The Gorgeous Ex Girlfriend

Lovemaking Part 3

Lovemaking Part 3

Caution: Content not suited for readers below 16 years of age!     

"It's payback time, my love", she said and put her mouth to his neck.     

She nipped gently at his Adam's apple before moving down to rub her nose in the crisp hair of his chest. She closed her eyes and inhaled. Moving her lips to one of his nipples, she gave it the same treatment which had been meted out to her. The flat disks got pulled, kissed, sucked and bitten hard by her.     

"You are driving me mad, my wild cat", he moved his hands all over her back, finally closing over her rounded buttocks and squeezing them hard.     

His eyes took in her swaying breasts, her entangled hair and her intoxicating nearness. He didn't know as to how had the tables turned, the seduced had become the seductress!     

He waited with painful patience as she tugged at his briefs with intense concentration.     

"Uh, do you need some help", he asked innocently.     

Giving him a glare, she stood up to shrug out of her black thong before climbing back on the bed. His shallow breathing matched hers as the anticipation rose in the room. The smell of sweat mingled with that of hungry bodies. She swung her leg across his midriff slowly, relishing the abrasion of his rough hair against her smoothness.     

Breath hissed out of his teeth when she lowered herself onto his erection, with excruciating slowness. He held himself rigidly while she moved in sweet torment on top of him, trying to find her rhythm. The movement was going to be the cause of his untimely death, he thought savagely.     

Finally, she had fully absorbed him in her wet heat and with a satisfied smile, she started to rise and move. The next time she came down on him, he latched onto her breast and suckled hard enough to nearly shatter her core. Her aroused whimpers turned into full blown shouts. He dug his nails into her butt, guiding her to a better fit. After few delicious strokes which threatened his control, he could take it no more.     

He flipped her onto her back. Half shut eyes, ruby red lips, luscious curves threatened to send him over the top just by staring at them.     

'You are mine, always were, always will be', he growled possessively.     

With that, he drove hard into her slick wetness. Her inner muscles clenched around his dick, sending him nearly over the edge. He rode her hard, his hands ensnared in her hair. He didn't blink for even a second, taking in the play of emotions on her face.     

The room was inundated with pleasured sounds and sweat soaked bodies. She was panting hard and was almost delirious with the sensations. Tracing the beads of perspiration between her breasts with his fingertip, he willed his heart rate to slow down.     

He took her swollen lips in his mouth and started to move inside her, this time slower but deeper. As he raised the tempo, her breathe hitched and then on a hoarse breath, she shattered into million brilliant shards. He finally let his control go and with a scream, spilled himself into her warmth.     

They lay trembling together in the aftermath.     

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