The Gorgeous Ex Girlfriend

Regretting the decision

Regretting the decision

After going up to her room, Jia Li had realised that her phone was probably left behind in the car. She had come down the steps, only to halt mid-way, listening to the raised voices. She hadn't wanted to intrude and turned around to go back upstairs. But Wei's words had shocked her into standing still. He wanted to move out of his house because of her?     

Post the unexpected intimacy in the car this afternoon, Jia Li's heart had urged her to look beyond her misery and maybe think of a new start somewhere in the future. She wasn't ready for love but she did want to try moving on from the spot she had been standing at for many years now. But she wasn't going to start afresh with someone at the cost of a mother's angst. Listening to Mrs. Wang plead just now with her son, Jia Li felt really guilty. She didn't wait to hear more and climbed up the stairs.     

She had had enough of betrayal and heartbreak. There was only so much that her heart could take. It was time to take charge of her life and make some decisions solely for herself. She missed her parents in that moment desperately. Asking them for guidance and strength, she started re-packing her barely opened stuff.     

Next morning, Wang residence     

"Where is she? I want to see her now. Where is Wei?" Tang stormed into the house despite the maid's protest at the main door.     

"Ahhh, what is this ruckus first thing in the morning? Xie Tang, what are you doing here so early?" Mr. Wang looked him in surprise.     

"Apologies, Uncle Wang. But it is imperative that I see Jia Li now. I have been trying to reach her cellphone since yesterday but she hasn't picked up even once. And now her number is switched off. I just need to speak with her once," he almost pleaded.     

"She hasn't come down yet from her room. But I can assure you that she is well. After an early dinner, she went to sleep. I think she had had a tough day," Mr. Wang said pointedly, making Tang aware that he knew about the events which had transpired the day before.     

Ignoring his comment, he repeated, "then please direct me to her room. I won't bother you with my presence anymore."     

"Tang, why are you here at this hour?" Wei had just finished his morning exercise routine and come to the living room, following the raised voices.     

"Wang Wei, enough games. Yesterday, I let her go with you because I believed that she needed some time to let the truth sink in. But every single minute since then, I have regretted letting her walk away. I need to speak with her and make her understand the reasons behind my actions. So if you could PLEASE take me to her…" he said, brimming with impatience.     

"This is my house and my rules, Tang. Stop trying to bulldoze your way through. I will go and ask her whether she wishes to speak with you or not. Whatever she decides, I will respect that. So in case she refuses to meet you, I will make sure her wish is accorded," he warned him.     

Tang glared back at him. Crossing his arms, he stood barely controlling himself while Wei crossed the room and went towards the staircase.     

Tang hadn't exaggerated when he said that he had regretted his decision to let her walk away the day before. In hindsight, he should have held tightly onto her, maybe not let her breathe till she forgave him, threatened to go on hunger strike till she didn't agree to marry him, post his divorce. Do everything except let her go out of his sight. Never mind, he would make sure that he doesn't walk out alone today from the Wang residence.     

At the bottom of the steps, Wei's mother was standing. Apparently, she had been eavesdropping on the conversation. He didn't stop to engage into any conversation with her nor did she. Surprisingly, she hadn't spoken much since the last confrontation between the two of them. But Wei had made up his mind. He was going to move out of the house today itself with Jia Li. As of now, he had his fingers crossed that she should say no to meeting Tang. He couldn't bear to see her go through any more pain.     

He knocked at her door but got no answer. He opened the room after repeated knocks but found the bed made and no sign of her. He summoned one of the maids to look for Jia Li in the bathroom but she wasn't there either. Slightly surprised at her absence, he asked the maid to look for her in the garden at the back of the house.     

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