Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Do you plan on marrying her?

Do you plan on marrying her?

"So, when are you planning on marrying him?" Asked Xia Meilin as she stood beside Li Bingbing.     

They were alone by the balcony, having a drink of their own while the others where busy socializing inside. Lu Xian Yu was with his family, explaining his situation to them with the help of the Xia elders. Meanwhile, the children were busy playing.     

"Do you think that I should remarry?" Li Bingbing was looking at her drink as she swirled it inside her glass.     

"He loves you and I can clearly see that you are starting to reciprocate his feelings for you, so why not?"     

Should she really marry him? Then that would mean that she wouldn't be Mrs. Xia anymore.     

Xia Meilin sighed, knowing what her best friend was thinking, "Aren't you being so cruel to him if you decide on not to?"     

She turned to her, "Am I?"     

"Well, yeah, obviously. Look at the poor guy, he's been with you since the start. I never expected him to change this much just for you." She chuckled a bit, "What did you make him eat?"     

"I wonder, he's a better cook than me." Why was Lu Xian Yu so persistent towards her? She didn't even know how he fell for her. What made him attracted to her?     

"You should go easy on him, Bingbing, you don't want karma to visit you."     

Li Bingbing pouted, "Why are you saying that as if I am a big bully to him?"     

"Aren't you one?" Xia Meilin grinned at her.     

"He's just a masochist." She huffed. Li Bingbing turned her gaze to Lu Xian Yu. A warm sensation filled her chest when she thought of all the things that he did for her.     

"Excuse me, can I borrow my wife for a while?" Xia Meilin beamed when she turned to Lu Yifeng, "Bingbing, I need to go, my husband needs me."     

Li Bingbing waved her hand at them, watching them leave before she turned and looked up at the starry sky. She couldn't help but wonder if Xia Sinian was looking down on her and the kids. "It looks like everything is going according to your plan..." mumbled Li Bingbing to herself.     

"I'm really having a good life right now." Despite having one, she couldn't help but miss him. She drank her wine in one gulp before she turned away, "Don't stop watching over us, okay?"     

After that, she went back inside. She walked towards Lu Xian Yu who was left with his mother and grandfather. She stood beside him and held his arm.     

Jing Yue and Lu Qian turned their gazes at her. They were a bit of hesitant on Lu Xian Yu's decision after he explained everything to them. Li Bingbing is a widow and even if Lu Xian Yu loves her, does she feel the same towards him?     

Even if they were glad that Lu Xian Yu has Mengmeng, they were contemplating if they should accept Li Bingbing as Lu Xian Yu's woman.     

"I know those looks." Li Bingbing said with a smile. "I am not here because of Lu Xian Yu's wealth, I am not using him as a rebound as well."     

Lu Xian Yu turned to Li Bingbing without saying a word.     

"I am here because I honestly love him." She looked back at Lu Xian Yu. "I once decided not to love anymore but he changed my mind about it. I couldn't stop my feelings for him."     

She turned back to face Jing Yue and Lu Qian with a serious look on his face, "Madam Lu, Elder Lu, I really love Xian Yu, even if you decided to go against it, I can only say that... I am more stubborn and persistent than him."     

Since Li Bingbing was a straightforward person, if it came to a serious matter, she didn't like playing and going around it.     

Lu Qian didn't really mind that Lu Xian Yu decided to be with a widow. Getting Lu Xian Yu in a serious relationship was really hard, base from experience. He looked at Lu Xian Yu, "Do you plan on marrying her?"     

Back then, when he was dating Nan Yiyi, when he told him about marriage, things turned out different than what he expected. Lu Qian thought that Lu Xian Yu was serious enough to marry her but that wasn't the case.     

Lu Xian Yu placed his hand on top of Li Bingbing's hand that was on his arm. "Yes. I love her and I will marry her."     

"You will?" Li Bingbing turned to him. Lu Xian Yu blinked a few times, he looked back at her, "What's with that look? Of course, I will."     

"Are you really serious about it?" Jing Yue couldn't help but ask.     

Lu Xian Yu's brow twitched, "Do I look like I'm joking?"     

"Well then, when do you plan on having your wedding?" Lu Qian asked them.     

Li Bingbing: "After two years."     

Lu Xian Yu: "Next week."     

Li Bingbing and Lu Xian Yu answered at the same time. When they heard each other's answers, their brows knitted together to a frown.     

Li Bingbing: "What do you mean next week?"     

Lu Xian Yu: "What do you mean after two years?"     

Once again, they asked at the same time.     

Jing Yue cleared her throat, "You two should finalize a date, your grandpa and I will now excuse ourselves."     

It was as if the two lovers didn't hear her. Lu Xian Yu and Li Bingbing kept looking at each other with frowns on their faces.     

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