Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Li Bingbing is mine

Li Bingbing is mine

Li Bingbing was able to find a chance to escape Lu Xian Yu while he was not looking at her.     

So even Xia Sinian's grandparents didn't know about his marriage life? Li Bingbing couldn't help but doubt if Xia Sinian was really married... what if he was lying just to make her stay away from him?     

"Ah, it's been so long since I last saw you, Bingbing dear." Ji Ruo smiled happily when she saw her.     

Li Bingbing leaned and gave Ji Ruo a hug. "I missed you, grandma."     

Xia Jiamu pouted as he looked at her, "How about me?"     

"Of course, you too, grandpa." She also gave him a hug before she went and stood beside Xia Sinian.     

"It's a shame that you and Sinian broke up." Ji Ruo sighed sadly.     

"It is indeed. But that's how life is. We move on." Li Bingbing said with a smile. "Sinian and I became friends again, so as his friend, I am going to watch over him."     

Xia Sinian frowned at their conversation. Did they forget that he was there with them? He cleared his throat to remind them that he was there.     

"Sinian! You should get her back! You should marry her-"     

"Ah, I'm afraid that's impossible, Madam Xia." Someone interrupted.     

Lu Xian Yu walked towards them with his usual smile on his face. He held Li Bingbing's hand and pulled her to him before he hugged her close. "Li Bingbing has already moved on and she is dating me now so she can't be with my brother-in-law."     

The smile on Li Bingbing's lips became stiff. She was surprised by the words that Lu Xian Yu spouted. This was something she has never expected him to do.     

Xia Sinian was also surprised at this. Li Bingbing was with Lu Xian Yu?     

Lu Xian Yu turned to Xia Sinian and smiled but his eyes were taunting Xia Sinian.     

Ji Ruo sighed in disappointment. She can't do anything about Li Bingbing's relationship with Lu Xian Yu since it was her decision. "I have lost a wonderful daughter-in-law..."     

"They are just dating, they'll break up one day. Sinian, you should definitely try to get her back." Xia Jiamu pouted.     

Xia Sinian was staring back at Lu Xian Yu for a short while, the heavy tension between them was felt.     

Li Bingbing was dating Lu Xian Yu?     

"D-don't believe hi-"     

Li Bingbing was cut off when Lu Xian Yu buried her face on his chest. She tried to push him away but Lu Xian Yu was too strong for her. She only stopped in surprise when she heard his next words...     

"Li Bingbing is mine." Lu Xian Yu said with a smile as he continued looking at Xia Sinian. "She's not yours anymore."     

Xia Sinian clenched his fists but he decided not to say anything. This was what he wanted, right? He wanted Li Bingbing to love someone else, not him. He has ended their relationship for their sake, so why would he try and take her back?     

"You can have the used rag. My interest in it has been long gone."     

"Sinian!" Ji Ruo was shocked by Xia Sinian's rude words.     

Xia Sinian was the first to break eye contact from Lu Xian Yu. Ignoring his grandparent's glares, he turned and left the hall.     

Li Bingbing's lips stretched into a thin line as tears started spilling from her eyes.     

Lu Xian Yu felt his chest becoming wet and he instantly knew that Li Bingbing was crying. This made him feel a pricking pain in his heart... She was crying because of Xia Sinian again.     

He was boiling in anger, not just because of how Xia Sinian insulted her but also by how Li Bingbing continued to act blindly about it.     

Where was the strong-willed woman he met? Why was she acting so weak and vulnerable in front of Xia Sinian?     

He turned to the Xia elders and smiled. "We'll go have a look around now so if you'll excuse us." He turned away with Li Bingbing in his arms, her face was still buried on his chest. He didn't want anyone to notice Li Bingbing's tears so he used his body as a shield.     

The moment they left the food court, Li Bingbing pushed him away and gave him a hard slap on his cheek. "D*MN YOU, LU XIAN YU! Dating?! Yours?! WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?!!"     

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