Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Their past (8) (EDITED)

Their past (8) (EDITED)

When they arrived in the place where the anime convention was held, Li Bingbing was in total fangirl mode to the point where every cosplayer she gets to meet she would ask for a selfie with her. She also bought a couple of her favorite anime characters' merchandise. It was as if heaven came down to earth for her.     

Xia Sinian was quietly following her throughout the day, and he was the one who ended up carrying the things she bought. She bought so many things and walked around for so long that the bags left red marks on his smooth, round fingers     

When they decided to rest and fill their bellies, Li Bingbing realized that she was wasting her time fangirling over other men when she should actually focus on properly dating Xia Sinian instead.     

"Sisi, what do you want to do?" asked Li Bingbing. It wouldn't be fair if she was the only one enjoying her time, right?     


Li Bingbing smiled at him and said, "I've bought everything I want so now it's your turn to have some fun."     

"Oh... Can we go home now?" Xia Sinian asked with a blank look on his face. It was his place of refuge after all.     

"..." Li Bingbing went silent for what seemed hours.     

He wanted to go home... Really now?     

"What? No way! It's too early to go home!" Li Bingbing wouldn't allow things to end this way. This was her first date with Sisi!     

"Do you have somewhere else you plan to visit?" Xia Sinian asked. He really didn't mind accompanying her since he has brought his car. It won't be hard for them to go from one place to another.     

"Why me? I'm the one who asked you where you want to go."     

"Home." Xia Sinian insisted. He was not fond of visiting different kinds of places. He preferred to be inside his room, safe and sound. He wouldn't even be out here if it weren't for Li Bingbing.     

Li Bingbing pouted, "You are a very introverted person. You know that?"     

That, he won't deny. "I'll go use the CR. Please excuse me."     

Li Bingbing sighed in defeat. Even though she didn't want their first date to end this way, Li Bingbing cannot force someone who really doesn't want to go. It's such a shame.     

"She's a virgin?"     

"Yeah, I'm pretty lucky to hit the jackpot."     

Li Bingbing's ears perked up when she heard the conversation of the group sitting on the table behind her.     

"I thought that you preferred experienced women?"     

The man shrugged, "I do but that can't be helped if she's a virgin, right?"     

"Well yeah... we as men prefer it if we got to be our girlfriend's first, but I still can't help but want experienced women that know what they want."     

A virgin... but an experienced woman...huh?     

Li Bingbing was a virgin, but what if Xia Sinian preferred experienced women? It looks like she needs to do something about it soon.     

When Xia Sinian returned, he noticed that Li Bingbing was in deep thought. He stared at her beautiful face for a second before speaking, "Li Bingbing, are you alright?"     

Li Bingbing snapped back to reality when she heard Xia Sinian's sweet voice, "Ah, nothing. I was just thinking of something. Anyways, do you want to go to the zoo instead?"     

"The, he paused for a second as confusion raided his face, zoo?"     

"Well... it would be a waste if we went home early. So, why don't we visit a few places before we go back?" Li Bingbing pursed her lips and locked her eyes on his.     

What in the world would they do at the zoo?     

A small blush covered his round cheeks when Xia Sinian thought that it was turning out more like a date, but Xia Sinian quickly shook that thought off his mind. It was not a date, why would Li Bingbing date a fat guy like him? He knew that she preferred men with hot bodies because she fangirled to every cosplayer at the convention, so it was impossible for her to even consider him. Because of such rampant thoughts, Xia Sinian's insecurities controlled his mind.     

Meanwhile, Li Bingbing thought that it wasn't appropriate to confess to him yet because she needed to do some research before she can have a serious relationship with Xia Sinian. It's going to be a long night, she thought to herself.     


As usual, Xia Sinian was quietly following Li Bingbing around, but, despite how he acted and what his demeanor portrayed, he was quietly enjoying his time with her.     

Li Bingbing was lively, so he couldn't help but be influenced by her bright personality. Whenever she did something, he had to mimic her. Well, at least tried to mimic her.     

Aside from that, she took a lot of photos with him, so it was finally turning out like a proper date for them. Even if it were places like the zoo, Xia Sinian didn't mind hanging out with her because of her liveliness.     

Li Bingbing was happy because Xia Sinian was treating her well throughout the day. He was different from other men who would treat her like she was some wild animal wreaking havoc in the streets. Whenever she was with Xia Sinian, she felt more like a girl, and this made her admire him more, strengthening her love.     

"What kind of animal do you love the most?" asked Li Bingbing. Having wrapped up their date, Xia Sinian decided to drive her home. He can't call himself a man if he can't do that much!     

"Panda," said Xia Sinian while looking at the road, his eyes fully absorbed as if they're preparing for the worst.     

Li Bingbing giggled, "Yes, I love pandas too. They're like you, adorable and fluffy."     


Adorable? Fluffy? Those words are not for men, and as a man, Xia Sinian didn't want her to address him that way, but what can he say? Is he handsome? Hot? He cannot complain since he wasn't, so he kept quiet and tossed those thoughts somewhere far away.     

Three months... he only has three months left before his graduation, and before then, he should take his diet seriously so that he can finally find the courage to confess to Li Bingbing and ask her out!     

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