Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband

Their past (5) (EDITED)

Their past (5) (EDITED)

"Did you just... slap me?" Li Bingbing slowly fixed her head to face Xia Meilin. The air in the room became colder than ice when Li Bingbing stood up from her seat, glaring at Xia Meilin's eyes.     

"Are you blind or dense? I just did, so what?" Xia Meilin stood up as well and came face to face with Li Bingbing. Their noses almost touched as the standoff proceeded.     

Gu Jichen was so nervous when he saw them glaring at each other. A cold sweat ran down his neck. They looked like they were going to tear each other to pieces! What should he do? Shall he call for the teacher? But what if they started fighting while he was gone? Aren't they best friends? Why are they fighting? Why did Xia Meilin slap her? She should know better than to mess with Li Bingbing! His legs subconsciously moved him closer to the commotion.     

"You bitch... are you trying to pick up a fight with me?" asked Li Bingbing with a deadly tone. A vein protruded out of her forehead. Gu Jichen has never seen her get this angry. This is bad.     

Li Bingbing's remark didn't make Xia Meilin flinch; in fact, she stood her ground like a mighty mountain. "Whose fault was it? You're the one who annoyed me first! Serves you right!"     

"That doesn't mean that you have to slap me!" growled Li Bingbing. She dug her nails into her palms to the point where she almost drew blood. Her lips twitched, "Apologize to me!"     

"Apologize? Why should I? I did nothing wrong." She scoffed as she crossed her arms. Xia Meilin turned her face away from Li Bingbing and produced a subtle smile.     

"That's it!"     

When Gu Jichen saw that Li Bingbing was about to pounce on her prey, he decided to sacrifice himself.     

"Do-Don't hurt each other! We can talk this ou—!"     

"Let's have a 1v1 battle!"     

Gu Jichen stumbled on his words and his eyes opened wide. Wait what? Did he just hear it right?     

"Sure! I accept your challenge! If I win, you have to give me the Eternal Blood Sword! said Xia Meilin, ignoring Gu Jichens's words that flew by her ears and crashed into a wall.     

"Tch, as if I'll lose to you, but I'll let you have a chance. This game is on! If I win, you have to apologize and treat me for a month." Li Bingbing smirked as if she had already won.     

Xia Meilin furrowed her brows, "I'm fine with the apologizing thing, but to treat you for a month, that's not fair!"     

"Not fair? I've spent countless sleepless nights just to attain the Eternal Blood Sword!" Li Bingbing recalled all the screams and rage that went into obtaining this sword. She even had to skip school for two weeks to ensure that the sword will fall into her hands.     

There's no way she's letting that precious item slip through her hands.     

As Gu Jichen watched the two girls bicker at each other, he was still speechless. He never expected them to fight this way... A 1v1     

"Aren't you two going to kill each other right now?" When Gu Jichen realized that he accidentally let his thoughts escape his mouth, he gulped. A shiver ran down his spine and sweat covered his forehead. Bracing himself, He subconsciously covered the thing between his pants and closed his eyes.     

Li Bingbing and Xia Meilin turned their heads to Gu Jichen and stared at him as if he were an insect. Xia Meilin raised her brow. What was this guy saying? "Are you an idiot? That's a big sin against the law, why would we do that?"     

"Don't take it seriously, Meimei, who in their right mind would do that?" Li Bingbing hanged her arm on Xia Meilin's shoulders.     

Gu Jichen turned away to face the door and rolled his eyes because he wouldn't dare do that in front of these two. He sighed, "I don't mean that literally. Anyways, I should get going." He didn't want to stay with them any longer fearing that their craziness would affect him. How did these two girls turn out to be the top students of their year again?     

"Xiao Mei, Bingbing."     

The girls turned their heads towards the entrance of the room and saw Xia Sinian standing there. His features were indistinguishable because the sun shined behind him as he stood still at the doorway.     

"Let's go, said Xia Sinian, jerking his head towards the corridor.     

As they headed out of the school, Xia Sinian's eyes caught the redness that stained Li Bingbing's left cheek, which aroused a sense of worry in him, "What happened to your cheek?"     

"Meimei slapped me." Li Bingbing rubbed her cheek and gave Xia Meilin a glance.     

"..." He turned to his sister, but his sister didn't say a word. She was busy distracting herself with the updates on her phone.     

"It really hurts, you know? Meimei is such a bad friend." Li Bingbing wiped a fake tear off from the side of her eye, acting like she was the victim. To finish off her act, she sniffed once or twice and dragged her eyes to the ground.     

Xia Meilin's brow twitched because of the words that escaped Li Bingbing lips. She turned to her with an eyebrow raised. She can't ignore her anymore. She's getting on her nerves, "Whose fault do you think it was?"     

"Not mine, I was just trying to be a good friend and wake you up. It was time to go home, replied Li Bingbing with a deadly combo of puppy eyes, a dejected tone, and a shrug.     

"You were trying to annoy me!"     

Xia Sinian couldn't help but heave out a heavy sigh as they started to argue with each other. He took out his phone and glanced at the time. "There's a newly opened pastry shop nearby, do you guys want to pass by there?" asked Xia Sinian, trying to distract them with another topic instead.     

Xia Meilin turned to her brother and tilted her head to the side. "Brother, I thought you were going to start on diet?"     

Li Bingbing frowned when she heard the word 'diet'. "Diet? Why would Sisi go for a diet? He is already in perfect shape! He doesn't need to go for a diet!" She smiled and winked at Xia Sinian.     

Does Li Bingbing have defected eyes? Something is definitely wrong with her eyes! Xia Sinian couldn't help but let out another sigh... how did he end up falling for her again?     

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