Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband



It was quiet in the car and Li Bingbing was ignoring Lu Xian Yu really well.     

Lu Xian Yu sighed inwardly since he didn't know why she was suddenly acting up this way.     

"Sweetheart..." He leaned and hugged her from the side, nuzzling his face on the crook of her neck, earning a yelp from her.     

"What the hell are you doing?!" She tried to push his face away from her.     

"Don't ignore me."     

She furrowed her brows, "What are you, a kid?"     

Shen Juan, who was driving the car decided to close the divider, he didn't want to be fed by any dog food coming from them.     

"You're so annoying." She huffed.     

The reason why she was so annoyed at him at that moment was that he spoiled the moment earlier. After gathering enough courage to tell him that she was going to accept him as a lover, he just has to spoil it.     

She had been thinking for days about that. She knew that she was growing feelings for Lu Xian Yu even if she told herself that she was not going to love again.     

Xia Sinian was her first love and she didn't want to forget him at all. She wanted to love him and be the only man for her until the end but her broken heart was being healed by Lu Xian Yu, it was hard for her to ignore her growing feelings.     

It was hard for her part, she didn't know what to do but one thing was for sure, her children needed Lu Xian Yu in their life as a father figure. Aside from that, he was supporting her in taking care of the children, he was even better than her in being a parent.     

It was until one night, she dreamt of Xia Sinian, it was actually the day before he passed away. He told her that he wanted her to be happy and to take care of the kids.     

Maybe he knew that his time was coming up that was why he told her those things?     

She woke up crying that night, she still felt the pain and sadness. She missed him so much.     

Since Lu Xian Yu was sleeping beside her, when he heard her soft sobs, it was he who comforted her that night, no, just like always. It was always him who was there for her whenever she was down, it was he who brought warmth and made her feel that she was not alone in facing her problems and sadness.     

In that same night, she finally accepted her feelings for him.     

"There you again, your mind is suddenly flying off to somewhere." Lu Xian Yu's snapped her back. "What are you thinking about?"     

She looked at him for a while, a small smile found its way on her lips. "Will you really stay with me no matter what?"     

He blinked a few times at what she suddenly asked.     

"I have two kids, I am already married and I-"     

Her lips were suddenly sealed by him, surprising her. He moved his lips gently and carefully.     

She slowly closed her eyes and accepted his kiss. She placed her hands on his chest as she kissed him back.     

The kiss was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below her ear, his thumb caressing her cheek as their breaths mingled. She ran her hands to his back pulling him closer until there was no space left between them and she could feel the beating of his heart against her chest.     

It was just like hers, she could feel how strong their hearts were thumping in sync.     

After a short moment, Lu Xian Yu pulled away a bit that their breaths were still mingling with each other, "I don't care about those things... I just want you for me, you alone and no one else." His voice was low and husky, giving her goosebumps.     

She felt her face heat up although she managed to let out a light chuckle, "You're so stubborn and persistent."     

He smiled at her, "That, I won't deny." He leaned and began nuzzling her neck with delicate kisses.     

She inhaled sharply. Her body was melting in his strong arms, she couldn't help but feel safe as well.     

"Xian Yu..." She breathed out his name.     


Before she could tell him what she wanted to say earlier, giggles came out of her mouth. "No... haha... no, not there."     

Not long, her giggles turned to laughter, "Lu Xian Yu... hahaha! Stop!"     

Instead of continuing to their heated moment, he started tickling her on her sides instead. "Hahaha! Idiot! Stop!"     

She tried pushing him away from her but he wouldn't budge.     

Lu Xian Yu was grinning, ear to ear. It has been so long since he heard her laugh. Her laughs were like music to his ears and he wanted to hear more of them.     

Shen Juan wondered on why laughter was suddenly heard from the back. Did they totally become crazy?     

Lu Xian Yu finally stopped on tickling her, instead, he hugged her close in his arms.     

Li Bingbing was breathless because of the continuous laughing. She raised her head and glared at him when her breathing finally became even, "What was that about?"     

Instead of answering her question, he smiled happily and said, "I love you, Bibi."     

He really hoped that she could continue on smiling and laughing because of him.     

Li Bingbing pouted, "Stupid." She buried her blushing face on his chest.     

Why was she suddenly feeling embarrassed? It was not like her to feel that way!     

Although... what he was making her feel wasn't bad at all. The side of her lips curled up. She wanted to feel more of that from him.     

"I guess we're an official couple now, eh?"     

She turned and raised a brow at him, "Shouldn't that be obvious?"     

"Well then, tell me, Bibi. Are you finally falling in love with me?"     

What was that smug look on his face? She suddenly had the urge to ignore that question.     

She huffed and crossed her arms. "So what if I am? What are you going to do about it?"     

He chuckled lightly, "I finally have my first win against you."     

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