Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

What an idiot...

What an idiot...

Lu Xian Yu felt his body heavy and his head aching so badly. He squinted his eyes open and saw a blurry image of a girl. It soon became clear and he saw Li Bingbing looking at him in relief.     

He tried to get up but Li Bingbing stopped him, "Just lie down." Then she placed a cold towel on his forehead, "You have a fever so you need to rest."     

"How... how long was I out?" Lu Xian Yu asked, his voice was hoarse.     

"The whole day. Shen Juan said that you have lost too much blood that's why." She stood up, "I'm going to make you some porridge so that you can drink your medicine afterward."     

A soft chuckle was heard from him, "Can you even make one?"     

Li Bingbing furrowed her brows, "Oh, just because you haven't seen me cook doesn't mean that I can't. Watch me."     


Lu Xian Yu was staring at the porridge in the bowl that was in front of him. Just by looking at it, he could tell that the porridge was overcooked, an unnamed vegetable weeping at the bottom of the bowl.     

Well... the taste might not be bad as it looked like so Lu Xian Yu took the spoon but Li Bingbing was faster than him, "Let me feed you."     

Lu Xian Yu was happy with the special treatment that he couldn't help but smile but the moment the food reached his mouth, he felt like fainting. He had a fever and his tastebuds should be weak but he felt like vomiting when the strong taste of Li Bingbing's cooking touched his tongue. It was the worst food that he has ever tasted!     

He was not a pig alright? So why was Li Bingbing prepared a pig food for him?     

But when Lu Xian Yu met Li Bingbing's nervous gaze, he ended up swallowing it.     

"How... How does it taste?" Li Bingbing asked nervously. She followed everything that was in the recipe that she found online, she even added some fruits and vitamin in it, thinking that it would help Lu Xian Yu recover fast from his fever and injury.     

Lu Xian Yu felt his stomach curl but nonetheless, he let out a smile, "It's delicious."     

Li Bingbing let out a sigh in relief, "See? I told you that I know how to cook even if this was my first time trying to cook porridge for someone." Li Bingbing said proudly. "Here, have some more."     

Lu Xian Yu wanted to cry but hearing that it was her first time cooking for someone touched his heart that's why he did his best to finish the hell food that she made.     

When Li Bingbing saw that Lu Xian Yu finished the porridge that she made for him, she couldn't help but smile happily. She watched him drink the glass of water in one go after taking his medicine before she leaned and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "Good job, babe."     

Lu Xian Yu's face was pale and it looked like life left his body but Li Bingbing just thought that it might be because of his fever.     

Never, never again will he allow Li Bingbing to cook for him in the future.     

"Get some sleep, I'll just go and wash the dishes, okay?" Li Bingbing said with a smile.     

"Hn... can you get me some beer later?"     

Li Bingbing frowned, "You're sick, you can't have that right now."     

"When you have a wound, you use alcohol to disinfect it. Beer is an alcoholic drink so it is to disinfect my sore throat."     


Li Bingbing stared at him with a blank look on his face. She had the urge to beat him up for it, luckily for him, he was sick.     

She decided to ignore him by leaving him there. When she entered the kitchen, she saw that there was still a bit of porridge left and since she was hungry she decided to eat it.     

When she tasted the first scoop, she quickly spat the food out and she hurriedly filled her glass with water before she drank it in one go.     

The taste was so horrible that she felt like she just ate a piece of shit!     

She couldn't believe that Lu Xian Yu finished something like that without even complaining!     

She felt something grew in her chest when she thought about Lu Xian Yu forcing himself to eat the porridge that she made for him.     

Li Bingbing suddenly felt sorry for him that she wanted to cry.     

She walked back to her room and saw Lu Xian Yu's sleeping figure, "What an idiot..." he was.     

How could he eat something so disgusting? Was it because he was sick that his tongue was not working well or was it because he didn't want to make her upset?     

Either way, Li Bingbing felt really touched. She sat on the bedside as she held Lu Xian Yu's hand. The more she spent time with him, the more she discovered that he wasn't really a bad man. He was such a sweet man and she was never bored even once whenever he was around.     

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