Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

I only wanted to see his penis

I only wanted to see his penis

Is he a chef hired by his son? Who says that he will cook for his son's friends? He only likes cooking for his wife and son.      

Kiyohira glances at Yuki who is looking at Yuta and Rie with a tint of jealousy and sadness in her eyes. It can't be helped. He can make an exception or two. He rubs her blonde hair and asks her with a smile, "Do you have any special demand, Yuta's friend?"     

She's startled. She moves away from him and shakes her head. She said bad stuff to them that night. Why are they not angry at her? She shouldn't have come here.      

"Yuki, come here." Rie signals the child to come to her. Yuki takes slow and cautious steps toward Rie. She glances at Yuta who nods at her. Rie smiles at her and places her hand on Yuki's back. "I am glad that you and Yuta are friends now. If he ever bullies you, you can tell me. I will hang him upside down until he apologizes to you."     

"Mother." Yuta looks at Rie with shock. "You will do that to me because of her? That's not fair."     

"How is it not fair?" She scowls at him. "You should treat your friends well. Otherwise, they will run away from you. Why does she look like that? Did you beat her up before bringing her here?"     

Beat her up? The pain in his balls is not gone yet. Who bullied who? His mother is underestimating this demon. He eyes the girl beside him. The little girl has several bruises on her face and arms. How many of them are caused by him? He regrets being an idiot and attacking a little child. Still, he won't forget how she threatened to rip his penis off. Hey, last time was not his fault. He was trying to protect his dignity.     

"It was self-defence."     

His mother narrows her eyes on him. He wipes his sweat and looks at his father for help. His father ignores him and goes to the kitchen while murmuring, "You reap what you sow."     

"Yuki, is he speaking the truth?" Rie turns her head toward Yuki.     

The girl looks at Yuta who is giving her a signal to keep her mouth shut. So, this Rabid Dog is also afraid of his mother. But, she can see that the relationship between Yuta and his mother is different from her relationship with her mother. Resentful and disconcerted, she opens her mouth and says, "He punched my back and kicked my face."     

"Hey, you!" Yuta yells. Why is this girl seeking trouble? That was self-defence for real.      

Rie shows him a smile that is not a smile. That scares Yuta who can guess that his mother is thinking of ways to torture him. What will she do now? She's already sending him to a pre-school. Is she going to hang him upside down for real?      

"I only wanted to see his penis." Yuki isn't satisfied. She's still feeling sour about earlier. She continues with an indignant voice, "He kept telling me that I was a girl. He showed me a book with pictures of male and female organs. So, I told him that I wanted to see. He wouldn't show me. He even beat me up for that."     

Sound of plates falling comes from the kitchen. Rie is frozen on her spot. What did she just hear?      

"Why are you leaving that out?" Yuta clenches his teeth. Snitch! She should have kept quiet about it. "Why don't you just say how you took my pants off and threatened to rip off my penis?"     

"I did that because you keep calling me your slave." Yuki scoffs at him. "I am not your slave. I do not belong to you. My name is not Mira. You haven't apologized to me yet."     

"You should apologize to me." Yuta points at her. "You were going to make me a eunuch. That's unforgivable. It's worse than dying."     

"Why?" Yuki smirks at him. "I guess that it still hurts. You hurt my wrist and I hurt your penis. I will do it again if you call me your slave one more time."     

"I never called you a slave." Yuta snarls at her. "I said that you belong to me. You owe me your life."     

"I don't owe anyone." Yuki grabs the waistband of Yuta's pants. "If you keep saying that, I will rip your penis off for real."     

"If you touch it again, I am going to break your hand for real." The pain due to her earlier assault hasn't disappeared yet. Yuta grasps her wrist. Even if he's threatening such things, he knows well that he won't hurt her anymore unless it's self-defence. Whether it's a child or an adult, he is not going to let anyone turn him into a eunuch.      

Rie gathers her wits when she sees Yuki trying to pull down Yuta's pants. She has never seen such a scene happening among children before. She grabs Yuki's hands and tells her with a cordial voice, "Yuki, I know that my son wronged you in many ways. Can you let go of his pants? I will make him apologize to you."     

Yuki stares at her. Rie's eyes are kind and sincere. She lets go of Yuta's pants and steps away. Yuta releases his breath. Thank goodness! His mother saved him. His penis won't get ripped off by his murderer. Why is he suffering in his second life by her hands again?      

"So." He hears his mother's low voice. "You showed her a picture book."     

To be honest, she doesn't know what to think. Yuki is a child for real and her son isn't a child. That's a reality. What should she think of her son now? She knows that Yuki was her son's lover in his past life. After reading Imamura's report, she already knows that Yuki is a female. But, showing lewd pictures to a six years old girl? Is her son a pervert?      

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