Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Are you a hundred years old grandpa?

Are you a hundred years old grandpa?

Instead of looking for a shirt, Lu Xian Yu went to approach one of the staffs, "Get me an XS size shirt with a shark print on it."     

Since Lu Xian Yu was one of the guests in Little Melon's birthday party, the staff didn't question and instead, went to get one from one of the souvenir stores.     

By the time Lu Xian Yu returned to the male's restroom, he went to the cubicle where Li Bingbing was.     

"Bibi," called Lu Xian Yu.     

Li Bingbing opened the door and grabbed the shirt without saying a word to him. After she wore the shirt, she left the male's restroom.     

Meanwhile, Little Melon was enjoying the tour with his friends, especially when they reached the Touchable Pond. There, they were able to touch all kinds of mollusks of different shapes and forms. Kids would jump into the Touchable Tank to enjoy all the fun a giant sea turtle can bring them.     

The parents and teachers were enjoying it as well, especially when they entered the Undersea Loop. The feeling of being under the sea and to be able to see the different kind of aquatic animals swimming around them was so magical.     

The children loved everything they saw and they couldn't help but feel so lucky to have been invited to Little Melon's birthday. When they entered the dolphin-whale bay, they were able to see the friendship between the trainers and the smart aquatic creatures like dolphins. The children were given a chance to touch them too.     

"Look at how happy Xiao Gua is." Xia Meilin smiled as she watched Little Melon enjoy his time with his friends. "I never saw him this happy."     

Xia Meilin was able to see how happy his son was now he had a complete family. Because of this, it was harder for Xia Meilin to separate from Lu Yifeng.     

Lu Yifeng held her hand and a small, sweet smile appeared on his lips, "I'm happy to hear that."     

Xia Meilin turned to look at their hands for a while. The warm sensation in her chest continued to grow as her heart started to beat fast.     

She smiled and held his hand back and gave it a light squeeze before she raised her head and looked at him. "How can you be so perfect?"     

He smiled at this, "Are you falling for me, Mrs. Lu?"     

She blushed lightly at his question, "You already have the key to my heart." She reverted her look back to Little Melon and smiled.     

Falling in love with Lu Yifeng would be so nice. She couldn't help but feel how lucky she was to have a man so gentle and understanding like Lu Yifeng. She was blinded by her hatred to him back then but now, she was glad that Lu Yifeng was so patient to her.     

Lu Yifeng leaned and kissed her temple. He was not a perfect man but he was trying to be one for her. He wanted to erase the dark past they have with each other and make sure that it would never happen again.     

After their tour, everyone went back to the dining hall to have their dinner.     

Xia Sinian was sitting with his grandparents and had a blank look on his face. He wasn't even giving Lu Xian Yu and Li Bingbing a glance.     

Li Bingbing was wearing a new shirt. It was a shirt with a shark print on it. Lu Xian Yu bought it for her since he has ripped her shirt apart. Li Bingbing surprisingly behaved while she was sitting beside Lu Xian Yu.     

Although she was glaring daggers at him, Lu Xian Yu was obviously ignoring her and acting like he was in a good mood while he entertained some little girls that would try to talk with him.     

"You look like Mello's papa."     

Lu Xian Yu chuckled, "That's because he's my brother."     

"Why is your hair silver? I saw a cartoon and the wolf god also has that same hair color, are you a hundred years old grandpa?"     


"Pfft! Hahaha!" The remark of one of the small girls who was talking to Lu Xian Yu made Li Bingbing laugh. She turned to the little girl, "My, aren't you a smart girl?"     

The little girl grinned happily when she heard that she was smart, "Of course I am!"     

Lu Xian Yu turned to Li Bingbing and instead of getting mad at her for laughing, his eyes softened up when he finally saw her smile.     

"Mami!" Little Melon smiled happily when he saw Jing Yue. He got off his seat to run towards her.     

Jing Yue smiled happily when she saw Little Melon's adorable face. She bent down and caught him in her arms. Her heart would always melt whenever she saw Little Melon. "Happy Birthday, Mello." She kissed his forehead.     

Little Melon giggled cutely, "Thank you, mami. Mello is happy to see mami here."     

"You sweet child." She patted his head. "Oh yeah, Mello, I want you to meet someone."     


Jing Yue turned to the strict and cold looking old man beside her. "This is your great grandpa Lu Qian."     

Little Melon looked up at the old man. The intimidating look that Lu Qian has wasn't effective on Little Melon since he was... immune to it. Little Melon reached out his tiny hand to the old man for a handshake. "Nice to meet you, great grandpa Lu Qian! Mello's name is Lu Mello! Today is Mello's birthday and Mello is happy to see that great grandpa Lu Qian is here!"     

Little Melon knew how to please others without even trying, that's why with his adorable introduction, Lu Qian's cold, eagle-like eyes softened up. He leaned down and held Little Melon's hand for a handshake. "It's nice to meet you, little one."     

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