Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Their past (27)

Their past (27)

When he entered, he saw Li Bingbing on the bed, wearing nothing but black sexy undies. Seeing her this way made Xia Sinian blush.     

"What took you so long?" Li Bingbing asked.     

"It was Ren Shiyuan so I went to call my sister out." Xia Sinian closed the door behind him and locked it before he walked toward Li Bingbing, grabbing a shirt on the way.     

He tossed the shirt to her, "Wear this."     

Li Bingbing pouted as she got up, "Eh? No way. I want to sleep with you this way. Besides, how many times did we did it? Once a month? That's not healthy you know!"     


Li Bingbing went and hugged his arm, pressing her breasts against it, "Hubby, I'm in heat so help me with it, please?"     

Xia Sinian's face became red as his eyes landed on her chest.     

Li Bingbing smirked inwardly when she saw this that was why she rubbed her chest against his arm, "Come on, pretty please? With a cherry on top?"     

In the end, Xia Sinian was defeated by Li Bingbing's frantic ways.     

Xia Sinian leaned and took her mouth roughly. His tongue traced her lips, seeking an opportunity to surge inside.     

She opened to him with a soft moan which made it straight to his groin.     

He carried Li Bingbing and made her lie down on the bed without breaking their intense kiss.     

She wanted him so badly and so was he. Whenever he started to touch her, he couldn't get enough of her soft and smooth skin. He wanted to bury himself inside of her until he drowned himself inside an ocean of her warmth.     

Her scent was intoxicating him and driving him crazy that he couldn't stop but want more from her.     


"I really wasn't planning on hiding it from you." Ren Shiyuan explained.     

"So why didn't you tell me?" Xia Meilin asked as she crossed her arms.     

"I never tell anyone about my real gender, I let them find out about this." Ren Shiyuan said as he lightly scratched his cheek with his finger.     

"How about us? I am your friend, you should have at least told me about it." Xia Meilin pouted, "Now that I think about it, you're another kind of pervert!"     


Xia Meilin let out a sigh before she shook her head, "Next time you hide something from me, I will really let brother beat you up!"     

"If that's the case... then I have one more thing to tell you."     

Xia Meilin blinked a few times, "What is it?"     

"I like you, please go out with me." Ren Shiyuan said as he stood up from his seat.     

Xia Meilin was surprised with what he said, she never expected that she would get a confession from him.     

Ren Shiyuan went in front of her and grabbed her hands, "I promise to take care of you, Meimei, so please give me a chance."     

Although it was unexpected, Xia Meilin wasn't moved by it since she wasn't feeling the same for him.     

She pulled her hands away from his hold and smiled a bit, "Shiyuan... it would be nice if we can stay as friends."     

"W... what?" Was he getting a rejection? Ren Shiyuan was pretty sure that Xia Meilin was going to say yes, after all, who can resist him?     

"I have someone else I like... no, not like... I love him." Xia Meilin said seriously, "And until he comes back, I won't love any other men."     

"I... I won't give up!" Ren Shiyuan said with a determined look on his face. "I will make you fall for me."     

"That's impossible, Shiyuan-"     

Xia Meilin was cut off when her lips were sealed by his soft lips. She was so surprised by this though when she snapped back, she pushed him away and gave him a hard slap. "How dare you steal my first kiss!"     

Xia Meilin wiped her lips and covered it with her hand as she glared at Ren Shiyuan.     

"I won't give up on you, Meilin. I will make you fall for me." He repeated with seriousness in his eyes.     

"Get out!" Xia Meilin shouted. Her face was red as a tomato not because of his kiss but because of anger. "GET OUT!"     

Because of Xia Meilin's loud voice, Xia Sinian who was in the middle of his lovemaking with Li Bingbing hurriedly went out of the bed, worried about his sister.     

He wore his clothes and went out of the room, "What's happening here?"     

Li Bingbing followed behind Xia Sinian, wearing his oversized shirt. Although she was having a great time with her boyfriend, she still couldn't help but get worried when she heard Xia Meilin's loud shout.     

Tears were welling up at the side of Xia Meilin's eyes since her first kiss was stolen by Ren Shiyuan.     

When Li Bingbing saw the tears on Xia Meilin's eyes, she quickly went to her, "Meimei, what's wrong?" She turned to Ren Shiyuan with a dangerous glare, "What did you do?"     

Ren Shiyuan didn't mean to make her cry, he never expected it to be her first kiss. He understood that women value their first kiss the most and yet, he just stole Xia Meilin's first kiss just like that.     

"I'm sorry." He lowered his head.     

"Leave! I don't want to see your face!" Xia Meilin burst out in tears.     


Xia Sinian walked toward Ren Shiyuan, "I don't know what happened but I think it's better if you step back and give her some time."     

Ren Shiyuan sighed. He looked at Xia Meilin one last time before he left the place.     

Li Bingbing hugged Xia Meilin to comfort her before she looked at Xia Sinian. "Let me handle this." She mouthed.     

Xia Sinian nodded at her before he went back to their room.     

Meanwhile, Li Bingbing accompanied Xia Meilin to her room and the moment they entered the room, Xia Meilin cried out loud.     

"He stole my first kiss!"     

"..." She was crying because of that?     

Although Li Bingbing didn't dare say anything about it since just by seeing how Xia Meilin was crying like a child, she knew it was a serious matter for her.     

"If he forced a kiss to you then that's not considered a kiss." Li Bingbing said after racking her brain on thinking of what to say.     

Her words caught Xia Meilin's attention and because of this, Li Bingbing continued, "It will only be considered a kiss if you kissed back so if he just forced you to it, then that means your first kiss wasn't stolen."     

Although it was wrong, Li Bingbing didn't have a choice but to deceive the innocent Xia Meilin and coax her like a child.     

Li Bingbing wiped her tears away and smiled, "Don't cry now, okay? Remember, it can only be considered a kiss if you liked it and you kissed him back but since you didn't like it and you didn't kiss him back, then that is not a kiss."     

"Re... Really?" The light returned in Xia Meilin's eyes when she heard what Li Bingbing said.     

Li Bingbing felt guilty for deceiving her best friend but what choice does she have? Xia Meilin would definitely be depressed over this matter for days!     

She nodded a few times, "Yes, really. He was just pressing his lips on yours so that's not a kiss. One day, you will experience a real kiss from the man you love."     

"How can I tell if it's a real kiss?"     

Li Bingbing wanted to hug Xia Meilin for being such an innocent person. She should blame Xia Sinian for being overprotective with his sister!     

"Wait a minute." Li Bingbing went out of the room and went to Xia Sinian's room.     

When she opened the door, she saw Xia Sinian, lying down on the bed. "Sisi, come here."     


"Just come here now. We need to show Meimei something."     

With no clue on what it might be, Xia Sinian followed Li Bingbing to Xia Meilin's room.     

Xia Meilin frowned when she saw the two in front of her, "Don't tell me..."     

"Meimei, watch and learn. This is what a true kiss is."     

But before Li Bingbing could do anything, Xia Meilin grabbed her pillow and threw it to her, "Bingbing! Get out of my room! I don't want to see you smooching my brother in front of me! Eww! Yuck! Go away!"     

Xia Sinian's face went red when he was able to understand what Li Bingbing was trying to do that's why instead of staying long in his sister's room, Xia Sinian went out while dragging Li Bingbing out.     

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