Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

What's your friend's name?

What's your friend's name?

Lu Xian Yu was starting to get excited, "Ahh, how would I know?"     

"This is a part of our game, babe. You have to find out who I am. Let's see how good your skills are." Li Bingbing chuckled.     

"Game? If you say so." He laughed lightly, "I would always win this kind of games you know."     

"My, then this makes it more thrilling!" Although Li Bingbing's voice sounded excited, the expression on her face was different. She looked like she was going to beat someone to a pulp.     

"Let's meet at d' Lounge by eight, what do you say?"     

d' Lounge was one of the best bars in Beijing. It has enough pretention and prestige for Mayfair. There was also a strict dress code to keep the ruffians out. The high-ceilinged factory space had been cleverly designed to resemble the vaults and buttresses of a medieval cathedral with the altar-like bar as a focal point.     

"Oh sure, as long as you promise to give me a good night." Li Bingbing lowered her voice, changing her tone in a sexy and seductive one.     

Lu Xian Yu couldn't help but be surprised by the change in her tone. This made him more curious and excited about meeting her. He was someone who can easily remember a person's voice and distinguish it, so he definitely won't have a hard time finding her tonight. "Don't worry, I'll give you the best night."     

"Mm. Before I forget, make sure to bring your medical certificate. I want proof that you're clean. I don't want to be infected by a person with STD. See you later, babe~" Without waiting for his reply, she ended the call.     

The orders were already placed on the table by the time she ended the call and Xia Meilin was looking at her with a blank look on her face, "You're going to meet him?"     

"Nah. He can wait all night." She snickered. She wasn't really serious about meeting him. "I am a busy person, I have to win a lot of games tonight. And besides, I am only willing to date 2D men. Their handsomeness is still on top of my charts. I will not betray my husbands for that Casanova."     

"He'll definitely get mad if you don't show up." Xia Meilin sighed. She knew Li Bingbing well, she was a girl who's not fond of crowded places ever since she entered her last year of college.     

"So what? He doesn't know me. As long as you won't mention me to him once you meet him in a family outing, then he won't be able to search me up." Li Bingbing started to put some food on her plate.     


After they enjoyed their lunch, Xia Meilin and Li Bingbing went shopping together just like how they usually do when they were in high school.     

"Thanks for dropping me." Li Bingbing was standing in front of her apartment, carrying her shopping bags. "Next time, you better bring lil Cupcake with us, okay?"     

Xia Meilin wasn't sure if she should bring Little Melon, after all, Li Bingbing's mouth can go out of control. "As long as you'll behave, then I will."     

She laughed lightly, "Don't worry, I will behave. See ya later, Meimei."     

"Mm, see you later."     

Li Bingbing waved before she turned and went inside her apartment. She took the elevator and when she reached her floor, she walked towards her place.     


When Xia Meilin arrived home, she saw Lu Yifeng and Lu Xian Yu sitting on the sofa.     

They both turned their heads at her when she entered. Xia Meilin was able to tell them apart now because of Lu Xian Yu's ash grey hair. Having his hair in this color made him look more attractive and foxy. Even if he has the same face as Lu Yifeng, Xia Meilin can still tell them apart. Was it because of the playful glint in Lu Xian Yu's eyes?     

"Sister-in-law! Welcome home!" Lu Xian hurriedly went to her and gave her a hug.     

"Xian Yu." The air in the room suddenly went colder.     

Lu Xian Yu pouted as he pulled away from Xia Meilin. He turned to his brother with a scowl. "You don't have to get so jealous just because I hugged her."     

"Meilin, come." Lu Yifeng called while he continued glaring at his brother.     

Lu Xian Yu can only raise his hand in surrender. "You're no fun. We have always shared our things since we were you-"     

"Now we don't." Lu Yifeng cut in before he turned to Xia Meilin, as if waiting for her to walk towards him.     

Xia Meilin can only sigh in defeat as she walked towards Lu Yifeng.     

He looked at her and held her by her waist, pulling her against him. "Welcome home."     

She felt her face warming up as her heart started racing. She placed her hands on his chest and lightly pushed him away. Although it didn't do anything to him, Lu Yifeng pulled away.     

"Oh! Look at the time. I have a date to attend. Tell mom that I'll see her tomorrow!" He was about to go out of the house but he suddenly stopped by the door and turned to Xia Meilin with a grin. "What's your friend's name, sister?"     

"..." She promised not to tell Lu Xian Yu her name... should she make something up?     

"Sister?" Lu Xian Yu was staring at her for a while before he turned to Dong Hua, Xia Meilin's personal guard who accompanied her earlier. "You went to accompany my sister, you must have seen and know her friend, right? Tell me."     

Oh sh*t! Xia Meilin completely forgot about Dong Hua!     

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