Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband



The moment Li Bingbing and Lu Xian Yu arrived in her place, the first one who greeted them was Qinqing.     

"Mama! Da!"     

When Li Bingbing saw him, a sudden surge of emotions flashed in her eyes. Qinqing who looked like Xia Sinian was smiling brightly at her as he welcomed her.     

Xia Sinian never left her, he was always there with her and now, he was there through his son. She bent down and caught her son in her arms, "Sisi..."     

"Mama, it's Qinqing!"     

A small smile appeared on Li Bingbing's lips. When did she last smile again?     

"Yes, yes, my son Qinqing."     

"Mama and daddy are back!" Mengmeng smiled happily upon seeing her parents.     

"Welcome back, mama, daddy!" She ran toward her mother but when Li Bingbing stood up, she passed by her as if she didn't hear her.     

Mengmeng turned to Li Bingbing, "Mama?"     

"Qinqing, are you hungry? What do you want to eat? Mama will cook for you." She kissed the little boy's cheek.     

"Mama, Qinqing's fwull," replied the little boy.     

Mengmeng watched her mother and brother enter the living room. She turned to her father with a clueless look on her face.     

Lu Xian Yu felt his heart being clenched when he saw what Li Bingbing did but he never showed the pain he felt, instead, he smiled at his daughter. He went and scooped her up in her arms, "Is your grandma and grandpa still here?"     

Mengmeng nodded and smiled, "Yup! Grandma made delicious food for Mengmeng and Qinqing!"     

"Really? That's good, good."     

When Lu Xian Yu entered the living room, he saw Xia Jiamu and Ji Ruo.     

"Grandma, grandpa, I'm sorry for troubling you in watching over my children today." Li Bingbing said, sitting beside the old woman.     

"Nonsense! Watching over them is never a trouble." Besides, it somehow lightened her mood when she spent time with them, especially Qinqing. Although at the same time, since the boy reminded her of his grandson, she couldn't help but feel sad inside.     

Ji Ruo took a glance at Lu Xian Yu and Mengmeng without saying a thing before she looked at her husband.     

Xia Jiamu nodded in understanding. He stood up and walked toward Lu Xian Yu, "Can I have a word with you?"     

"Mengmeng, come here." Ji Ruo called with a gentle smile on her lips.     

Lu Xian Yu placed his daughter on the ground and allowed her to go to Ji Ruo before he followed Xia Jiamu outside of the room.     

Xia Jiamu stopped and faced Lu Xian Yu with a serious look on his face. "Meimei has told us that you are Mengmeng's real father a few days ago."     

She did?     

"Even so, my grandson entrusted his family to you. She explained everything to us that is why we won't cause you any trouble, it's just... about Xia Liqin."     

Lu Xian Yu narrowed his eyes upon the mention of Qinqing, "I will not allow you to take him away from us."     

"Ah, don't get me wrong. I actually just want to request one thing from you." A small smile appeared on Xia Jiamu's lips upon saying that.     

"A request?" What kind of request was he going to ask?     

"I know that... the children will need a father as they grow and my grandson entrusted his family to you. I am not against it since it is my grandson's... dying wish. Anyway, all I want to ask of you is to let Qin'er carry the Xia surname."     

"Don't you have another son?"     

"I do, but that rascal is not having any child anytime soon that is why, when Qin'er is old enough, the Xia family will be handed to him, including the family business that your brother is temporarily holding."     

Lu Xian Yu actually didn't mind agreeing to his request, after all, he knew that Li Bingbing would want the same thing.     


Xia Jiamu sighed in relief. He was glad that Lu Xian Yu was easy to talk with.     

"Anyway, we will not be staying long here since we have to prepare for our flight tomorrow. Are you planning to go back with Bingbing and the kids?"     

Would Li Bingbing want to go back? "Yes, but not right now. I will have to talk about it with her first," replied Lu Xian Yu.     

"If you plan on going back, do visit use sometimes, okay?"     

"Nn, we will."     


After the Xia elders left, Lu Xian Yu was left with Li Bingbing and the kids.     

Lu Xian Yu was the one who made dinner for them and after that, the kids were prepared for bed although Mengmeng tried to gain her mother's attention, she wasn't given one.     

Lu Xian Yu tucked her under the blanket, "Good night, princess."     

Mengmeng was sulking since earlier but Lu Xian Yu managed to lift up her mood by distracting her with something else every time Li Bingbing ignore her, "Good night, daddy."     

He leaned and kissed her forehead before he stood up and turned off the lights of her room before he left.     

When he passed by Qinqing's room, he peeked and saw Li Bingbing, lying down beside the little boy, reading him a story.     

Although Lu Xian Yu decided to give Li Bingbing time and space, he was suddenly becoming worried of how she was treating her kids.     

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