Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Scary wife

Scary wife

When Lu Xian Yu opened his eyes, what greeted him were Mengmeng and Qinqing's faces.     

"Oh! Dada, you're awake!" Qinqing smiled happily at him.     

"How are you feeling, daddy?"     

"Mengmeng, Qinqing…" He was feeling groggy at that moment. "Where is your mom?"     

"Mama is burning that witch outside," Mengmeng said with a proud grin. "She's dealing with that fudging piece of poop so don't worry daddy, everything has been taken care of by mama."     

"Oh… Wait, what?" Did he hear things right?     

Altair: "..." Was Mengmeng cursing in kiddie edition?     

Upon recalling what happened earlier, Lu Xian Yu got up, he was panicking inside.     

"Daddy, you should rest." Mengmeng stood up from her seat.     

Just then, Li Bingbing entered, carrying a tray with a bowl of porridge.     

"Oh, you're awake."     

Lu Xian Yu stood up, rushing to her, "Bibi, I can explain."     

She blinked a few times, "Huh?"     

"About earlier… It wasn't me who kissed her." Lu Xian Yu said nervously.      

"Ohh. Don't worry, everything has been explained to me. I don't blame you, after all, you had temporary amnesia." She smiled at him, "I'm glad that you can remember us now."     

If not, she would have really hit his head against the wall until he remembered them.     

Lu Xian Yu sighed in relief. He didn't want Li Bingbing to misunderstand the situation he was in earlier. Just recalling how angry she was earlier gave him goosebumps.     

"Anyway, I made you some porridge." Li Bingbing said with a bright smile.     

"Really? I missed eating your…" Lu Xian Yu trailed off. He gulped nervously upon seeing the porridge from hell.     

It was all black and purple, a stinky smell was coming from it… was this edible? How did she end up making something like this?     

"H-honey… are you sure that you're not angry at me anymore?"     

"Hm? Why should I?" Li Bingbing was still smiling. She went and placed the tray on the coffee table. "Come, you must be hungry."     

Altair and the kids turned to the bowl of porridge. All of their faces became pale upon seeing how horrible it looked like.     

Mengmeng gasped out loud, "Mama, are you going to feed the witch to daddy?!"     

Li Bingbing blinked a few times at what her daughter said, "Why should I?"     

Mengmeng pointed at the bowl of porridge, "Because it looks like that!"     

Qinqing hugged his mother's arm, "Mama, please don't poison dada…"     

Lu Xian Yu nodded in agreement with what Qinqing said. He went and hugged her other arm, "Darling, I-I'm really sorry so please forgive me just this once..."     

Altair never expected to his boss plead for his life that way. Their lady boss was indeed scarier than their boss!     

Li Bingbing's smile disappeared from her lips. She looked at Lu Xian Yu with a blank look on her face.     

"B-Bibi, sweetheart…" He felt his body filled with cold sweat.     

Li Bingbing placed her hand on his cheek before giving him a hard pinch, "You dare forget me for a second again, I'm going to f*cking make you experience something worse than death!"     

"Ow! Ow! Bibi, I'm so sorry! I-I will never forget you, never! I promise!"     

Mengmeng and Qinqing covered their ears. It became normal for them to cover their ears whenever their mother was mad.     

"I swear, Lu Xian Yu! I'll hunt you down to the ends of the earth if you dare cheat on me!"     

"No! I will never cheat on you! Never!" Lu Xian Yu wanted to cry. His poor cheek was aching so badly.     

Li Bingbing finally released him, still looking coldly at him. "You better remember the words you said."     

Lu Xian Yu hugged her from the side and sulked on her, "I will never cheat, never. You're the only woman for me… please forgive me..."     

Li Bingbing patted his head gently, "Alright, I forgive you now."     

"Oh… wow… Your wife is so scary, Xian Yu."     

They turned their heads to the man that was standing by the door.     

Han Qinshan smiled at them, his son standing beside him.     

Mengmeng's eyes brightened up when she saw them. "Oh! It's Mr. Wolf king and the crybaby prince!"     

Han Xukun's brow twitched with the way Mengmeng called him but he chose to be quiet about it.      

He saw how Mengmeng's mother got mad at the well-known Masked Demon. He didn't want to catch her attention by saying something bad to her daughter.     

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