Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Do you love her?

Do you love her?

Meanwhile, when Lu Xian Yu arrived at Li Bingbing's place the night of Little Melon's party, he didn't saw her there. He tried to call her so many times but she never answered.     

Lu Xian Yu became so worried when his calls won't get through to her.     

Xia Sinian has also left early, could they be together?     

Lu Xian Yu was sleepless that night as he waited for Li Bingbing to go home. He thought that maybe she would still come home but she never did.     

There was only one person he can ask about her whereabouts and that was none other than Xia Sinian.     

In his fury, he visited Xia Sinian in his company to ask for Li Bingbing.     

"Give her back." Lu Xian Yu glared at Xia Sinian who was sitting on his desk.     

Xia Sinian raised his head and looked at him. "Gladly. Go pick her up in my place."     

Lu Xian Yu was kind of surprise with how Xia Sinian reacted.     

Li Bingbing was at his place? She actually did go to Xia Sinian's place? What did they do? Could they have slept together? No... just by observing how Xia Sinian looked, he knew that them sleeping together was impossible. Xia Sinian wouldn't allow that to happen so he might have done something to lock Li Bingbing somewhere.     

He was expecting him to put on a fight but Xia Sinian didn't. Aside from that looked tired and pale. "Park Hyatt. Room 223."     

Lu Xian Yu was about to leave but he stopped when he heard Xia Sinian ask, "Do you love her?"     

Love? That feeling was foreign for Lu Xian Yu. He may have started liking Li Bingbing but that was because of the thrill she gave him, she was so interesting that he couldn't help but want to be by her side.     

Hearing no answers from Lu Xian Yu, Xia Sinian continued, "Take care of her. She may look wild and strong but Li Bingbing is actually a sensitive person. Make her happy."     

Lu Xian Yu furrowed his brows with his words. He can sense that something was wrong with Xia Sinian. Lu Xian Yu couldn't help but wonder why Xia Sinian kept on pushing Li Bingbing away when he can obviously see that Xia Sinian still has feelings for her.     

Oh well, that was not his problem. He only wanted to get Li Bingbing back and keep her away from other men.     

"You don't have to tell me. I will never give her to you." With that, Lu Xian Yu left.     

Xia Sinian leaned his back against his seat and stared up at the ceiling. His eyes became blurry as he felt his heart being ripped apart. He has to let her go. He cannot allow her to be in his life any longer.     


Back to Xia Sinian's place...     

Li Bingbing was looking around Xia Sinian's suite. She even tried to look in his bedroom for anything that she can use as blackmail; she found none.     

The office room inside his suite was locked so she used her hairpin and picked the lock with it. If he was blackmailed by her, then she would be able to control him.     

She adjusted her glasses when she saw how big his study was. Ah... this will take a lot of time.     

While searching for any kind of document she could use against him, Li Bingbing ended up finding something else in his drawer.     

There were some bottles of different kinds of medicine and under it was a file. Was Xia Sinian sick? What are these medicines for? She took the file that was under it.     

Looking through the file, Li Bingbing's eyes went wide in surprise when she saw it. Her eyes started to become misty and her chest started to become heavy. Was this the reason why he broke up with her?     

She felt like she was being choked by someone as she continued on staring at the paper she was holding. A knot started to invade her chest, inflicting some weird pain in the throat as it grew. Her body started to tremble, the words she saw in the paper were like knives, stabbing her chest repeatedly.     

Just then, she snapped out of her thoughts when she suddenly heard the doorbell ring.     

Li Bingbing quickly wiped her tears dry before she placed the file back in the drawer. She hurriedly went out of his office and stomped her way toward the door while she was trying her best to stop her tears from falling.     

Thinking that Xia Sinian was the one at the door, she opened and glared at the person before her. "Xia Sinian, explain-" She paused and her eyes went wide when she saw someone else instead.     

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