Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Mello's telling the truth!

Mello's telling the truth!

"Don't tell him." Xia Meilin clearly knew that Li Bingbing has feelings for her brother and she would probably do something to get Xia Sinian back. Not wanting Lu Xian Yu to come in between, Xia Meilin can only ask for her husband's help. "Bingbing loves someone else. Besides, she did tell him that they're just 'friends' so he has no right to be with Bingbing unless they love each other."     

Lu Yifeng cupped her cheek and bowed his head to kiss her lips softly. "Leave everything to me."     

Xia Meilin smiled. "Okay. Thank you, dear."     

Even if Xia Meilin wouldn't ask Lu Yifeng for help, Lu Yifeng would still go and talk to Lu Xian Yu. After finding out that his brother was after Li Bingbing, he knew that he needed to do something to separate them. He knew what kind of person Lu Xian Yu was.     


Lu Xian Yu was waiting by the living room with Little Melon who was waiting for his parents. Both of them were staring at each other.     

"Uncle Xian Yu, why do you look like dada? Except for your hair, why is it gray?" Little Melon asked as he stared cutely at his uncle.     

Lu Xian Yu chuckled at his question. "I'm your father's brother. I need to look like him." He raked his fingers through his hair. "And this? My hair is beautiful isn't it?"     

"They look like an old man's hair. Just a bit darker. Uncle Xian Yu has an old man's hair." Little Melon had a blank look on his face while he continued staring at him.     

Lu Xian Yu smiled at what he said, that was what his classmate said back then. Should he change his hair color then? He stood up and sat in front of Little Melon before he reached out and lightly poked his cheek. "I feel like I'm being bullied for my hair."     

Little Melon pouted when Lu Xian Yu started poking his cheek. "Mello's telling the truth. Old man's hair is no good for uncle Xian Yu."     

"Really? Do you think this might be the reason why your sister Bingbing won't date me? Should I change the color?"     

Little Melon nodded a few times before he grinned cutely, "Make it green or red or blue! If it's eye-catching, sister Bingbing will notice uncle Xian Yu!"     

Lu Xian Yu chuckled and decided to go along with him, "Really? Will she finally notice me if I do what you said?"     

Little Melon nodded vigorously, "Yes! It would be better if it's rainbow instead! Sister Bingbing's preferences are unique so uncle Xian Yu needs something that will catch sister's attention!"     

"Okay, that's enough you two." Xia Meilin chuckled as she entered the living room. "Come, Xiao Gua. Daddy has something else to do so I will be the only one who will drop you today."     

"Okay!" Little Melon jumped down from the sofa and took his bag. "See you later, dada! Bye bye, uncle Xian Yu!"     

Lu Xian Yu grinned and waved at the little boy as he watched him leave the living room with his mother.     

After bidding goodbye to Little Melon, Lu Yifeng went to see his brother.     

"Brother, where did you keep Li Bingbing?" Lu Xian Yu asked directly, his playful face becoming serious.     

Even though he thought that there was a possibility that Li Bingbing would go to Xia Sinian, Xia Sinian wasn't going to allow her near him.     

Lu Yifeng didn't give him a quick reply, instead, he took his time and went to sit on the couch. "Tell me, why are you into her, Xian Yu? Do you love her?"     

Lu Xian Yu frowned, "That question again. Do I need to love her just to have her?"     

Lu Yifeng took a glance at his wrist watch, he was not in a hurry so he decided to make use of the time to discipline his brother. He would not allow him to do the same mistake that he made in the past. "If you don't love her, then why are you so persistent in having her?"     

"She's my type." Lu Xian Yu casually answered. "She's like one of the limited edition cars that I must have."     

"If it's like that, then just give up."     

The look on Lu Yifeng's face was blank, his eyes were cold. Lu Xian Yu knew that Lu Yifeng was being serious at that moment but despite that, he laughed at this. "I can't. I will make her mine whether she likes it or not."     

"She has someone else she loves."     

"So what?" Lu Xian Yu already knew that so that wasn't something new to him. But for some reason, there was some strange pain welling up in his chest. "Come on, brother. Just tell me where she is. This is my business so let me handle it."     

"She is my worker. I can't do that."     

"Lu Yifeng." Lu Xian Yu started glaring at his brother but Lu Yifeng didn't mind it.     

"Are you sure you don't love her? You're acting like you do."     

"Bullsh*t! I already told you that I don't love her!"     

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