Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Not again

Not again

"We can't just leave our boss there." Some of the men said after they heard the news from Yun Che.     

"Can't you understand what he is trying to do? He's doing this for us, to save us from being killed by the Wolf king." Yun Che explained.     

"Even so, we rather die with him."      

"Yeah! If it weren't for the boss, do you think that we'll still be here?"     

"We owe him our lives."     

Yun Che looked at his companions for a while. Just like them, he valued their leader so much, without him, they would probably have been dead already.     

"Alright, we're going to get him. Prepare yourselves, we're going to fight back."     

Just then…     

"Origin Star, Little Flower is looking for you."     

"Little Flower?" Yun Che frowned. Why was she here? "Let her in."     

The man left and called for Sui Zi.     

The moment she entered, she was surrounded by the men in the room, their eyes filled with hate since she was a part of the wolf king's men.     

Sui Zi turned to Yun Che with a blank look on her face. "Follow me, I'll lead you to Mr. Lu's body."     



Lu residence…     


Li Bingbing rushed to her daughter the moment she saw her. She bent and hugged her in her arms, tears forming at the side of her eyes, "I'm glad that you're safe."     

"Mama, did you know? I met a real king!" Mengmeng excitedly.     

"A real king?" Li Bingbing leaned back with a confused look on her face.     

"Yup! I met a wolf king! Look! He even gave me a gold card! He said that he'll protect our family." The little girl grinned at her, showing a gold card with a wolf head engraved at it.     

At the mention of the wolf king, Li Bingbing ended up getting nervous. Wasn't he the person that Lu Xian Yu was worried about?     

"There's also this prince who is not so princely and I made him cry! He's a crybaby!" Mengmeng grinned proudly, "But he's so pretty, I'll add him in my collection of pretty faces?"     

Collection or pretty faces?     

"I'm going to fill my house with pretty boys when I grow up!"     

Qiang Wei: "..."     

Li Bingbing: "..."     

Tumi: "..."     

Where did she get such an idea?     

Tumi cleared his throat, "How about me, young miss? Aren't I handsome enough to be included in your collection?"     

Li Bingbing turned to Tumi and raised a brow in disbelief.     

"You're so-so. I like teacher Qiang Wei more and also daddy's other friend, uncle Yun Che."     

Tumi: "..."     

Li Bingbing sighed. Did Mengmeng inherit Lu Xian Yu's weirdness?     

"Anyway, where is Xian Yu?"     

Li Bingbing turned to Qiang Wei and Tumi only to a solemn look on their faces when she asked about their boss.     

She frowned and asked once again, "Where is Lu Xian Yu?"     

The two men turned their heads away, avoiding her gaze.     

"Daddy said that he needs to take care of something with the wolf king," Mengmeng replied for them. "But he said he'll follow."     

Li Bingbing stood up, her eyes narrowed because of what her daughter said. "Qiang Wei, Tumi."     

Including the day where Mengmeng was kidnapped, Lu Xian Yu and their daughter were gone for three days and during those days, Li Bingbing was sleepless. Dark bags were visible under her eyes since she couldn't stop on worrying about Mengmeng and Lu Xian Yu.     

Qiang Wei glanced at Mengmeng without saying a word.     

"Mengmeng, why don't you go to your room and have some bath? You should go and wake up Qinqing too."     

"Okay, mama!"     

"Mengmeng, don't run!"     

Mengmeng slowed her pace upon hearing her mother's words.     

Li Bingbing turned to Qiang Wei and Tumi with a serious look on her face, waiting for them to tell her what happened.     

"We tried to convince him." Tumi suddenly said. "But the wolf king wouldn't let go of the young miss if he won't stay."     

"Boss will be staying in the Azure Republic for a while. I suggest you wait for his return, Ms. Li." Qiang Wei said with a serious look on his face.     

Li Bingbing's lips were stretched into a thin line. She couldn't help but feel restless about something. "How long will he stay there?"     

"Until he settles things there."     

Should she really wait for his return? Lu Xian Yu promised her that he would come back so he really should, right?     


After having dinner with the children and putting them to sleep, Li Bingbing went to Lu Xian Yu's study.     

She couldn't sleep at all knowing that Lu Xian Yu was somewhere far away from her, facing his own problems. She wanted to help him but how should she do that?     

While thinking about his situation, she suddenly felt like throwing up. She covered her mouth and rushed to the restroom.     

She was feeling unwell since yesterday. Her nausea was unpredictable. What was happening to her?     

She never ate anything strange. Was it because she was sleepless for days? No, that couldn't be possible, right? She has been going all-nighter back then and nothing strange happened to her.     

Wait… these symptoms were familiar...     

"Oh shit! Don't tell me that I'm…" She trailed off as she came into realization.     

"That shithead…" She placed her hand on her tummy, "Not again."     

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