Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

It was an accident

It was an accident

Lu Xian Yu wasn't a good person, he was selfish and he only cared about himself but when Xia Sinian begged in front of him, he ended up agreeing with him.     

He was able to get Li Bingbing's location from Xia Sinian but he never went there even once. He didn't want to see how happy Li Bingbing was while living together with Xia Sinian.     

It pained him when he thought of her being with another man but he comforted himself that one day, he would be able to have her to himself.     

He was currently back to his place while he thought about what happened with Xia Sinian.     

Four years? Do he have to wait four years? That was a very long time for him and he was sure that he wasn't that patient enough to wait for that long.     

What should he do? He just couldn't sit still and do nothing about it.     

"That's enough wine for you, Mr. Lu." Shen Juan said as he placed the bottle of wine away from him.     

Lu Xian Yu turned his head to him, his face void of emotion. "When do you plan on marrying?"     

Shen Juan was caught off guard by what his boss suddenly asked, "Huh?"     

Lu Xian Yu sighed, "There's this girl I love but I have to wait for four years before I can finally have her for myself." He raked his hair with his fingers before he let out a light laugh, "Haha, I'm so kind that I bet the heavenly angels are so proud of me."     

Was his boss already drunk? Shen Juan couldn't help but wonder.     

"Shen Juan, don't you dare marry before I do."     

"... Boss, how can I marry if I don't have a lover yet?"     

"You don't?"     

Shen Juan adjusted his glasses, "I don't." Even if he has the looks and he wanted to sleep with girls, he has a problem with his manhood... it won't stand up no matter what.     

He has already gone to see a doctor for it but they couldn't find out where the problem was coming.     

That was why no matter how many times Lu Xian Yu invited him in the past to have 'fun' with the girls, he would have to decline since he didn't want others to know his personal problem in his body.     

Shen Juan watched Lu Xian Yu as he stumbled toward his bed and lied down on it. He ended up sighing at his boss' poor state. He looked like he has grown a couple of years.     

He went out of Lu Xian Yu's room before he decided to go to a cafe since he was free. Even if he was a man, Shen Juan had a sweet tooth and he would never decline any sweets that were offered in front of him.     


Upon arriving at the cafe, he was surprised to see Qiao Man, greeting him.     

"Welcome to Shakespeare..." Qiao Man trailed off when she saw Shen Juan.     

Qiao Man pursed her lips before she forced herself to smile at him. "Welcome to Shakespeare cafe."     

Qiao Man was wearing a maid attire and her red hair was tied into a high ponytail.     

Shen Juan had always loved an English-themed place, it was the reason why he went to Rosie when he found out on the internet that it was a newly opened cafe with this theme.     

In the modern day age, one would rarely see an establishment embracing a Renaissance theme. True to its name, the café indeed looked different. It had a high ceiling space filled with natural light here with a fair amount of seating and the decorations inside would make someone think that they have traveled back in time during the British period.     

Qiao Man led Shen Juan to a vacant table before she handed him the menu after he sat down.     

He scanned through the menu before he said, "I would like to have blueberry-lemon scones and steamed currant pudding with vanilla custard. As for my drinks, Ceylon tea will do."     

Qiao Man nodded while she listed his orders inee her small notebook, "Let me repeat your orders. Blueberry-lemon scones, steamed currant pudding with vanilla custard, and Ceylon tea. Do you have any additional orders?"     

Shen Juan stared at her, he was mostly distracted by the maid outfit she was wearing and because of that, he couldn't help but find her cute in it. Although despite having such thoughts, his face remained blank like the usual.     

"No, nothing."     

After Qiao Man left his table, Shen Juan took his phone out and placed it on the table. He waited for Qiao Man to arrive with his orders.     

While Qiao Man was pouring the tea on his cup, Shen Juan suddenly asked, "Would it be alright if I can take a photo of you?"     

Qiao Man turned to him with a surprised look on her face while she continued on pouring the tea in his cup, "Huh?"     

Shen Juan was about to answer her but he suddenly felt a hot liquid on his lap which made him push his chair away from the table. "What the hell?!"     

Qiao Man gasped out loud when she realized what she did, "I-I'm so sorry!" In a blink of an eye, she knelt and started wiping his thighs. "I-I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to throw it on you!"     

When Shen Juan felt Qiao Man's touch on his thighs, he felt his blood rush down for some reason.     

"What happened?" The manager came because of the commotion.     

Qiao Man stood up and tried to explain, "I-it was an accident."     

The manager knitted her brows together, "An accident?"     

Before the two could notice the tent in between his legs, Shen Juan covered it with his napkin. He wasn't paying attention to the two since what he was wondering at that moment was how his manhood stood up. Was it because of the tea or was it because of Qiao Man's touch?     

"We would like to apologize for the trouble we've caused you, sir, " apologized the manager.     

Shen Juan stood up, still covering his tent with the napkin although he was calmly doing it as if he was wiping the wet part of his pants. "Prepare another table for me and place the same orders there." He turned to Qiao Man with a serious look on his face, "As for you, wait for me in the new table."     

Without waiting for their reply, he rushed to the men's cr.     

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