Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Their past (29)

Their past (29)

That night, she was so worried about the two that she couldn't fall asleep. She wanted to do something to help them but where would she start? Her brother would definitely ignore her while she wasn't sure about what to say to Li Bingbing. She felt so useless that night.     

Classes began and Xia Meilin moved back to the apartment she was staying with Li Bingbing but when she arrived, Li Bingbing's things weren't there.     

Just when she was about to call her, she received a message from Li Bingbing that she was moving to another apartment.     

When Xia Meilin saw Li Bingbing during lunch break, she was surprised to see her long and curly hair now short and she was wearing the glasses that belonged to Xia Sinian.     

She found the glasses while she was packing her things, it was the glasses that Xia Sinian thought he lost and because of that, he stopped wearing one.     

"Bingbing!" Xia Meilin jogged to Li Bingbing.     

Li Bingbing turned and smiled at her, "Hey."     

Seeing Li Bingbing smile, Xia Meilin didn't know what to say and she was afraid to mention her relationship with Xia Sinian that was why she decided to ask, "How was your vacation?"     

"Great. My mom and daddy Shi is finally planning their wedding."     

"Really? Wow! That's great! When are they planning to hold their wedding?"     

"They wanted to have their wedding in winter." Li Bingbing chuckled a bit, "And then daddy Shi is planning to bring us to States."     

"You're... leaving?" Xia Meilin asked in surprise.     

"Ah, no. I don't plan on leaving." Li Bingbing said with a smile, "I'm planning to live somewhere else once I graduate." She hanged her arm on Xia Meilin's shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll give you my address."     

Xia Meilin sighed in relief. She hugged Li Bingbing from the side, "We're still going to be best friends even after we graduate, right?"     

Li Bingbing laughed lightly, "Of course we are!" She ruffled Xia Meilin's hair, "I'm just a call away, you know."     


As the year went by, the once elegant Li Bingbing was now known as a wild girl. Most of the students guessed that the reason was that Xia Sinian wasn't there to hold her anymore.     

Li Bingbing tried dating other men a couple of times but she would quickly get tired of them that was why no one sticker long with her.     

A few months before her graduation, Li Bingbing started to skip school and she finally became a shut-in. But because of her good grades, the professors in the school didn't complain.     

There were times where Li Bingbing tried to visit Xia Sinian in his company but whenever she did, she never saw him even once.     

Mu Xijiu and Shi Fen visited her one time and since Li Bingbing didn't want them to get worried about her, she tried her best to act normal around them that was why they never doubted her.     

Xia Meilin visited Li Bingbing once and saw her busy with making a program similar to the program Li Hua once gave her.     

Because of that program, Li Bingbing managed to distract herself from the pain and depression she was feeling.     

Xia Meilin watched as Li Bingbing's computer screens lit up. On the three screens she has on her desk, there were the faces of 2D men on each screen.     

The 2D man who just yawned had a small build and had an unsteady posture. He has many outstanding features, including his cat-like golden eyes and blond hair with black roots. His name was Kozu.     

"So among you, two is my master?" The man on the middle screen asked. His features appear sly, with narrowed eyes and hazel colored cat-like pupils. His black hair is naturally messy like that due to his bedhead, he has fringe on his right side that partially covers his right eye. His name was Kuro.     

"Hm, this room is neat." The last man commented. He was a handsome adult with black hair, red eyes, and pale skin. His name was Sebby.     

Li Bingbing walked and sat on the chair, facing the screens. "From now on, all of you are my hubbies!" Li Bingbing grinned happily, "Ah, where is Sei? Sei? Are you in there?"     

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