Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Let's go home

Let's go home

Little Star poked the two girls cheeks instead which made the two turn to her. "Instead of playing house, wouldn't it be better to play Cinderella?"     

"I want to be a fairy!" Little Spring grinned, she was instantly distracted by Little Star's suggestion.     

"I want to be princess Cinderella." Mengmeng's eyes sparkled in delight.     

Little Star's lips curled up into a soft smile, "Then I guess I will be the evil mother."     

Little Melon was thankful that her sister, Little Star was there to help him with the two naughty Little Spring and Xia Mengjie.     

Little Star turned to her older brother and whispered, "Brother owes me. Buy me a new book, okay?"     

Little Melon couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at this. Of course, his little sister would ask him for something in return for helping him.     

After reading the story of Hansel and Gretel to the little ones, the kids started playing Cinderella.     

While they were in the middle of their roleplay, the door went open, revealing a tall and handsome man, wearing a retro navy blue suit.     

Mengmeng's eyes sparkled in delight when she saw him, "Daddy!" She rushed towards him and jumped into his arms.     

Lu Xian Yu bent down to catch his daughter in his arms, "Here's my little princess."     

Qinqing's ear perked up when he heard what his sister said, he turned his head, when he saw Lu Xian Yu, he smiled happily.     

"Da!" The little boy rushed to him.     

Lu Xian Yy chuckled upon seeing Qinqing rushing toward him. "And here's my little prince." He caught Qinqing as well before he hugged the two children in his arms.     

"It's uncle Xian Yu!" Little Spring exclaimed happily.     

"We missed you so so much, daddy!" Mengmeng grinned happily at him.     

Qinqing nodded in agreement, "Yup! So much!"     

"Ah, I feel like crying." Lu Xian Yu wiped an invisible tear from the side of his eyes. "I was just gone for a few months and yet, both of you have grown so much!"     

"It's not just months, daddy!"     

Qinqing showed all his ten fingers to him, "It's ten!"     

Mengmeng nodded, "Papa hasn't visited us once too." She pouted, "We are always waiting for daddy and papa to come home."     

Lu Xian Yu patted their heads, "We can send your papa some letters later, for now, where is your mama?"     

"Auntie Bingbing is with my mom. They're in the garden," said Little Melon.     

"Let's go! Let's go to mama and auntie Bingbing!" exclaimed Little Spring excitedly.     

Little Melon shook his head, "It's already your nap time, Xiao Chun."     

"But brother!" whined Little Spring.     

Little Star held her sister's hand, "Mama said that if we listen to Ge ge, she will let us eat apple pie later."     

"Really?!" Little Spring quickly turned to her big brother, "Let's go Ge ge! It's nappy time!"     

Mengmeng turned to her father, "Daddy, can we come with you?"     

"Sure, let's get your mother."     


"I will leave my daughter here in the meantime." Li Bingbing said with a small smile on her lips.     

"Where do you plan on going with your son?" Xia Meilin couldn't help but ask. It has almost been two years since her brother's death and she couldn't help but get worried when it came to Li Bingbing.     

Xia Meilin knew that the person who would have the hardest time to move on was Li Bingbing, she knew how much her best friend loved her brother.     

"Somewhere far." Those were the only words that she said as she looked at the beautiful scenery of the sea.     

Xia Meilin narrowed her eyes because of her words. She was about to say something but she kept her mouth shut when she saw Lu Xian Yu approaching Li Bingbing from behind.     

Lu Xian Yu leaned and hugged Li Bingbing from behind which ended up surprising her. "What the...?     

Li Bingbing turned and saw the familiar blond hair of the man she was trying to push away.     

"Found you." Lu Xian Yu whispered in her ears. "I can't believe that you're planning to run away from me again."     

Li Bingbing frowned and pushed him away. "Get lost, Lu Xian Yu."     

"Momma, you shouldn't be mean to daddy." Mengmeng who was behind her father, pouted.     

Lu Mengjie was holding her brother's hand as she stood in front of her mother with a pout on her lips.     

Even though Li Bingbing wasn't ignoring Mengmeng that much anymore, she was giving Qinqing more of her time. "Come here, Liqin."     

Mengmeng pursed her lips, she has always seen how her mother treated her brother with 'more love' that was why there were times where this action of Bingbing sadden the little girl since she wouldn't treat her that way.     

She let go of Xia Liqin's hand before she lowered her head.     

Li Bingbing carried her son and made him sit on her lap.     

"Mama!" Xia Liqin giggled out loud when Li Bingbing nuzzled his nose.     

Xia Meilin sighed heavily at how Li Bingbing was showing complete favoritism towards her children.     

Lu Xian Yu went to his daughter and patted her head to comfort her, he turned to Li Bingbing with a serious look on his face. "Let's go home."     

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