The Gorgeous Ex Girlfriend

Lovemaking Part 2

Lovemaking Part 2

Caution: Content not suited for readers below 16 years of age!     

Tang stooped down his face again and kissed her neck, then licked it. Jia Li stopped breathing for a second and then sighed in surrender. His mind went wild at that sound and he sucked at her throat. She emitted a wanton moan and tugged at her tied hands.     

Her chest thrust up due to this action and he could see the nipples announcing their presence boldly. His heart was thumping wildly. He wanted to taste her so badly. Impatience gnawed at him and he tore away the wispy straps of her dress. The creamy breasts lay trapped in a lacy black ensemble. While he stared at them hungrily, her frustrated moans reached him.     

"Are you in a hurry, sweetheart? Cos I am not. I want to look my fill at the gorgeous painting you make", he teased her.     

She muttered an expletive under her breathe and tried to work at her tie-knotted hands.     

He shut her resistance down by taking her mouth into his own again. Angling her head sideways, he sucked inside her luscious lower lip. It was as if he wanted to brand her there. She arched her back, inviting him to taste the bounty.     

Not reaching for her breasts yet, he kissed her collar bone and then sucked on it hard. Slowly, almost at an excruciating pace, he moved further down and began to lick her breast through the lace. He stopped suddenly and got off the bed, causing her to whimper. He unbuttoned his shirt and threw it away. Jia Li's lust laden eyes took in his chiselled chest muscles.     

"Please, I need you to untie me NOW," she begged.     

Taking mercy on her, he leaned over to do the same. She immediately ran her hands over his torso, flicking his nipples with her fingers. A thrill ran through his body and he pulled down her nightdress completely off her. After that he unbuckled his belt and took off his pants. Clad in his briefs, he straddled over her body. His taut thigh muscles flexed as they rubbed against her silken legs. He began to kiss her cheek and from there, his lips moved to her left ear. He bit and licked it. Jia Li moaned loudly, bringing a smile to his face. Using his lips and teeth, he took off her ear ring and then moved to do the same to her right ear.     

She hugged his neck and wiggled to get even closer. His body trembled violently under the pressure to control his arousal.     

He unclasped the bra and his eyes hungrily took in her bust. Looking at her pink nipples already tightened, he extended his left hand and fondled her right breast. It filled his palm and he relished its feel. He tested its weight in his hand and gave it a bold proprietary squeeze. She moaned loudly to show her approval and arched her back again.     

He took one tightly budded nipple in his mouth and feasted on it while his other hand roved over her stomach and then lower, hovering tantalisingly above her mound. Not to let the other breast feel neglected, he applied the same ministrations making her beg him for a release.     

Before he could reach any further down, she pushed him back, making him fall on the bed. Breathing heavily, she moved swiftly to sit astride in his lap.     

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