"I can't contact him! He has been ignoring my calls!"

"… What have you done to anger him then?" Honghui turned around and gave her an accusing look before walking away.

Lanfen was taken aback. Was this about Yu Yanlin? She bit her nail. She thought that Shuren had forgiven her for that.

Nothing was going according to plan! It was not a big deal that she couldn't leave the house. She could always send men to do the job for her. But she had to find a way to appease Shuren. He was finally paying attention to her but even that was ruined!

It was all that Yu Yanlin's fault! She gritted her teeth.

That man was one of her father's men. The Kangs were an affluent family but only because of their roots to the underground. Her father had always wanted to establish a connection with the corporate world to hide their background. That was why he had been pushing her to marry some other rich creep!

But she had always been in love with Shuren. She had to have him! But that despicable Nana took him away! She needed Yanlin's help to get rid of that woman and to convince her father of changing their target to the Lius. Her father had finally agreed and was appeased when she married Shuren. He quickly had his men infiltrate the Liu Enterprise and was currently using the Lius as a front for their illegal business.

Now that they had gone this far, she couldn't risk her marriage with Shuren turning sour. If her father's business were to turn awry, she would not escape unscathed!

She hated to admit it but she really needed Yanlin's help right now.

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