Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

Lu Xian Yu stared at Xia Sinian's crying figure. It must have been hard for Xia Sinian to hand over the people he loved to someone else. He knew that feeling well, after all, he allowed Xia Sinian to spend his last days with the woman he loved.     

Once again his emotions turn jagged and his insides tight, "Someone like you is not easy to forget. Your children will surely remember you until they grow old."     

Xia Sinian chuckled lightly through his tears. He wiped them away before he looked at him and asked, "Can I ask for another request?"     


As days passed, Lu Xian Yu continued to stay hidden, away from Li Bingbing and his daughter.     

Though there were things in life Li Bingbing wanted to give up, Xia Sinian was never on her list. But as she watched him grow weak and thin throughout her visits, she was forced to face the truth and reality... he was never going to get well.     

She knew how selfish she has been, he has always accepted her flaws, he has always been there for her. She felt so guilty, instead of helping him with his troubles, she has been a burden to him. She was selfish, she only cared for herself.     

Li Bingbing would always breakdown whenever she reached their house. She quietly cried, not wanting to worry her children. She couldn't imagine a life without Xia Sinian. There were times where she thought of following him once he leaves her but whenever she saw their children, she couldn't bring herself to take her life away. She knew that Xia Sinian would hate her for leaving their children.     

One day, when Li Bingbing arrived in the hospital, she never expected to see Lu Xian Yu inside Xia Sinian's room. What was he doing here?     

She already knew that Xia Sinian was already in contact with Lu Xian Yu and it was just a matter of time before he would come but it was sooner than she expected... Was it because of Lu Mengjie?     

Li Bingbing's gaze turned cold, "What are you doing here?"     

"Daddy?" Lu Mengjie blinked a few times, it was her first time in seeing Lu Xian Yu in person ever since the video call they had a few weeks ago.     

"Bingbing, it's alright..." Xia Sinian paused, he covered his mouth with a handkerchief before he coughed out.     

Li Bingbing quickly went to his side, she pulled out a bottle of water from her bag. She opened it and handed it to Xia Sinian.     

The blood on Xia Sinian's handkerchief didn't escape her eyes. Seeing that twisted Li Bingbing's heart.     

After drinking the water, Xia Sinian felt better as the burden in his chest lessened. "I called him here."     

Li Bingbing's lips were stretched into a thin line, she didn't argue or said anything against what Xia Sinian words. She didn't ask him why as well. She became quiet as soon as she heard that from him.     

Lu Xian Yu quietly stared at Li Bingbing but his attention was stolen when he felt a tug on his pants. He turned and saw Lu Mengjie, looking up at him with Xia Liqin doing the same.     

"Daddy is so handsome!"     

Xia Liqin nodded at his sister's words. He marveled with her, "Handsome!"     

Lu Xian Yu's eyes softened when he saw his daughter up close. He sat down in front of the two and patted their heads, "You two look cuter in person."     

Lu Mengjie blushed lightly at her father's compliment. "Mengmeng is cute."     

"Yes, of course, you are."     


Lu Xian Yu looked at Xia Liqin, he smiled gently at him. He reached out and patted the little boy's head. "Of course, Qinqing is cute too."     

Lu Mengjie stared shyly at her father, "Daddy... can Mengmeng have a hug?"     

He blinked a few times because of Lu Mengjie's sudden request. He felt something warm grow in his chest as his gaze softened to her. He opened his arms, inviting her in. "Come."     

Lu Mengjie smiled happily when she saw that her father accepted her request. In a blink of an eye, she jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. "Daddy..."     

She sunk into the warmth of Lu Xian Yu's embrace, his strong arms were similar to that when Xia Sinian hugged her but for some reason, Lu Mengjie felt different. For her, they were both her fathers although the warmth they made her feel was so different, different but at the same time, it was filled with a father's love. His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around her frail body. The world around her melted away as she squeezed him back, not wanting the moment to end.     

Lu Xian Yu had a look of contentment in his face, at that moment, he was overwhelmed in having his daughter in his arms. Yes, the child in his arms was his daughter. The first time he saw her on the video call, he instantly fell in love with her. The most perfect feeling he had ever known had swept through him. He was rocked to his core. He would be her hero, her keeper, the one who gave her cuddles and kept her safe. He was her father and he would do anything for his little princess.     

Those thoughts filled his mind when he hugged the little girl.     

Li Bingbing felt a pang in her heart when she saw the scene before her. She turned to Xia Sinian who had a small smile on his lips.     

In front of them was a sign of her betrayal and yet, Xia Sinian didn't even think of it that way. She lowered her head and clenched her fists tightly.     

Xia Sinian noticed the expression of guilt on Li Bingbing's face. Just by looking at her, he knew what she was thinking. He reached out and held her fist gently.     

Li Bingbing turned to Xia Sinian with tearful eyes, "I... I'm sorry, Sisi."     

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