Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Cute Little Bunny

Cute Little Bunny

Li Bingbing wanted to slap his hand away but she has to play her plan well if she wanted to make him believe that she was not a threat. "I will. But first, let me see your medical certificate. I want to see proof that you're clean."     

"..." The smile on his face disappeared. She was really serious about that?     

"I forgot." He couldn't have possibly brought something like that around with him. Never in his life did a woman look for a medical certificate from him.     

She smirked inwardly. "Then you have to go home now, babe. I can't invite you to my place without seeing it."     

He narrowed his eyes as he tightened his hold around her waist, pressing her body against his. He was not going to leave just like that, not after all the effort of personally coming to her place. "Not a chance."     

She pouted her lips. She knew that Lu Xian Yu wasn't going to give in that easily, that's why she said, "Hmp. Fine. I'll let you in just this once so can you please release me?"     

Lu Xian Yu couldn't but find Li Bingbing adorable. She was small and she looked so innocent as a cute little bunny. Because of this, he leaned down and kissed her pouting lips.     

Li Bingbing didn't resist the kiss and instead, she held him by his nape before she pulled him by the doorway.     

They shared a deep and passionate kiss right there. Lu Xian Yu slipped his tongue in her mouth and Li Bingbing met it with hers. They were moving their tongues in sync.     

Lu Xian Yu thought that everything was going well until... she kneed him on his crotch, making him release her in an instant to bend and cup it.     

"BITCH!!!" He groaned in pain.     

Who would have thought that this little bunny who looked as innocent as an angel was actually a mischievous devil?     

The soft look in Li Bingbing's eyes was replaced by a playful and mischievous stare.     

"Oops. Sorry, I was too consumed by the kiss... my knee slipped." Although instead of looking apologetic, Li Bingbing had a triumphant smirk plastered on her face.     

"I SWEAR IF MY-     

Before he could finish his sentence, she slammed the door on his face which made him fall on the ground this time. His face and crotch were in so much pain that he wasn't able to sit up at all!     

"I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!! JUST YOU WAIT, LI BINGBING!!" Lu Xian Yu was so furious right now since he has never experienced such kind of humiliation. He was not only rejected but he was beaten down to the ground all because he was caught off guard by her!     

He tried to sit up but he was having a hard time. If his family jewels were crushed, he would surely make her suffer! This was the second time that he was kneed on his crotch without a warning.     

Li Bingbing slightly opened the door and looked down at him with a sneer. "I'll take you on any time, babe. Just visit me anytime you want, I will just be here."     

She blew a kiss to him before she shut her door and locked it.     

She touched her lips and smirked. "Ah, I got a kiss from a handsome man~" She chuckled a bit before she wiped her lips clean and in a blink of an eye, her face turned blank. "Tch, I can't believe I kissed a manwhore like him."     

Kozu, who watched everything happened was quiet. It was a good thing that he was not a real man or else, what could this bipolar, crazy, and sadistic woman do to him if he really became her real husband.     

Ahh... it was a good thing that Kuro and Sebby were out or else they could have electrocuted the poor man outside. Those two were sadistic and mischievous like Li Bingbing.     

Lu Xian Yu stayed outside for a while until the pain he felt on his lower region lessened. He was really tempted to kick her door down but since his lower region was still aching a bit, he decided to leave the place. His face was cold and a heavy air was felt around him. Next time... after he recovered... He would surely make her pay!     

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