Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Boss, are you alright?

Boss, are you alright?

Upon hearing Lu Xian Yu's answer, Li Bingbing could feel a warm tingling sensation growing in her chest.     

For some reason, Li Bingbing's eyes were brimming with tears. "Even if you will not allow me to help you, I'm still going to help you... You are not allowed to die, Xian Yu, I can't allow you to die."     

He chuckled lightly when he saw her tearful gaze, "When did you become such a crybaby?"     

He reached out and wiped the tears that formed at the side of her eyes with his thumbs.     

She pursed her lips and looked away, "Fuck you."     

He laughed lightly at her remarks. He pulled her in his arms before he asked, "Is that an insult or would you want to fuck me right now?"     

Li Bingbing frowned as she turned her head back to him, although, despite the frown on her face, she could feel her heart pick up its pace.     

He caressed her cheek with his thumb, looking gently at her. He always had the urge to touch her and kiss her but he didn't want to do it without her permission so for the past weeks, he has been teasing her since he wanted her to feel the desperation he was feeling.     

Was he going to kiss her this time? She couldn't help but think. He has received enough beatings from her whenever he teased her.     

She locked her eyes on him, the closer his face was getting, the faster her heart was racing, she felt like she was about to have a heart attack!     

On instinct, she closed her eyes. This time, she was sure that she was going to receive a kiss from him since the look in his eyes was different.     

Instead of feeling a warm touch on her lips, she felt it on her forehead.     

Lu Xian Yu pulled away from her and stood up, "It's time for us to pick the children, let's go."     

Li Bingbing opened her eyes and glared at him, "That's it! I have enough of it you fucking douchebag!" She climbed up the sofa and held him by his collar. In one swift move, she pulled him to her and caught his lips with hers.     

He was surprised but what she did and when he realized that she was kissing him hard, joy filled his body.     

She pulled away from him and gave him a deathly glare, "If you are not going to kiss me back, I'm going to kill you right now!"     

He laughed lightly, "Didn't you just said that I am not allowed to die?"     

"Bullshit! I'm the only one who's allowed to kill you!" She held his chin and kissed him once again.     

This time, Lu Xian Yu kissed her back. Finally, finally she was accepting him in her life.     

Unable to contain themselves anymore, Lu Xian held Li Bingbing's head in his hands, deepening the kiss, turning it to a fiery and passionate kiss.     

Her hands started working their way around his body, feeling each crevasse, each line along his perfect physique.      

Without breaking the kiss, he move his hand on her back, supporting her as he made her lied down on the sofa. Lu Xian Yu's hands ventured over her curved body, exploring.     

They pulled apart, their breathes shaky and shallow. They stared at each other, deep into each other's eyes. Lu Xian Yu's eyes were full of longingness and love. No words were spoken but in that moment, they understood each other.     

Lu Xian Yu leaned in and kissed her softly, up and down Li Bingbing's neck, making her let out little whimpers of anticipation.     

He worked his way back to her tender, smooth lips. "Bibi..."     

She opened her eyes and smiled after pulling away from the kiss, blushing. "Xian Yu... I-"     

"Let's save this for later," He suddenly cut her off with a small smile on his lips, "We can't make our kids wait."     

Because of the annoyance she was feeling, she pinched his nipple as hard as she could.     

"OW!" He slapped her hand away and covered his man-breasts with his hands, "LI BINGBING, ARE YOU CRAZY?!"     

She raised a brow, "Me? Crazy?" She pushed him away and sat down, she reached out and pinched his cheeks this time, "You are so, so annoying! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"     

"OW! OW! OW!"     

He held her wrists and pulled them away from him. What did he do to her this time?     

She was glaring angrily at him as if she was really going to kill him. He was distracted by her glares that he didn't expect her to kick his stomach, making him let go of her wrists.     

He bent and hugged his stomach, "SERIOUSLY, BIBI?!"     

"You should be grateful that I didn't hit your family jewels this time." She huffed, crossing her arms. "I will need them working in the future."     

She jumped off the couch and went out of the room in a hurry.     

Meanwhile, the pain he felt faded as Lu Xian Yu tried to register the words she just told him.     

Shen Juan peeked from the door, when he saw his boss all curled up, he couldn't help but ask, "Boss, are you alright?"     

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