Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Are we really destined to die?

Are we really destined to die?

As Tumi and Qiang Wei followed the red dot on the map that Kozu sent them, they found out that they were heading to the airport.     

There they saw carrying an unconscious Mengmeng through the gate without the guards stopping her. Sui Zi looked like she was carrying a sleeping child that was why the guards didn't doubt her at all.     

"Shit! Shit! What are we going to do now?!" Tumi nervously faced Qiang Wei?     

"Calm down." Qiang Wei adjusted his glasses. "Instead of getting killed by the boss by letting her escape this way, let's follow her.     

"How are we supposed to know where they're heading?!"     

"Wait here." Qiang Wei went to the guard that was standing on the gate that Sui Zi entered.     

Tumi watched Qiang Wei talk to the guard. He watched him... cried and act desperate as if he was saying something sad to the guard, he even showed him his phone which the guard ended up believing him.     

After a short while, Qiang Wei returned to him.     

"It looks like that woman is from the Azure Republic. If what I am thinking is right, we really should follow them and get back our young miss on the process."     

"Eh? How did you found out?"     

Qiang Wei adjusted his glasses, his face void of emotion. "I told them that I was her husband. The guard told me that she was heading to France."     

Tumi: "..."     

"There's no way that the guard will believe something like that!"     

Qiang Wei took his phone out and showed him his photo with Mengmeng.     

Tumi: "..."     

He quietly turned away and bought tickets for them. They were able to board the same plane as Sui Zi and Mengmeng. Although Sui Zi and Meimei were in the first-class cabin while Qiang Wei and Tumi were in the economy class.     

"I'm going to check on them." Qiang Wei stood.     

"Call me if you need help."     


Mengmeng woke up only to see the lady she saw earlier but this time, she was sitting with an old man.     

Instead of freaking out, Mengmeng, as rather calm, unlike ordinary children who would cry.     

She noticed that she was in a strange place. When she saw the clouds by the window, her eyes went wide in surprise. She quickly turned to Sui Zi and the old man.     

"Where are you taking me?" The little girl asked with a serious look on her face.     

Sui Zi and the old man were surprised upon seeing how calm Mengmeng was.     

The old man chuckled, "She surely is the daughter of the Masked Demon."     

Mengmeng furrowed her brows, "Sir, Madam, why did you abduct me? Do you know that kidnapping is bad?"     

Sui Zi smirked, "We are not kidnapping you, we are simply borrowing you. Don't worry, as long as you'll behave, nothing will happen to you. It's your father that we want."     

"My daddy? What do you want from my daddy?"     

"I'm afraid that we cannot tell you that."     

"Hmp, fine. But don't say that I didn't warn you, my daddy will surely come and save me!"     

The old man chuckled in amusement. That was their plan in the first place.     


When Qiang Wei took a peek in the first class area, he was surprised to see the old man. 'What was Black Bull[1] doing here?'     

His speculations were definitely right! The Wolf King was behind Mengmeng's abduction!     

He should let his boss know of it as soon as possible! He was surely going to fall into a trap if he continued on going after Mengmeng.     

He quickly went back to Tumi.     

"What happened?" Tumi asked in confusion when he saw Qiang Wei's pale face, he looked as if he was drained of life!     

"The Black Bull is here."     

Tumi's eyes went wide as if his eyeballs were going to pop out of his sockets.     

Black Bull was one of the four captains that lead Han Qinshan's men. He may look old but he was not an ordinary man, he is a ferocious fighter like their boss. It was said that he could kill a person with one finger.     

If Qiang Wei and Tumi fought him together, it would surely be a hard win.     

If that old man was there then the woman, Sui Zi... could she be his granddaughter, Little Flower?     

It was also rumored that Black Bull's only disciple was his granddaughter who would love to follow him around.      

"Shit... Are we really destined to die?" Mumbled Tumi.     

If they were to come back without their young miss, Lu Xian Yu would definitely bury them alive! On the other hand, if they were going to face the enemy, their chance of successfully defeating them was... A total of 0.005%!     

If it was only Black Bull, their chances of winning could be a bit higher but his disciple was with him!     


A few seconds after the flight took off, Li Bingbing arrived. She felt her heart drop when she realized that they were at the airport.     

Lu Xian Yu's car arrived a few moments after she did.     

"Have you found her?" He hurriedly went to Li Bingbing's side.     

Li Bingbing's tears were on the verge of falling when she turned to Lu Xian Yu. "X-Xian Yu... Mengmeng... Someone took Mengmeng..."     

Just by looking at her, he was able to get the answer. He held her shoulder, "It's going to be alright, Bibi, we're going to find her."     

He turned to the butler and the maid that was with her, "Go look for her inside. I will check the surveillance cameras of the airport."     

Li Bingbing clenched his shirt, "I'm coming with you!" If it came to searching for someone, it was Li Bingbing's specialty, all she has to do was to install Kozu in the airport's system.     

[1] I'm a fan of Black Clover so please ignore his name :face_with_tears_of_joy:     

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