Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Gold card

Gold card

Lu Xian Yu was looking at his daughter in disbelief, should he cry or laugh?     

There's no doubt about it, Mengmeng is really Li Bingbing's daughter.      

When Mengmeng saw Qiang Wei, she grinned at him. "Teacher Qiang Wei, you're here! Quick, give me a paper!"     

'Lu Xian Yu's daughter is a bit… Strange.' The people present in the room couldn't help but have the same thought, even Han Qinshan himself.     

"Young miss… I don't have a paper with me…" Qiang Wei replied, adjusting his glasses.     

Lu Xian Yu cleared his throat, "Anyway, Wolf King, we would like to excuse ourselves-"     

A loud gasp interrupted Lu Xian Yu. "Wolf king?!"     

Everyone's gaze was turned to Mengmeng again. "That's so cool! He's the king of the wolves?! Amazing! Does that mean that he can turn into a wolf, daddy?"     

Lu Xian Yu sighed inwardly. His daughter has always loved fairy tales. Her favorite fairytale character was Queen Elsa, Mulan, and Merida and her reason was that they were badass.     

She didn't like the other princesses despite liking the story, it was because she found them… weak and easily scared, they rely too much on their prince just to have their lives changed.     

A laugh coming from Han Qinshan was suddenly heard.     

"You've got an amusing daughter, Mr. Lu."     

The look on Lu Xian Yu's face became serious. "Yes, I do. Anyway, we will be taking our leave now."     

"Why in a hurry? You came all the way here, why don't you stay here for a bit?" Han Qinshan lazily rested his chin on his palm.     

Some of Han Qinshan's men that were in the room closed the door and guarded it.     

Yun Che, the one with the title of Origin Star noticed that every escape route in the room was being guarded.     

"My daughter has nothing to do with this, let her go." Lu Xian Yu's priority was to bring Mengmeng back home safely.     

"I have taken a liking to your daughter. She can stay here after I've taken care of you." A chilling smile appeared on Han Qinshan's face.     

Mengmeng noticed the tension and the dangerous look on her father's eyes. What was happening? Was her father angry at the king?     

Lu Xian Yu smiled back at him, "I'm trying to avoid a fight and yet, you're looking for one."     

"That can't be helped, I have to eliminate the threats around me."     

Lu Xian Yu snickered, "Oh wow. What an honor to know that I'm actually someone who can threaten the king."     

"Lu Xian Yu! How dare you disrespect the Wolf King?!" One of the men in the room fumed in anger.     

Lu Xian Yu scoffed, "He is the one telling me that I'm a threat."     

Mengmeng held her father's hand. She may not understand most of what they were talking about but one thing did she know, her father and the king were in bad terms.     

A knock suddenly interrupted the heavy atmosphere and a familiar voice was heard from outside, "Let me in, I want to speak with my father."     

"Your majesty, the young master is here."     

Han Qinshan smiled, "Oh, what great timing. Little Miss Lu, I want you to meet my son." He turned to the man at the door, "Let him in."     

But before the man could let his young master in, Lu Xian Yu and his men were surrounded by Black Bull and his fellow captains. It was to make sure that none of them would try to attack and make their young master a hostage.     

When the door was opened, there stood the boy that Mengmeng met earlier.     

The boy noticed the guests and he also noticed Mengmeng being carried by Lu Xian Yu.     

His eyes were instantly filled with hate when he saw her. Good, she was still there.     

"Little Miss Lu, meet my son, Han Xukun."     

"Oh. I know him, I made him cry earlier." Mengmeng crossed her arms with a pout.      

Everyone: "..." Cry?     

He was a prince? Even if he looked so handsome, he's a bully! He can't be a prince!     

Han Xukun's face went red in embarrassment. "Cry? Cry your face! I didn't cry at all!"     

Mengmeng frowned, "Yes you did. Do you want me to make you cry again?"     

"Y-you… you!" Han Xukun turned to his father, "Dad, please kick her out of this place! Let our dogs run after her!"     

"It looks like the two of you have met, good, good." Han Qinshan smiled, ignoring his son's words. It has been a while since he saw emotions plastered on his son's face.     

Mengmeng's eyes sparkled in excitement at the mention of dogs, "You have dogs?! Can Mengmeng meet them?"      

"Young miss, it is better if you don't meet them," suggested Tumi.     

Han Qinshan's dogs were not just ordinary dogs. Those great dane were bigger than their average size, they were also well-trained, especially in hunting, not just animals.     

It was rumored that Han Qinshan's dogs were scary and vicious, they would only listen to him and his son.     

"Why? All dogs are adorable!"      

Han Xukun snickered at her remark. He would like to see her say that once she meets his dogs.     

Lu Xian Yu patted her head with a small smile on his lips. It looked like her daughter has already made an enemy of the future Wolf King.     

He was not going to allow anyone to harm his precious daughter. If he was to kill the Wolf King, he should not spare his family as well.     

"It looks like our children are getting along, Mr. Lu." Han Qinshan said with a smile. "How about this? I will give your family a gold card in return, your daughter will have to marry my son in the future."     

Everyone's eyes went wide in surprise, including Han Xukun. "What?! Marry her? No! I'm not going to marry a peasant!"     


Just one cold gaze from his father, the boy's mouth was shut.     

Han Xukun clenched his fists tight as he tried suppression the anger he was feeling.     

Lu Xian Yu's face darkened. He handed Mengmeng to Yun Che.     

Even if Han Qinshan's offer was so tempting, he would not agree to it.     

Receiving a gold card from the Wolf King meant protection from him and that no one was allowed to hurt the person or family who received it.     

The underground syndicate feared him, if they were to harm the family he has given protection, their whole clan would have to pay for it, including their family even if they were outside of the business.     

It was a sure protection, even Lu Xian Yu's enemies would end up giving up on him, after all, who wants their whole business and family to be wiped out?     

No one has received such card except the family of the woman that the Wolf King choose to marry.     

"I'm sorry but I will not sacrifice my daughter's freedom even if you'll give us that card."     

The room's temperature dropped by a hundred degrees. Everyone could feel every hair on their body stand. The deadly look on Lu Xian Yu's face was so scary as if he turned to Hades himself!     

"My daughter will never marry your son. Over my dead body."     

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