Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

11 signs that you're in love

11 signs that you're in love

"Why don't you try Googling your feelings? I'm pretty sure 'love' will be the first result in Google." He rested his back against the couch and crossed his legs. Since he was too lazy to explain what love is to Lu Xian Yu, he made him search for it.     

Lu Xian Yu's lips were stretched into a thin line. He was quiet for a while, glaring at his brother. Was he seriously suggesting that?     

Nonetheless, he was also curious so he broke their eye contact. He took his phone out and started searching in Google the signs and symptoms of being in love. He clicked on the first result.     

'11 signs you're in love'     

"Do you feel the same way to your wife?"     

"Read it out loud."     

Lu Xian Yu sighed heavily. He can't believe that he was doing something so ridiculous but it came from his brother so he didn't have any reason to not do it. "You can't stop staring at them."     

"Mm. I agree." Lu Yifeng said with a serious tone in his voice.     

Lu Xian Yu couldn't help but think of the times where he would always stare at Li Bingbing whenever she was around. Does that mean that he really loves her? No. This was just the first sign. He needed to have everything checked.     

"You feel like you're on high. You always think of her. You want them to be happy with you. You've been stressed lately. You're trying new things to impress her. Your heart rate increases. You easily get jealous of others. You're okay with the gross stuff. You start planning for your future with them." He read it in one go.     

Lu Xian Yu's face darkened when everything wrote was what he was feeling for Li Bingbing. He placed his hand under his pocket and held the small box there. He was planning to marry her, he was planning to give her the ring that same day but now that she was gone, his plans were postponed. "So... I actually love her?"     

Lu Yifeng shrugged. "That's what Google says on what being in love is."     

Mo Jing, who was quietly there the whole time couldn't help but facepalm. There were two mature men in the room and yet they're acting like kids. She has been with them since they were little and the twins were still so clueless when it came in things like feelings and love. She didn't know whether she should laugh or cry when she saw the scene before her.     

She cleared her throat to get their attention, "Master, Second master, can I say something in this?"     

"So what can you say, auntie Mo Jing? Do you think that I'm in love with Li Bingbing?" The way Lu Xian Yu looked at her made her think that he was like an innocent child.     

"Yes, young master. I think that you're in love with Ms. Li." Mo Jing said before she poured some tea for them.     

"Great! Then I really should get her." Lu Xian Yu grinned happily, he looked like he was suddenly enlightened and that he finally realized his true feelings for her.     

Li Bingbing was the first woman who has made him feel what love was his mind was more persistent in having her.     

"You can't force her if she doesn't want you." Lu Yifeng took the cup of tea and gently blew in it before taking a sip. Lu Yifeng knew that the best.     

"I agree. She will never love you back if you force her. It's like eating an unripe fruit. It's going to be bitter and hard. You don't want that to happen, second master." She looked at him and handed him the cup of tea before she stood straight beside Lu Yifeng.     

"I want her." Lu Xian Yu said stubbornly. There was no way that he would let Li Bingbing slip from his hands.     

"If that's the case, then please change the way you approach her. A girl will never fall in love with you if you treat her roughly. Be gentle and kind to her, give her respect. Any girl would fall for a man who shows her respect and showers her with kindness. Never force her. Instead, make her fall for you. Once you do, she will be the one to approach you."     

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