Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

What about now?

What about now?

Li Bingbing was confused with what they were talking about that was why she turned to Shen Juan, "Tell me."     

Shen Juan hesitated, especially with the warning look that his boss was giving him.     

Li Bingbing sighed inwardly. If Lu Xian Yu didn't want to talk about it then she was not going to force him.     

"Shen Juan, leave us."     

Shen Juan stared at his boss for a while before he followed his order, leaving the two alone in the room.     

"What is it?" She raised a brow at him.     

Lu Xian Yu placed the files on his desk before he stood up from his seat. He went and sat beside her, "You know how dangerous my job is."     

"I know." The people who were after him wouldn't even pity a child.     

When she remembered how Little Melon was kidnaped with her back then, the people who had them beat Little Melon for crying. It was really a good thing that Lu Xian Yu and the others came right in time.     

She didn't want that to happen to her children. She looked at Lu Xian Yu and remembered where he took the shot for her.     

He smiled as if he wasn't hit by a bullet. Why was he smiling when he was shot? She knew why, that was because he was glad that... she didn't get hurt.     

She unconsciously held his hand when she remembered that horrible time, it honestly scared her when he was brought to the hospital and the doctor said that he has a 50/50 chance surviving since the bullet was in a critical position.     

Lu Xian Yu was a bit surprised when Li Bingbing suddenly held his hand. He looked at her and saw the fear in her eyes, what was she thinking about?     


When she thought of Lu Xian Yu dying, she felt her heart being ripped apart and she ended up holding his hand tight.     

No, she can't lose him too...     

Lu Xian Yu pulled her hand and kissed the back of it, "I've decided to leave my work."     

His identity as the Masked Demon was a criminal, he had killed countless of people. There were some people of the law who was doubting that he was the Masked Demon but since they don't have any evidence to prove it, they could never touch or capture him.     

"If you quit your work... will the people who are trying to come after you stop?"     

"No." He closed his eyes, "That's why I need to erase them first."     

"Then even if you want to quit, they will still be coming after you. Tell me, Xian Yu, when will this be over?"     

Lu Xian Yu lowered his head. Li Bingbing was right, he would not be able to hide the kids from his enemies forever. He may have a list of those who were after him but when will it be over? It was not going to be easy to go after them.     

He suddenly remembered what Shen Juan suggested. If he was going to be the ruler of the underground syndicate... all of those who are coming after him would surely stop, they would surely fear him and because of that fear, they would not dare try to come across him since he would have the ability to eradicate their entire clan.     

Li Bingbing squeezed his hand, "I'm going to help you hunt them."     

He turned to Li Bingbing in surprise.     

"I can use my skills to hide my children, I can be your eyes and ears against the people who want to harm us." She was not going to sit still knowing that she could do something to help him.     

"Bibi, I can't allow you to be included in this. You don't know how dangerous they are."     

Li Bingbing rolled her eyes and snorted, "Oh please, if I can hide from you for years, how much more them? Don't you dare underestimate me, Xian Yu."     

"I'm not underestimating you but you should not overestimate yourself, Bibi."     

If she was going to deal with the people from the Azure Republic, he was sure that there were people that were better than her.     

The Azure Republic was an independent state, a haven for mercenaries and it was where the Wolf King was ruling. It values the ways of ancient martial arts that is why, weapons weren't allowed in that place.     

It is a nearly lawless place, only the Wolf King could add and remove whatever laws he wanted that was why it has its own set of rules.     

It is located somewhere in Europe but it could never be seen on the maps. Entering the Azure Republic wasn't easy, a person needed to have a special pass to enter it.     

Commoners who dare try to approach the place without the pass was either going to be killed on the spot or if they got lucky, be send back to wherever they came from.     

Weapons may not be allowed in that place but it was rumored that the Azure Republic held a dangerous weapon that could destroy a country in an instant, something worse than a nuclear bomb, this is why most countries wouldn't want to interfere with them.     

Since the Azure Republic existed until now without any regulations or provocation from other countries, it must have its own complete set of rules and system.      

Li Bingbing crossed her arms and huffed, "I'm not overestimating myself, it's just, I never met anyone who could stand against me in terms of hacking."     

He smiled and patted her head, "Are you that amazing?"     

She slapped off his hand, "Of course, I am!"     

Lu Xian Yu couldn't help but chuckle as he stared at her. "You know, I suddenly regretted taking this line of work."     

"What made you take this kind of job?"     

"The young, innocent me back then was someone who easily gets bored, I have also wanted to do something that can thrill me so I decided to do this. The harder my mission is, the better."     

"What about now?"     

His look turned soft at her, a loving smile was seen on his lips, "Right now, I just want to be with you and our family."     

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