Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Only you

Only you

Since they were in the Lu family main household, celebrating the twins' birthday with their families, Lu Xian Yu didn't want to catch the attention of others that were present in the room.     

That night was for their family, they have already prepared a different celebration earlier, especially to Lu Yifeng's case. Since he was a well-known man, a big program was already prepared for him.     

On the other hand, Lu Xian Yu's birthday celebration was not as extravagant like his brother's. He preferred having a low profile, especially when there were people who were after him.     

Anyway, it was going to be a hassle if their families were to witness their argument that was why he held her hand, dragging her out, heading to the garden instead.     

"What the...? Xian Yu, where are you taking me?"     

"I need to talk to you in private."     

Li Bingbing pursed her lips and decided to quietly follow him. He only stopped when they were middle of the garden maze. It was dark everywhere and the only light they have was from the fountain beside them.     

"Two years? You'll seriously make me wait for two years?!" Lu Xian Yu was filled with disbelief.     


"Huh?" He was taken aback.     

Li Bingbing grinned at him, "I was actually planning to make you wait for five years."     

Lu Xian Yu: "..."     

Another long waiting? What did he do to deserve such punishment?     

Li Bingbing ended up laughing when she saw how pale Lu Xian Yu's face became, "Hahaha! I'm kidding, kidding!"     

"It's not a funny joke!"     

Li Bingbing shrugged, "It was for me. Anyway, are you serious about having our wedding next week?"     

"No, I was not." He huffed, looking away from her as he crossed his arms.     

Li Bingbing raised a brow, "Really?"     

"Yes, after all..." He paused and faced her, "I still have to propose to you."     

Propose to her? Li Bingbing came into a stop. She could feel her heart thumping fast when she heard what he said.     

"I can't just marry you without proposing even if I have a sure answer from you," he continued.     

"A sure answer from me? Wow, aren't you being so confident?" She scoffed.     

He chuckled lightly, "Didn't you say that you love me?"     

"So what if I did?" She pouted, a faint blush on her cheeks.     

He inched closer to her face, a charming smile plastered on his face. As Li Bingbing stared back at his close face, she felt her heart going crazy and her face was becoming hot.     

"Then... will you marry me?" He asked.     

What kind of question was that? Thought Li Bingbing.     

Li Bingbing rolled her eyes, "Of course, I will. Duh, who said I won't?"     

After saying her words and when she saw the grin on Lu Xian Yu's lips, she came into a realization. Did he just propose to her?     

"You cheeky bastard!"     

"See? I got my yes." He laughed lightly. He leaned and pecked her pouting lips before he pulled out a small navy blue box from his pocket.     

When he opened it, there was a ring inside. A brilliant diamond was delicately cradled in a tapered platinum band.     

He smiled lovingly at her, "Happy Birthday to me."     

She looked at him in disbelief. Was he really proposing to her? Just like that?     

It was then that she realized that something small was flying around them... it was fireflies.     

The fireflies made the place looked magical and enchanted. The soft warm glow of the fireflies sliced through the dark atmosphere with its sugary light. It softly buzzed through the blackened air.     

The night was a special kind of blackness, the kind that wanted only to hold the stars and the fireflies, just to help them shine all the brighter.     

A faint music of a piano was suddenly heard and she recognized the piece that was being played, it was 'New Breeze'.     

'New Breeze' was the song that she made Lu Xian Yu sang back then.     

The magical sound of it made the scene more romantic. The music soared through the air like an eagle on an up-draft.     

Lu Xian Yu knelt before her and raised the ring to her, a loving smile on his lips. The way his lips lifted upward. The way his one dimple crinkles. The way his teeth were perfectly aligned. The warm glow his happiness gives. His smile was like a ray of sunshine for her.     

He had actually planned such kind of proposal a few days ago although it was supposed to be in their place's garden. He even made his men catch fireflies just so everything would go according to his plans.     

He was just waiting for the right opportunity to do it. Since it was his birthday, he thought that why not give himself a gift that he will never forget?     

"Li Bingbing, I'm going to ask you again, will you marry me?"     

He was her one stable force, her one stability whenever she was in a world filled with chaos. She only realized that even back then, Lu Xian Yu was already treating her kindly except that... there were times where he would spoil the mood of it.     

She once stopped the feeling that was growing for him back then but she was never going to do that now.     

The feeling was so strange; it stretched throughout her whole body. It was overwhelming, yet made her feel complete. He has always made her feel safe whenever she was alone. Even when she was in her depressing day, whenever he was there, it felt as though someone's given her peace.     

It felt as though her heart was dancing around her chest, and a hole has been filled. She felt so light like she was on top of the world yet her heart was constricting as if there was no oxygen in her lungs.     

The tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down her face. In a blink of an eye, she pounced onto him, hugging him close.     

She sobbed into his shoulder unceasingly, hands clutching at his coat     

"So, I'm going to take this as a yes?" He chuckled softly.     

She looked at him, blinking lashes heavy with tears, " A-Are you sure you want to be with me?"     

"Yes, only you."     

Meanwhile, his men were nearby, hiding behind the trees, there was a couple of jars with them, they were the ones who released the fireflies the moment their boss gave them a sign earlier.     

They never knew that their boss could be so romantic, they were eating so much dog food at that moment that their single hearts couldn't help but envy the two.     

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