Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

This is too awesome

This is too awesome


Everyone greeted him the moment he entered the dining room.     

Lu Xian Yu's men and servants were all there. Li Bingbing was standing in front of them, holding his birthday cake.     

The room was filled with balloons and there was a big tarpaulin with a 'Happy Birthday' written in it. Well, it looked like a kid was the one having a birthday party because of how colorful the room was but it was all because of Mengmeng and Qinqing's suggestions.     

The table was filled with different delicacies, cupcakes, cookies that were shaped into Mickey mouse and other animal cartoons.     

The balloons had Lu Xian Yu's face on them and it was a bit... creepy since it looked like his heads were floating around. It looked more like a kiddie Halloween party.     

When the members of the Seven stars that were present in the country arrived earlier, they were totally surprised by how everything was prepared. It was definitely something their boss wouldn't like! Heck, they even thought that their boss would definitely hide in embarrassment from it.     

They suggested to Li Bingbing that she should change the style but when the kids heard of it, they argued with them, saying that their father would totally love it that way!     

Lu Xian Yu was genuinely surprised by their preparation even if he already found out from his children that a surprise was waiting for him.     

He didn't know whether to laugh or to cry at how the room was designed.     

"Don't look at me, it was the children's idea to do it this way." Li Bingbing said as she approached him.     

"Dada, do you like it?" Qinqing asked, looking up to him with a hopeful gaze in his eyes.     

"No way our boss is going to like something like this," Shinhu whispered. "It's so childish and creepy."     

"Shh, if the kids heard you, you'll make them cry. Your head will surely float together with those balloons." Tumi warned in a whispering tone.     

Because of Lu Xian Yu's sharp hearing sense, he was able to hear the whisperings of his men but he decided to ignore them.     

He smiled at Qinqing and patted his head, "You prepared all of these for me?"     

Qinqing nodded cutely, "Jiejie and mama helped too!"     

A loud gasp was heard and everyone's heads turned to Shen Juan who just entered the room.     

"What the..." He knew that Li Bingbing and the children were preparing a surprise for his boss but this is just... something that he never expected.     

A light laugh was heard from Lu Xian Yu, "This is too awesome!"     

Mengmeng beamed in delight when she heard her father, "I'm glad that daddy likes the surprise!"     

"Of course, I do! This is one of the best birthdays I ever had!" He grinned at her.     

Li Bingbing sighed in relief, she was actually also worried about how Lu Xian Yu would react. When she learned about what their children were planning, she was hesitant of doing it that she tried to convince them to change their minds but... kids will be kids, they will never change their minds once they set it up.     

Lu Xian Yu turned to Li Bingbing and smiled, "Thank you, Bibi."     

"I just helped out, the idea belonged to the kids." She smiled back at him.     

"We should sing the birthday song so that daddy can blow the candle already!"     

Qinqing agreed at what his sister said, "Also don't forget to make a wish first, dada."     


Later that night, Lu Xian Yu and his family went to attend another party that was prepared where the Lu family and Xia family was going to celebrate Lu Yifeng and his birthday.     

In the party, Lu Xian Yu finally introduced Li Bingbing to his mother and grandfather.     

"All this time, I already have a granddaughter and you didn't tell it to me?" Jing Yue complained.     

"I was too busy back then." Lu Xian Yu reasoned out.     

Jing Yue turned to Qinqing and Mengmeng, her heart melted just by looking at them.     

"Hello, grandma, great grandpa Qian, my name is Lu Mengjie," Mengmeng said in a polite manner.     

"I'm Xia Liqin," followed Qinqing.     

"Xia?" Lu Qian furrowed his brows in confusion.     

"I'll explain it to you later."     

"Mamie Ji Ruo! Great-grandpa Qian!" Xia Meilin and Lu Yifeng's twin girls happily greeted their elderlies.     

Mengmeng smiled happily upon seeing the twins, "Xiao Xing! Xiao Chun, you're here too?!"     

Little Spring grinned at her, "Of course!" She turned to Qinqing and her eyes sparkled, "Qinqing is here too! My adorable baby cousin!"     

She gave him a hug, "I missed you sooo much!"     

"S-Sister Weichun... not too tight..."     

Little Spring quickly pulled away and chuckled, "Oh, sorry!"     

Little Star sighed at how energetic her twin was. "Go easy on him, sister."     

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