Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Mengmeng copied mama perfectly!

Mengmeng copied mama perfectly!

Was she finally accepting him in their life? Lu Xian Yu couldn't help but think of that.     

Li Bingbing has already decided to take slow steps in moving forward that's why to do that, she has to accept that Lu Xian Yu was never going to quit on being there for her family.     

"By the way, I'm going to take you back to China, okay? Let's live there."     

The reason why Li Bingbing left the house that Xia Sinian bough for their family was so that she could avoid Lu Xian Yu from bringing her back to that country. She wanted to live in a house filled with her memories with her husband.     

"I'm not telling you to forget him." He suddenly said. "I know that the house in Switzerland is something very important to you."     

"Are you a mind reader? In situations like this, you've been always guessing my thoughts right." Why was it like whenever Lu Xian Yu was comforting her, he always knew what to do and say, she somehow find that unfair. Was she so easy to read?     

He chuckled lightly, "Maybe I am." Although in truth, he was just trying to understand her situation.     

They stared at each other for a while before they smiled.     

She raised a brow at him, "Why should I live with you? You're not my boyfriend or even my husband."     

"Then hurry up and make me as one." He answered with a cheeky grin.     

"Why should I? I don't even love you." Besides, whatever she was feeling for him a few years ago was all gone. "But... the children will definitely look for you." She sighed, "I'm going to treat this as a vacation for them."     

Lu Xian Yu held her hand, a loving smile was plastered on his lips. "Thank you, Bibi."     

She turned away from his gaze, she pulled her hand back from him, "I'm only doing this for my kids."     

"I'll make you fall hard for me," said Lu Xian Yu with a grin.     

She raised a brow as she turned back to him, "I don't think that I'll fall for a womanizer like you. I'm never going to love aga-"     

He placed a finger on her lips to make her stop, "I have two beautiful women in my life, why should I look for others? Besides, didn't I just tell you that I'll make you fall hard for me?"     

He placed his hand on her waist and pulled her against him, he slowly leaned close to her face.     

Li Bingbing didn't stop him from closing in but when his lips were an inch away from her lips, she smirked and kneed him on his crotch, making him take a step back as he bent to cup his aching crotch.     


She shrugged before she passed by him, "You never learn."     

"F*ck!" Wasn't she worried that if she damaged his family jewels, they wouldn't be able to have another child of their own?     

"Yeah, just f*ck yourself, Xian Yu." She sneered at him before she left him there.     

As she walked back to the mansion, she placed a hand on her chest. Why was it beating fast?     


Mengmeng and Qinqing were looking at their parents with a confused look on their faces.     

Lu Xian Yu was glaring at Li Bingbing while she was reading her kids a book, totally ignoring him.     

She only turned to him after she noticed that the kids were distracted by Lu Xian Yu. "Xian Yu, please be good and leave this room. You're being so ugly right now that my dear children couldn't sleep."     

He knitted his brows together at the mention of 'ugly'. "Are you blind?"     

Li Bingbing inwardly rolled her eyes before she turned her gaze back to the book. "My children can't sleep-"     

She was cut off when her face was hit by a pillow.     

She took the pillow and looked darkly at Lu Xian Yu, "Bastard! You f*cking piece of sh*t! Did you just-"     

"Language, Bibi! We have children with us," scolded Lu Xian Yu.     

It was then that Li Bingbing remembered that her children were in the same room. The dark expression in her face faded and instead, it was replaced by a sweet smile when she turned to her two kids.     

"My adorable children, please ignore what mama just said, okay? You didn't hear anything at all!"     

Qinqing blinked a few times and tilted his head to the side in a cute manner, "Mama, what is 'fuc-"     

"Qinqing, Mengmeng, if you ignore the words I said earlier, I'm going to treat you some cotton candies." She hurriedly bribed them. "You should just forget it and never use it to anyone!"     

Mengmeng blinked a few times. Why was her mother nervous and restless? Since it looked like her mother was being serious, she raised her two fingers, "It should be two cotton candies for me and Qinqing!"     

Qinqing nodded in agreement. "Also dog!"     

Mengmeng's eyes sparkled in excitement when she heard what her brother said, "Yes, yes! You have to give us a cute cute puppy!"     

"Tomorrow!" Added Qinqing.     

Mengmeng nodded, agreeing to her brother's words, "Yes! Mama should give us a puppy tomorrow only then we will forget mama's words!"     

"Mengmeng... Qinqing..."     

Lu Xian Yu was trying his best not to laugh at Li Bingbing's devastated look. Well, she got herself into it.     

"Bastard! You f*cking piece of shit!"     

Lu Xian Yu and Li Bingbing's head were suddenly snapped to Mengmeng in surprise.     

"See Qinqing? Mengmeng copied mama perfectly!"     

"I wanna try!" Qinqing cleared his throat before he opened his mouth and was about to say it as well but his lips were instantly covered by Li Bingbing's palm.     

"Okay! Okay! I'm going to do what you want just forget it already!" Li Bingbing finally gave up.     

Lu Xian Yu got off the bed with a serious look on his face, "Come, Mengmeng, you should wash your mouth."     

Mengmeng blinked a few times in confusion, "Huh?"     

He turned to Li Bingbing with a blaming look on his face. "I need to give you a word after this, Bibi."     

"What word are you going to give mama, dada?" Qinqing asked innocently.     

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