Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Surprise me

Surprise me

When Lu Xian Yu and Li Bingbing entered the kitchen, Qiao Man had already placed the food on the table. She watched Lu Xian Yu pull a chair for Li Bingbing.     

Lu Xian Yu was definitely a gentleman whenever it came to women as long as they were on his good side.     

Qiao Man could see how different Lu Xian Yu treated Li Bingbing, it was as if his patience was overflowing for her. She could even see how much adoration Lu Xian Yu had for Li Bingbing from his eyes but... Li Bingbing was the total opposite.     

She sneered inwardly when she noticed the way Li Bingbing was looking at Lu Xian Yu, she didn't have any feelings for him at all.     

Oh well, it's about time that he should have a taste of his own medicine. Li Bingbing would surely reject Lu Xian Yu if ever Lu Xian Yu would confess to her.     

After washing the dishes, Qiao Man left. Her only purpose was to make sure that Li Bingbing was doing well and eating well.     

Since Lu Xian Yu was with her, Qiao Man was sure that he wouldn't allow Li Bingbing to starve out.     

"I'll take my leave now." Lu Xian Yu said as he wore his coat.     

"Flying to Bali takes seven to nine hours you know, by the time you get there the wedding will be over." Li Bingbing said, looking at him with her arms crossed together.     

Lu Xian Yu went and stood in front of her, "It would take less if I go by jet plane." He leaned down and pecked her lips, "Don't miss me, okay?"     

Li Bingbing rolled her eyes, "As if I would."     

"Ah, you're breaking my heart with your indifference." He pouted, "Aren't you worried that I might not come back here? What if this time I'll fail?"     

Li Bingbing looked up at him and gave him a sweet smile, "Then it was nice meeting you, babe. Good riddance!"     

His frown went deeper with what she said, this girl didn't really feel anything for him! He pinched her cheeks hard.     


After pinching her cheek, he cupped it gently before he leaned and captured her lips again, this time it wasn't just a soft kiss, it was rough and deep.     

Li Bingbing was surprised at this at first but instead of fighting him back, she closed her eyes and hugged him by his neck. If he wanted a kiss then she would give him one.     

For some reason, a warm sensation started growing in Lu Xian Yu's chest. He had no idea what the feeling was but every time he held her in his arms, it would always grow bigger than before. He would yearn more for her touch and her presence.     

After their heated session, they only pulled away when they were already out of breath.     

It was just the same for Li Bingbing but when Lu Xian Yu leaned to kiss her again, although this time, it was on her forehead. She felt her heart skip a beat when he did.     

"Take care of yourself, okay? I'll come back to you as soon as possible." Lu Xian Yu said with a smile on his lips. It was different from his usual playful and mischievous smile. There was genuine gentleness and care for her.     

Li Bingbing couldn't help but stare at him for a short while since that gentle smile of his reminded her of how Xia Sinian would smile toward her.     

Her heart trembled because of this. What made her snapped back to reality was when Li Bingbing met Lu Xian Yu's black eyes... it was so different from Xia Sinian... No, he was not Xia Sinian.     

"Just go already." Li Bingbing made him turn his back on her before she started pushing him toward the door. "The earlier you leave the earlier you return, right?"     

"Do you want me to get you some gifts in my way back?" Lu Xian Yu asked as he was pushed out by her.     

"Surprise me." Li Bingbing stood there and stared at him before she said, "Later." After that, she shut the door and locked it.     

Lu Xian Yu sighed heavily at this. He couldn't help but feel something in between them, separating them even if they were already closer than others. What was the wall separating them? Li Bingbing was keeping something from him and the more she kept it from him, the more he wanted to know what it was.     

He decided to take care of it once he returned, for now, his focus should be in his mission.     

Meanwhile, Li Bingbing's hands were shaking after she shut the door.     

"Are you alright?" Sebby asked when he noticed how her hand shook. "Should I call for an ambulance?"     

"I'm fine." Li Bingbing hurriedly went to her room and lied down on her bed. She hugged a pillow and buried her face on it but when she did, Lu Xian Yu's scent entered her nostrils which tightened her chest.     

Since she felt suffocated by his manly scent, she threw the pillow away instead. What was happening to her? Why was she feeling so restless?     

She hugged her knees and buried her face on them instead. She was like a fetus inside a mother's womb.     

"I want to see Sisi..."     

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