Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Their past (28)

Their past (28)

Time passed and Xia Sinian's graduation drew near but as it drew near, Xia Sinian started feeling strange in his body. At first, he ignored this but when he coughed out blood one time, he decided to see a doctor.     

When he got the result, the color on his face was drained. That was why when Li Bingbing reached home, she noticed how quiet Xia Sinian was than the usual.     

"Hubby, are you alright?" Li Bingbing asked as she went behind him and massage his shoulder.     

Xia Sinian snapped out of his thoughts before he turned to Li Bingbing with a small smile on his lips, "Yes, I am. I was just thinking of something."     

"Thinking of what?"     

"Nothing important." Xia Sinian stood up and turned to her.     


Xia Sinian interrupted her by placing a kiss on her lips. He deepened the kiss as he hugged her by her waist.     

Li Bingbing was surprised by it but she was soon distracted by it that the questions she had in mind faded like smoke.     

Xia Sinian distracted himself from the thoughts that bothered him by focusing himself on Li Bingbing.     

He has already made a decision but for now, he wanted to spend his time with Li Bingbing and escape reality with her.     

He knew that it was going to be hard for them, especially for him since Li Bingbing was the only woman he ever loved. Losing her was something he can never imagine but at the same time, he had other priorities and because of that, he decided to start focusing on those.     

He watched Li Bingbing's red face and tears were threatening to fall from his eyes. He leaned and kissed her by her forehead, "I love you, Bingbing."     

Li Bingbing couldn't help but smile when she heard those words since she rarely hears them from Xia Sinian.     

Xia Sinian was a shy man and because of this, there were times where he was shy in telling her honest feelings.     

"I love you the most, Sisi."     


When Xia Meilin arrived in their apartment, she saw Xia Sinian and Li Bingbing's clothes scattered around the floor and aside from that she heard moans coming from the kitchen.     

Of course, Xia Meilin already had an idea on what was happening between her brother and best friend, that was why she quickly went out of her apartment.     

There's a room for doing it but how could they do that in the kitchen? They're messing up the place! They really should clean up before she goes back!     

As Xia Meilin crossed the street with a red face, she didn't realize a black Rolls-Royce car was heading straight to her.     

When she heard the horn of the car, her legs automatically stopped as she stared wide eyes at the car.     

It was a good thing that the car was able to stop just in time a few inches away from her.     

Her legs shook and gave up, making her fall on her butt.     

A handsome and tall man wearing a black retro suit went out of the car and walked towards her. He had a stoic look on his face and when he saw the shaking Xia Meilin, he couldn't help but feel sorry for her.     

He reached out his hand to her, "Are you alright?"     

Xia Meilin nodded a few times before she held his hand and with his help, she stood up.     

"T-Thank you..."     

The man nodded before he let go of her hand. Instead of scolding her for suddenly crossing the streets in green lights, the man said, "You should be more careful next time. Don't forget to watch the signal lights before you cross the street."     

"I... I will. Thank you, mister." She bowed at him.     

The man didn't bother giving her a second look before he entered the car.     

"Let's go." The man said to his assistant.     

"Yes, Mr. Lu."     

Meanwhile, Xia Meilin went to the cafe that was just a few meters away from her.     

Her heart was beating fast and it was pounding loudly. If that car didn't stop on time, she could have been dead right now!     

Since Xia Meilin's mind was focus on 'she almost died' part, she wasn't even able to remember the man who helped her.     

"Xiao Mei, fancy meeting you here."     

Xia Meilin raised her head and saw Lin Qingge smiling at her. "Do you live around here too?"     

Xia Meilin nodded, "Yes, just across the street. What are you doing here?"     

"I was visiting a friend of mine, I just decided to stop by here and by some snacks for him."     


Li Bingbing noticed that as Xia Sinian's graduation drew close, Xia Sinian started to ignore her and make excuses to avoid her.     

At first, Li Bingbing thought that it was because of how busy he became that was why she never questioned since she understood his situation but on the day of Xia Sinian's graduation, he met with her in private.     

"Sisi!" Li Bingbing jogged towards him. "Where are you go-"     

"Li Bingbing, let's break up." Xia Sinian said with a blank look on his face.     

His words caught her off-guard that she wasn't able to respond with what he said.     

"Let's break up." Xia Sinian repeated his face void of emotions.     

"Stop joking. We're not breaking up." Although Li Bingbing said this with a calm voice, she started getting nervous inside.     

"We have to. Starting from now on, I will have no time for you. I have set my eyes on making the Xia Company great."     

"Bullsh*t!" She glared at him. "You're breaking up with me just because of that damn family business of yours?"     

"Yes. I've wasted enough time on you. From now on, I need to use it wisely."     

His words tore Li Bingbing's heart into pieces, she felt suffocated because of the pain he inflicted in her.     

She never expected this day would come. Even if his reason was not about another girl, she still got hurt because of his cold words.     

Her eyes started becoming blurry because of her tears. "Sinian... please, don't do this. I can make time for us. If you're busy, then I won't disturb you... but please... please don't do this. I love you. Let's not break up."     

"You're just going to be a burden to me. I'm sorry, Bingbing. Even if you say that you'll make time for us, I cannot make time for you. It's time for us to grow up."     

Who would have thought that everything would start and end with graduation days?     

She couldn't believe that he was sacrificing their love for his family business. They could talk things through but no, he won't even do that.     

Her father has chosen his business over her family and now, Xia Sinian was doing the same. What was so important with those damn business?     

"You know what? Fine! Don't come begging for me to return to you once you realize that you can't live without me! I'll definitely give you a good beating once you come begging for me!" She turned and ran away, leaving him there. She was crying while heading out of the campus.     

Xia Sinian lowered his head as he clenched his fists tight. She was a woman that came from a normal family while he was a man who came from an elite family. Now that the company was given to him, he will have to do everything to raise it high since... he once promised his deceased father that he will make the Xia Company great again. With the limited time he has left, Xia Sinian couldn't help but focus his eyes on it instead.     


After packing her things and leaving the apartment, Li Bingbing waited every day for him to come to get her from her parent's place. She thought that maybe, after a few days, Xia Sinian would come and realize that he couldn't bear the pain of being away from her.     

But when Li Bingbing realize that it wasn't going to happen, she tried calling him but he never answered. She messaged him about meeting at a restaurant but he never arrived even if she waited and waited.     

This broke her heart and because of this, she was in great pain. Was he really never going to show up? Was it really over for both of them? Why was he so cruel? He knew how much she loved him.     

They could have work things out between them. Everything was going well so what happened to him? Why did he change his mind about them?     

"What? He's not there?"     

"Yes, ge ge moved out of the house a few days ago. He didn't tell me why but my grandparents allowed him to move out. What happened between you two?" Xia Meilin asked through the outer line.     

"We... we broke up..."     

"You... broke up?! Why? How? What happened?"     

Li Bingbing tears rolled down her cheeks and she couldn't help but breakdown when she realized that everything wasn't a dream... they really broke up.     

Without answering Xia Meilin, Li Bingbing ended the call and curled on her bed. She couldn't help but think about where did she made a mistake?     


Xia Meilin was worried about her brother and best friend's relationship that was why she called Xia Sinian.     

When he answered the call, Xia Meilin quickly asked, "Ge ge, did you broke up with Li Bingbing?"     

Xia Sinian was quiet for a short while before he finally said, "If you don't have any important thing to say, don't bother calling."     

After that, the call ended.     

Just by that, Xia Meilin couldn't help but think about what Li Bingbing said.     

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