Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

There's no more Apple pie

There's no more Apple pie

She wanted Lu Xian Yu to stop coming after her. She wanted him to find someone else who deserved his love but now that she heard his words, will she be able to continue on pushing him away?     

"Did Xia Sinian hated her even after knowing that she wasn't his daughter?"     

No... he didn't.     

"He... he have treated her as his own..." Xia Sinian was like that, he was a kind man and he has accepted Mengmeng as his daughter.     

"I'm really a horrible mother, Xian Yu..." She pulled her hands away from his hold and used them to cover her tearful face.     

She felt so horrible because she realized how unfair she was treating her daughter. She knew her daughter was innocent but she still couldn't help from giving most of her attention to Qinqing, Xia Sinian was living through his son so how could she not do it?     

"You may be one but..." Lu Xian Yu pulled her into his arms to comfort her. "It's not too late to make things right with her."     

For some reason, Li Bingbing couldn't help but sink into Lu Xian Yu's embrace as the familiar warmth brought comfort in her chest.     

She didn't promise him anything but knowing that someone was there for her throughout her hard times brought enough comfort to her.     

She may not love Lu Xian Yu yet, but one day, slowly, but surely, she would start allowing him to her life.     


After Xia Meilin managed to calm Mengmeng down, the child fell asleep in her arms that's why she decided to bring her in one of the guest room to allow her to sleep while Little Melon took Qinqing to play together with him.     

"You look troubled." Lu Yifeng said when he saw the expression on Xia Meilin's face when she entered his study.     

"I'm so worried about Li Bingbing and her family." She went and sat on his lap, "Darling, I just can't leave them like this."     

He wrapped his arms around her waist, "Just leave them be. Only time will settle things for them."     

"But still... Li Bingbing is treating-"     

Xia Meilin was cut off when her lips were suddenly sealed by Lu Yifeng.     

Xia Meilin was surprised at his sudden kiss but in the end, she melted because of how passionate he was kissing her. When he pulled away, Xia Meilin was left breathless.     

"Stop thinking of other things and just fill your mind with me." He whispered huskily in her ear as his hand traveled inside her thigh which made Xia Meilin blush.     

She buried her blushing face in the crook of his neck. "Darling, you're so naughty... Ahh... you can't touch me there."     

They were just starting with their heated moment but a knock suddenly interrupted them.     

Xia Meilin let out a sigh, "Not again..."     

Lu Yifeng retracted his hand as he chuckled, "Let's have a date somewhere tonight." He kissed her cheek.     

Xia Meilin's face brightened up when she heard the word 'date'. "Then I guess I have to prepare myself for it." She stood up from his lap. "What color do you want me to wear tonight?"     


"Oh, nice choice. I will surely wear one then." She grinned happily at him.     

Another knock was heard and this time, a soft and small voice followed, "Mama? Dada?"     

When Xia Meilin went and opened the door, she saw Little Star staring up at her. "Mama, there is no more apple pie in the ref... Can we please make some?"     

"Aren't you supposed to be having your nap time with your sister?"     

"I want to check if there's an apple pie before going to sleep, mama."     

Xia Meilin raised a brow in disbelief, "Do you really have to look at it right now?"     

Little Star tilted her head to the side in an adorable and innocent manner.     


Li Bingbing watched her daughter sleep on the bed. She went and sat on the edge of the bed before she reached out and gently stroked her daughter's hair.     

"Will you be fine here?" A soft voice was heard from the doorway. Lu Xian Yu was standing there, watching the two from his position.     

She turned her head and nodded at him with a small smile on her lips, "We'll be fine, don't worry."     

"I'll go check on Qinqing."     


After Lu Xian Yu left, Li Bingbing laid down on the bed and hugged her daughter. She continued on staring at her daughter's adorable and innocent face.     

At first, she didn't know that her special treatment to Qinqing was hurting her daughter. When she realized it, she couldn't help but feel horrible.     

Mengmeng has always been a sweet and reliable child. When Xia Sinian was still alive, he spoiled her with his love. Not once did he show hate towards Mengmeng.     

She has always loved her daughter and as she recalled the times where their family was still complete, where Xia Sinian was still alive, she felt a sharp pain in her chest.     

It may have been two years already but she felt like she lost Xia Sinian yesterday whenever she thought of such things.     

Mengmeng was suffering because of her. She was a mother and yet, she was failing in one. She may be in pain but she should be strong for children. She promised Xia Sinian that she would take care of the both of them, not just Qinqing.     

When she imagined how Mengmeng must have been feeling all this time, it broke her heart. She was the cause of her daughter's pain. She felt as if someone was clenching her heart.     

Li Bingbing placed a soft kiss on her daughter's forehead before she whispered, "Mama is really really sorry, baby."     

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