Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Learn from this

Learn from this

The next day, Xia Sinian went to work while Li Bingbing stayed at home. Since installing all of her virtual hubbies would take up a lot of space in her laptop, she decided to install Kozu instead. He was the most behave and the most useful among her four hubbies.     

After installing him, she connected him to her phone. "Welcome back, Kozu!"     

Kozu stared at her with a blank look on his face before he heaved out a heavy sigh, "Call me if you need me." After that, he disappeared from the screen.     

Li Bingbing pursed her lips. Kozu was a lazy character in the anime but he was really good at computers. What made Li Bingbing attracted to him was because he looked like a pudding, aside from that, she found him adorable.     

She decided to play her game as usual. After she won a round, she suddenly remembered something. She took her phone and called Xia Meilin.     


"How did your night go? Did the boss go crazy in bed?" The excitement in Li Bingbing's voice was heard.     

"..." Xia Meilin couldn't help but feel embarrassed because of her shameless best friend. Who would call and ask how a sex night went? "We didn't do it."     

"What?! No way! I was pretty sure that a set of sexy underwear will definitely make him hard just by seeing it, how can-"     

"Someone tried to kill my husband while we were on our date last night," interrupted Xia Meilin.     

Li Bingbing gasped out loud, "Someone tried to ruin your night with the boss?! Give me a street name and I'll hunt him down! After all the trouble we went through, how dare that person try to ruin everything!"     

"You can find the person who tried to kill my husband?" It would be a big help if Li Bingbing is able to catch the culprit.     

"Why of course, baby, I can follow him through the street surveillance cameras. As long as a street has a CCTV, I can send Kozu to check on it." Li Bingbing proudly said. "So tell me, what happened?"     

Xia Meilin suddenly felt lucky to have a friend like Li Bingbing. With that, she told Li Bingbing everything that happened last night. "And then, I was surprised when Lu Yifeng suddenly hugged me. I think that was the time when the man stabbed him. The man must have used me as bait. If he was aiming at Lu Yifeng, my husband could have easily defended himself."     

"Okay, okay. I'm going to find that man now. I will give you the details of what I find later." The sound of the keyboard was heard from Li Bingbing's side. "Anyway, are you planning to do it with boss tonight?"     

"I... I don't think I should... he's hurt and if he moves around a lot, the wound will reopen. Besides..." She paused and looked around the room, since Lu Yifeng was not yet back, she sighed in relief. "I'm pregnant."     

"OMG! Congratulations girl! Another bun is in the oven!" Li Bingbing exclaimed happily for her best friend.     

"Mm... Thank you. We're hoping that it's going to be a girl but... I don't expect much, our child might end up being a boy you know."     

"I see, I see. Anyway, you don't have to worry about having sex while pregnant, it's actually safe to do it you know. As long as both of you won't get rough with it. If you're worried about his wound, then you can just tie him up on the bed and take control of your lovemaking. Even if he wants to turn into a wolf, he won't be able to do so since he's all tied up. At least this way, you can control him, have the pace you want. Ride him like a cowgirl-"     

Xia Meilin ended the call in an instant, her face was in a deep shade of red. Knowing Li Bingbing, Xia Meilin knew that she would not stop talking about such things.     

On the other hand, Li Bingbing pouted when Xia Meilin ended the call. She badly wanted to help her with her boss and she needed to learn how to spice things up!     

Just then, a sudden thought entered Li Bingbing's mind that was why she quickly sent her something.     

Xia Meilin phone suddenly vibrated and when she looked at the message, it was actually a video... a sex video from a porn site...     

Her phone vibrated again, Li Bingbing sent another message saying: "Learn from this."     

Xia Meilin was so embarrassed. She couldn't believe that Li Bingbing sent a porn video to her! What kind of girlfriend was she?! She was definitely crazy! Does she have no shame?!     

"Madam, lunch is ready."     

The maid's voice from outside the room made Xia Meilin jump in surprise. Her heart was racing fast and she was feeling nervous! It was as if she was doing something wrong and she doesn't want to be caught by anyone!     

She was about to delete the video but she ended up playing it because of her shaky hand. Her eyes stayed on her screen as she ended up watching the video with a red face.     

The room door was opened and Lu Yifeng entered. "Let's go have our lunch, Meilin."     

Xia Meilin quickly snapped her head towards him in surprise. "O-Oh... I'll follow. I'll just... just wear my clothes."     

Seeing how red her face was made Lu Yifeng frown. He started walking towards her. "Are you alright?"     

Xia Meilin quickly hid the phone behind her.     

When Lu Yifeng saw how she tried to keep her phone behind her, it made him narrow his eyes. "Are you hiding something from me?"     

"N-No... no one messaged me." Her nose twitched as she lied. She avoided his look, feeling guilty and nervous at the same time.     

"It doesn't look that way. Give me your phone."     

Xia Meilin's lips stretched out into a thin line. She took a step back before she quickly looked at her phone and deleted the video.     

Lu Yifeng snatched her phone in a blink of an eye but the video was already gone, he only saw Li Bingbing's message: 'Learn from this.'     

"Hey! That's my phone!"     

Since it was Li Bingbing who was messaging her, Lu Yifeng didn't get mad to her. He didn't dig much deeper to whatever they were talking about. As long as it was not some man, then he was fine with it. He returned the phone to her. "Go down after you dress up."     

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